Yep, Turok as well. Console FPS's were around long before the xbox's Halo came to be. The only thing Halo did differently was be immensely popular, which is not an innovation, just good marketing.
Its popularity is what has had the most influence, by having dozens of Space Marine shooters come out with samesy gameplay. The worst case of this, in my eyes, is the new Turok, which threw away its old story and awesome weapons in favor of being a bad Halo clone.
You're right! People still love and play Halo CE to this day not because it's any good! NO! They only still cherish the game because of the good marketing... what, 9 years ago? Grasp for another straw.Did I say it wasn't good? You need to calm down homeslice. Marketing is what made it popular, there are good/great FPS's from consoles that came before Halo that weren't nearly as popular. As I said, popularity isn't innovative, what did Halo do that was innovative?
Do I not seem calm? My bad. Trust me, I'm plenty calm, "homeslice." Nothing any Halo fan tells you, or other like minded individuals, will sway your view. It's just that simple. I can give you an example of how it was innovative to ME. I was never a big gamer back when Gamecube, PS2, and Xbox were coming out. My brothers and I shared a Nintendo 64, sure, but that was about the extent of it. I had played all the new games on all the new systems and was obviously impressed, but buying one of these new machines was still not a priority (I think I was in middle school?). That changed when I played Halo CE at a buddy's house. We played through the entire campaign in a day on co op. Perhaps the story, limited weapon storage (still copied today), health system (still copied today), melee system (still copied today), vehicle integration (still laughably attempted at by devs today), and one button press grenade toss (still copied today) didn't catch your eye, but it absolutely thrilled the vast majority of us. More importantly than just having any of these features was the way they seamlessly worked together. I went out and bought an Xbox the next day. I wont dare go in to the LAN parties in the years that followed.The point is, not everyone has been sitting at their computer ruthlessly playing every game released for the past 20 years. Halo weaved together different mechanics into a near-perfect formula that was fun for veterans and newcomers. It is easy to get a hold of, but hard to master, and an absolute blast to play. Think of what we are doing here, folks: discussing a game that is roughly nine years old. That's an eternity in video games. The way halo plays (that is: comes together) was, and is revolutionary. I'm all for having your own views, believe me, but while a minority of gamers will be sitting around bashing Halo tonight because, in their minds, it simply doesn't bring anything innovative to the table, the rest of us will be playing the living Hell out of the beta. Can't wait! :) Nothing will change your mind! More power to you though!
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