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[QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="supermechakirby"][QUOTE="hakanakumono"][QUOTE="Elviathan"]That's a pretty good score for a J-RPG other than FF. CreasianDevaili
Probably mostly for its battle system. Thats what seems to score JRPGs high these days.
tales battle system > FF Battle system
yet FF will still score high because of its name...
it would be extremely nice to see tales of vesperia get a 9.0 on here, it would be very just
yet a final fantasy comes out and is crap and at least gets a 9...
"FF only scores high because it's FF wahhh wahhh"
FF scores high because it's high quality stuff. They clearly aren't your thing if you think they are crap.
FFX and FFX-2 were both disapointments. Finished FFX with the side quests done, and got maybe 30 hours into FFX-2 before I had enough fanservice.
I love all of them from mystic quest up to FF9. FF9 was pretty fun in my opinion even though many said it was too old school and bland. Loved tactics. Enjoyed FF12 but felt the characters were mostly dead inside. Will see about FFXIII.
Tales.. well.. Loved those games too. Enjoyed the battle system and felt the optional bosses in the tales games were much harder than the latter FF series. Tales of Destiny 2 was pretty good in that regard. Tales of Eternia or something as well.
However FF does score good because of the name. Anyone can see that. Dosent mean they are all crap but you rarely see critics pointing out the flaws when they are so obvious in other games that ARE pointed out. However the FF series has been losing it's thunder for quite some time now and could use some more controversial storylines. I would love to see a FF game come out with the complexity of the Xenogears storyline. I think with the mature story and good gameplay, coupled with the high budget graphics, would breath new life into the FF series not seen for such a very long time.
rofl, it's because the "flaws" you see are the things most people (especially critics) liked.
Typicall FFX hater:
"man the sphere grid was so stupid, story was terrible, tidus was a whiny little girl, voice acting was terrible, i hated blitzball, rah rah rah etc..."
That may be your opinion but for the millions who loved that game probably thought:
"loved the sphere grid system -- really allowed for cool hybrid customization, story was beautiful and original, i think tidus is probably the first FF main character to actually behave like a normal human being, etc...."
I respect your opinion, and can see where you are coming from -- but if I told you FFX was one of my all time favorite games, would it be so hard to see where I am coming from and the majority of people who actually think FF games are of superb quality? and even if you don't like them, you should at least respect them for what they've done.
I'm not a GTA guy for example, but I don't trash talk it.
[QUOTE="Overclockd"][QUOTE="Gl0ry_L0rd"][QUOTE="Overclockd"][QUOTE="Gl0ry_L0rd"]May I say Owned? TheWiikestLink
Who got owned? That's pretty much the score everyone thought it would get.
Wasn't it hyped by lems to be a 8.5 - 9.0? 'Cause it sure felt like it.
Nah, look for the thread. It ranged from 7-9, but only about one or two people hyped it 9. The majority said A-AA.
you cnat hype a game A-AA....its one or the other if i remember correctly it was if it gets A here which it will no doubt get...its a flop...a big flop at that since this game has been compared to FF 13 too many times.Hype Thread
So if half of the people say A and half say AA, then what is the hype?
To the Tales fans, this is already a sure buy. Besides graphics, voice acting, and skits (which are optional), there were hardly any negative comments in the review I posted. They basically took off points because they can. No matter what GS and IGN rate this it doesn't matter. They can write opinions, but reviewers couldn't put a proper score on an RPG if they tried.So no, no one is going to cry if this gets a 7, because we all know it's a good game, just like every other Tales game. The only people that care about the score are the cows.
[QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="supermechakirby"][QUOTE="hakanakumono"][QUOTE="Elviathan"]That's a pretty good score for a J-RPG other than FF. CreasianDevaili
Probably mostly for its battle system. Thats what seems to score JRPGs high these days.
tales battle system > FF Battle system
yet FF will still score high because of its name...
it would be extremely nice to see tales of vesperia get a 9.0 on here, it would be very just
yet a final fantasy comes out and is crap and at least gets a 9...
"FF only scores high because it's FF wahhh wahhh"
FF scores high because it's high quality stuff. They clearly aren't your thing if you think they are crap.
FFX and FFX-2 were both disapointments. Finished FFX with the side quests done, and got maybe 30 hours into FFX-2 before I had enough fanservice.
I love all of them from mystic quest up to FF9. FF9 was pretty fun in my opinion even though many said it was too old school and bland. Loved tactics. Enjoyed FF12 but felt the characters were mostly dead inside. Will see about FFXIII.
Tales.. well.. Loved those games too. Enjoyed the battle system and felt the optional bosses in the tales games were much harder than the latter FF series. Tales of Destiny 2 was pretty good in that regard. Tales of Eternia or something as well.
However FF does score good because of the name. Anyone can see that. Dosent mean they are all crap but you rarely see critics pointing out the flaws when they are so obvious in other games that ARE pointed out. However the FF series has been losing it's thunder for quite some time now and could use some more controversial storylines. I would love to see a FF game come out with the complexity of the Xenogears storyline. I think with the mature story and good gameplay, coupled with the high budget graphics, would breath new life into the FF series not seen for such a very long time.
FFX was freakin awesome i dont know what youre smoking.
rofl, it's because the "flaws" you see are the things most people (especially critics) liked.
Typicall FFX hater:
"man the sphere grid was so stupid, story was terrible, tidus was a whiny little girl, voice acting was terrible, i hated blitzball, rah rah rah etc..."
That may be your opinion but for the millions who loved that game probably thought:
"loved the sphere grid system -- really allowed for cool hybrid customization, story was beautiful and original, i think tidus is probably the first FF main character to actually behave like a normal human being, etc...."
I respect your opinion, and can see where you are coming from -- but if I told you FFX was one of my all time favorite games, would it be so hard to see where I am coming from and the majority of people who actually think FF games are of superb quality? and even if you don't like them, you should at least respect them for what they've done.
I'm not a GTA guy for example, but I don't trash talk it.
Well.. I guess you respected the opinion of assumption because it sure wasnt mine! I never said why i didnt like FFX but you sure seemed to go with it with this typical FFX hater stuff. FFX-2 I did say why and I do mean that.
FFX sphere was fine. Combinations were fine. However it was easy to just cover everything and in the end there was no challenge. The sphere could have been done better by adding more "tidus skills" or "luna skills" rather than the generic ones.
I didnt like the final fight because I felt it could have been alot better, more interesting, and challenging. I am talking after the big fight. I can understand that they were trying to show what was really the enemy but it could have been better.
Storyline was also fine. I found several characters rather interesting. Had no problem with how tidus was portrayed. I did have a problem with how at the end, his "yup" sounded so amateur. For the mood, and for the line said RIGHT after which has passion to it and befitted the atmosphere, it was downright annoying. It struck out at me like a knife. So i give the voice acting credit, which was great, but for such a important scene why the heck didnt anyone catch the emotionless "yup"?
My issue was small things that robbed some important moments in the game, where the climax builds up, when they could have been removed. I forced myself to not use exp on the grid after so long because I was becoming too powerful and doing 99999 dmg a hit. Not 9999 dmg, but 99999 dmg. Which was another thing i had a issue with.
FFX just wasnt a challenge aside from some side games but that was more annoying than challenging. I felt FF7 lacked in challenges too but the Emerald Weapon was a treat for me. Didnt find that in FFX even after going after all of the summons. By the time you get to those points your usually so strong that you just wipe them out. So that is my issue.
FF was always fun because you could hunt extremly powerful side quest bosses and no matter if you were lvl 99 and the best gear you could easily die if you slipped up. I didnt feel it in FFX. I always feel it in the Tales games I have. I think as of late that the FF series has been slipping in that regard. I give props to the good stuff but not to the stuff i dont like.
Once again. Never said i didnt like the FF series. I said the series is slowly becoming less and less spectacular in my opinion and i would love to see a more serious storyline with real complex side twists and solid gameplay. Got no issues with the sphere grid. However I think it is too small scale to not be somewhat of a thrill killer at the end of the game for most.
Just because I feel that like in so many places in life that the reputation of a name can and does offset some minor infractions and it applies to the FF series dosent mean its talking trash. I never said the games were crap aside from FFX-2. That game was utter crap. That was the ONLY FF game period, PERIOD, that I never finished. \
Would you not have a issue If I felt FF9 was better than FFX? If I felt the game overall was better, would you counter it with your own reasons, like I do, or take the high road and agree?
[QUOTE="hakanakumono"]rofl, it's because the "flaws" you see are the things most people (especially critics) liked.
Typicall FFX hater:
"man the sphere grid was so stupid, story was terrible, tidus was a whiny little girl, voice acting was terrible, i hated blitzball, rah rah rah etc..."
That may be your opinion but for the millions who loved that game probably thought:
"loved the sphere grid system -- really allowed for cool hybrid customization, story was beautiful and original, i think tidus is probably the first FF main character to actually behave like a normal human being, etc...."
I respect your opinion, and can see where you are coming from -- but if I told you FFX was one of my all time favorite games, would it be so hard to see where I am coming from and the majority of people who actually think FF games are of superb quality? and even if you don't like them, you should at least respect them for what they've done.
I'm not a GTA guy for example, but I don't trash talk it.
Well.. I guess you respected the opinion of assumption because it sure wasnt mine! I never said why i didnt like FFX but you sure seemed to go with it with this typical FFX hater stuff. FFX-2 I did say why and I do mean that.
FFX sphere was fine. Combinations were fine. However it was easy to just cover everything and in the end there was no challenge. The sphere could have been done better by adding more "tidus skills" or "luna skills" rather than the generic ones.
I didnt like the final fight because I felt it could have been alot better, more interesting, and challenging. I am talking after the big fight. I can understand that they were trying to show what was really the enemy but it could have been better.
Storyline was also fine. I found several characters rather interesting. Had no problem with how tidus was portrayed. I did have a problem with how at the end, his "yup" sounded so amateur. For the mood, and for the line said RIGHT after which has passion to it and befitted the atmosphere, it was downright annoying. It struck out at me like a knife. So i give the voice acting credit, which was great, but for such a important scene why the heck didnt anyone catch the emotionless "yup"?
My issue was small things that robbed some important moments in the game, where the climax builds up, when they could have been removed. I forced myself to not use exp on the grid after so long because I was becoming too powerful and doing 99999 dmg a hit. Not 9999 dmg, but 99999 dmg. Which was another thing i had a issue with.
FFX just wasnt a challenge aside from some side games but that was more annoying than challenging. I felt FF7 lacked in challenges too but the Emerald Weapon was a treat for me. Didnt find that in FFX even after going after all of the summons. By the time you get to those points your usually so strong that you just wipe them out. So that is my issue.
FF was always fun because you could hunt extremly powerful side quest bosses and no matter if you were lvl 99 and the best gear you could easily die if you slipped up. I didnt feel it in FFX. I always feel it in the Tales games I have. I think as of late that the FF series has been slipping in that regard. I give props to the good stuff but not to the stuff i dont like.
Once again. Never said i didnt like the FF series. I said the series is slowly becoming less and less spectacular in my opinion and i would love to see a more serious storyline with real complex side twists and solid gameplay. Got no issues with the sphere grid. However I think it is too small scale to not be somewhat of a thrill killer at the end of the game for most.
Just because I feel that like in so many places in life that the reputation of a name can and does offset some minor infractions and it applies to the FF series dosent mean its talking trash. I never said the games were crap aside from FFX-2. That game was utter crap. That was the ONLY FF game period, PERIOD, that I never finished. \
Would you not have a issue If I felt FF9 was better than FFX? If I felt the game overall was better, would you counter it with your own reasons, like I do, or take the high road and agree?
I respect whatever game someone enjoys more then another. It's just when people dismiss well made games as only scoring high because of their name, and only citing personal gripes with the game as reason for this -- well i think it's a bit silly.
I still haven't played FF9 to be honest, i really want to though. Since every FF in basically a new IP, I understand how distant the FF fanbase can be from one another (personally I've enjoyed every FF i've played). Do I play FF games because of their name? No, I just have much higher expectations for an upcoming installment because of the track record the franchise has, assuming they stick to the formula that I enjoy.
The 360 is King of next gen JRPGS.
Yeah they all practice on it before they get ported to the PS3 with extra content based on reviews. Do you really think Namco is keeping this an exclusive for longer than they have to?
[QUOTE="PS3_3DO"]The 360 is King of next gen JRPGS.
Yeah they all practice on it before they get ported to the PS3 with extra content based on reviews. Do you really think Namco is keeping this an exclusive for longer than they have to?
So basicly the 360 owners can play and enjoy the games now but the PS3 users keep waiting for a year or so?Lower than Eternal Sonata? This game is so much betterFirstDiscoveryEternal Sonata is a fluke. They rated LO a full point lower and to me LO is far better in practicaly every aspect.
[QUOTE="FirstDiscovery"]Lower than Eternal Sonata? This game is so much betterSenor_KamiEternal Sonata is a fluke. They rated LO a full point lower and to me LO is far better in practicaly every aspect.
Eternal Sonata looks like a 6/10 game.
[QUOTE="OrwellJames"][QUOTE="PS3_3DO"]The 360 is King of next gen JRPGS.
Yeah they all practice on it before they get ported to the PS3 with extra content based on reviews. Do you really think Namco is keeping this an exclusive for longer than they have to?
So basicly the 360 owners can play and enjoy the games now but the PS3 users keep waiting for a year or so?Your right.
The PS3 will probably see a better Tales game later.
[QUOTE="Eltroz"][QUOTE="OrwellJames"][QUOTE="PS3_3DO"]The 360 is King of next gen JRPGS.
I remember the waiting for localization for jrpg. I remember delays to add in special new content. Rogue Galaxy was one I believe. SO3 was another I think. I have never experienced added new content to a RPG that made the extra year wait worth it by any means whatsoever. The most important part, the story and character involvements, are pretty much never added to. Side games and the like yeah and maybe a addition playable character with little to no character development.
I wouldnt want to wait a year.
Yeah they all practice on it before they get ported to the PS3 with extra content based on reviews. Do you really think Namco is keeping this an exclusive for longer than they have to?
So basicly the 360 owners can play and enjoy the games now but the PS3 users keep waiting for a year or so?Your right.
The PS3 will probably see a better Tales game later.
Really getting tired of my replies not carrying over on submit..
Anyhow. Never had extra content make it feel worth it to wait a year. I remember the days of ps2 localization and sometimes delays to add content. I remember rogue galaxy having this If i remember right. Wasnt worth it. The most important aspect, being the story and character development, almost never gets meaningful additional content. Usually it is side quests or a extra playable character near the end with almost no character development. Never felt worth the wait.
[QUOTE="PS3_3DO"]The 360 is King of next gen JRPGS.
Yeah they all practice on it before they get ported to the PS3 with extra content based on reviews. Do you really think Namco is keeping this an exclusive for longer than they have to?
so far the only jprg that the 360 is sharing is eternal sonatastar ocean 4, IN UD , tales of vesperia and many more
just because the cows lost their biggest jrpg
doesnt mean were going to lose any
jealous cow
It's unbelievable all the PS3 fanboys coming here claiming a superior version of this or any other jrpg they don't have is coming to PS3, or just bashing Vesparia in general. Pathetic damage control at it's lowest. Some of you guys really behave poorly sometimes.Bigboi500the cows are simply jealous
the ps3 has no future and has almost no good games to look foward too
they are so insecure
they regret their ps3 purchase
they will do anything to make themselves feel better about their purchase
[QUOTE="C4_yourself"]and that is why cows are the most hated faction on sw hellrazor06
thatd be lemmings, there the most pig ignorant and biggest hypocrites
naw cows are the most hated by farthey have the worst damage control
anytime something good happens to a 360 game its ZOMG OVERRATED OR PS3 IS TEH BETTER or some crap
cows are the most hated
[QUOTE="hellrazor06"][QUOTE="C4_yourself"]and that is why cows are the most hated faction on sw C4_yourself
thatd be lemmings, there the most pig ignorant and biggest hypocrites
naw cows are the most hated by farthey have the worst damage control
anytime something good happens to a 360 game its ZOMG OVERRATED OR PS3 IS TEH BETTER or some crap
cows are the most hated
ive seen lemmings do the same thing :)
[QUOTE="C4_yourself"][QUOTE="hellrazor06"][QUOTE="C4_yourself"]and that is why cows are the most hated faction on sw Miss_Wacy
thatd be lemmings, there the most pig ignorant and biggest hypocrites
naw cows are the most hated by farthey have the worst damage control
anytime something good happens to a 360 game its ZOMG OVERRATED OR PS3 IS TEH BETTER or some crap
cows are the most hated
ive seen lemmings do the same thing :)
this thread is for a 360 game and cows are over running itnot our fault that the 360 gets better games then the ps3
the cows are simply jealous[QUOTE="Bigboi500"]It's unbelievable all the PS3 fanboys coming here claiming a superior version of this or any other jrpg they don't have is coming to PS3, or just bashing Vesparia in general. Pathetic damage control at it's lowest. Some of you guys really behave poorly sometimes.C4_yourself
the ps3 has no future and has almost no good games to look foward too
they are so insecure
they regret their ps3 purchase
they will do anything to make themselves feel better about their purchase
Well the only thing I disagree with you on is that I think the PS3 might get good games in the future but that's for another thread. It really is pathetic though the PS3 fanboys hating on the 360s rpgs that they don't have.I've seen so many of them trashing LO and Eternal Sonata unjustly, now Vesparia. Throwing a fit over FFXIII and threatening SE and trying to get up petitions to keep it exclusive lol. All this hate nonsense is very disturbing quite honestly.
[QUOTE="C4_yourself"]the cows are simply jealous[QUOTE="Bigboi500"]It's unbelievable all the PS3 fanboys coming here claiming a superior version of this or any other jrpg they don't have is coming to PS3, or just bashing Vesparia in general. Pathetic damage control at it's lowest. Some of you guys really behave poorly sometimes.Bigboi500
the ps3 has no future and has almost no good games to look foward too
they are so insecure
they regret their ps3 purchase
they will do anything to make themselves feel better about their purchase
Well the only thing I disagree with you on is that I think the PS3 might get good games in the future but that's for another thread. It really is pathetic though the PS3 fanboys hating on the 360s rpgs that they don't have.I've seen so many of them trashing LO and Eternal Sonata unjustly, now Vesparia. Throwing a fit over FFXIII and threatening SE and trying to get up petitions to keep it exclusive lol. All this hate nonsense is very disturbing quite honestly.
exactly cows are patheticthey just cant handle the fact that the 360 is the rpg king this gen
they lost ff13 and now their in major damage control
lol petitions
do cows think SE cares about what they say lol
This kind of sucks how long will it take to get a good JRPG on the ps3, oh well guess i'll have no excuse to not try to beat FFXIIfootfoe2lol poor cows
dont worry ill think of u when im playing vesperia this tuesday :D
[QUOTE="Bigboi500"][QUOTE="C4_yourself"]the cows are simply jealous[QUOTE="Bigboi500"]It's unbelievable all the PS3 fanboys coming here claiming a superior version of this or any other jrpg they don't have is coming to PS3, or just bashing Vesparia in general. Pathetic damage control at it's lowest. Some of you guys really behave poorly sometimes.C4_yourself
the ps3 has no future and has almost no good games to look foward too
they are so insecure
they regret their ps3 purchase
they will do anything to make themselves feel better about their purchase
Well the only thing I disagree with you on is that I think the PS3 might get good games in the future but that's for another thread. It really is pathetic though the PS3 fanboys hating on the 360s rpgs that they don't have.I've seen so many of them trashing LO and Eternal Sonata unjustly, now Vesparia. Throwing a fit over FFXIII and threatening SE and trying to get up petitions to keep it exclusive lol. All this hate nonsense is very disturbing quite honestly.
exactly cows are patheticthey just cant handle the fact that the 360 is the rpg king this gen
they lost ff13 and now their in major damage control
lol petitions
do cows think SE cares about what they say lol
Its kind of wierd most people would think the ps3 would have JRPGs. It is the japaness consule. No one thought Square would sudenly turn traitor.[QUOTE="zekere"]The 360 is king of MEDIOCRE JRPG's . However, I don't blame the 360, I blame the genre that's seeing a crysis lately .
8 is great score. You only play games that get 9s?
ToV probably isn't 8 worthy if you factor in storyline.
Having played Symphonia, it is probably mediocre.
IU isn't exactly looking amazing either.
SO4 is probably the only non-generic looking RPG other than last remnant.
[QUOTE="Marka1700"][QUOTE="zekere"]The 360 is king of MEDIOCRE JRPG's . However, I don't blame the 360, I blame the genre that's seeing a crysis lately .
8 is great score. You only play games that get 9s?
ToV probably isn't 8 worthy if you factor in storyline.
Having played Symphonia, it is probably mediocre.
IU isn't exactly looking amazing either.
SO4 is probably the only non-generic looking RPG other than last remnant.
Again, I don't blame the 360 , but my latest experiences with JRPG like Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon were mediocre, 8 or not . I have high expectations when it comes to RPG's . An RPG that I don't finish (like LO and BD ) is wasted money .
I think the problem is that there just aren't enough JRPGs out this gen, so anything looks good.
At first I thought I wanted a 360 for those games, but I thought about it again, and I probably wouldn't buy them if they were for PS2.
As a huge tales fan the score is not important to me at all, day one purchase.
I predict a 8.0 on GS.
Tales has the most fun battle system out of all the next gen RPG's so far IMO.
[QUOTE="C4_yourself"][QUOTE="hellrazor06"][QUOTE="C4_yourself"]and that is why cows are the most hated faction on sw Miss_Wacy
thatd be lemmings, there the most pig ignorant and biggest hypocrites
naw cows are the most hated by farthey have the worst damage control
anytime something good happens to a 360 game its ZOMG OVERRATED OR PS3 IS TEH BETTER or some crap
cows are the most hated
ive seen lemmings do the same thing :)
Lemmings saying that a 360 game is overrated and the PS3 is better, they aren't good lemmings :P
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