In this post, I will refer to Sony and Microsoft by the Letters SM.
I still completely disagree with people, mainly you, who say that Nintendo is depleting the game industry of anything and everything just because they have, a strong system not based of the newest hardware that pushes pixels, great franchises that continue to be great and intreging, and are trying to bring in more consumers to the market. I do not completely understand how you have contorted your views to make Nintendo into this Satan-like beast that you have somehow destroyed any relevant facts to do so. Just because you do not like what Nintendo is doing, doesn't mean that the world is going to crash down, gaming world that is, and leave you standing on top of it saying, "I told you so".
If you want to be judgemental on anything franchise related, you can get mad at SM too. I fail to see them ever reffered to by you or any person like you. What about Metal Gear? It came out back BEFORE the NES came out, and people are still excited for it today. Are you saying anything to that? A 20+ year franchise that some could say is being over played? No, because they continue to be great games and there is no reason to discontinue it until the story has reached a conclusion. What happens when you make a franchise that has no defined story line going from game to game? You can have two games with the same characters but different story and gameplay. This is what Nintendo does. They take the franchise, and with every game they implement some new thing that keeps it fresh and not tasting like 20 year old garbage.
You also can't forget that there is nothing for children to play anymore accept for TV show/ movie games. I think it is pretty sad when my little sister wants to play GTA:SA because there are no games that she can or WANTS to play. Just because it says Barbie on it doesn't mean she will like it (she's actually quite the game critic)! How can you complain about games being too simple when all that is out there are highly complicated games that utilize all 12 or so buttons on a controller and require the player to have past knowledge in that genre of game before playing it? How many kids, let alone adults, do you think that have not played a game in there life can go pick up Resistance: Fall of Man and survive the first encounter with an enmey, even on easy? I doubt they would. So the reason for the simplistic gameplay and easy controls is definitely geared towards these people.
Now I bet most people reading this are at the conclusion already that Nintendo is only fitting their shoes for those kinds of people. You would be wrong. Those games are there to introduce different gaming styles so that when they want to play that genre of game, they can do it much easier than trying to jump in. This also has some thanks geared toward the VC. Some people, restricted by birth, could not experiece the same games as we did, sadly. This alows people that could not or did not play those games to go back and enjoy them. This also helps in the instruction of how to play those games. Now, I don't expect someone to go play Starfox64 and will be able to crush Lair when it comes out, but it would be a way to prepare them so that they know what they are getting into.
If you think I have lowered my standards in support of the Wii and Nintendo, you would also be wrong. I still obtain an objectified look at the industry through my reviews of games. This way, I see how games look and play in comparison to the other companies. It is my conclusion that, despite being on infereior hardware, Nintendo is able to hold up to SM with their games. You want to have a great story, you can have Zelda, Super Paper Mario, or Dragon Ball Z (if you are into that kind of thing). There is no exception. All systems will have the story driven game and the action driven game, none will have just one or the other. If none of those games does fit you,then that is not their problem. Not everyone can be pleased at the same time, it's just not possible. But saying that we have lowered our standards because you expect every game that comes out to have everything you like otherwise it does not meet the goals of quality are not only unfair to the console, but to the people that have been working on making that game for at least a year (except in the case of Ubisoft).
Your rash and unbased, except on opinions, ruling of how people are in regards to Nintendo are not only rediculous but mean in a sense that you are saying that you and people that don't enjoy Nintendo/Wii entertainment are superior to those that do. I don't see how you don't feel shame in expressing this complete and holy opinion over the internet to blind people who will either be angered, like myself, or be impowered. In either case, you were wronf to do so. And then to tell them to look at your blog if they feel they are wrong so that they can get the right perspective just supports my claim that you uphold yourself over everyone else, and, if it were not for moderators, you hold yourself unaccountable to no one but yourself in terms of what garbage spews from your mouth on a daily basis. If you want to spread your doom speaches about how SM are the good-guys and Nintendo is the bad, (see how rediculous that looks?) there is nothing we can do to stop you. But, every day you post this same, rediculous, near mind rotting, and failure of a topic, I will be there to reidderate what I have been saying all along. YOU ARE WRONG.
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