Well, friends, Panda has finally reached the pinnacle of logical thought concerning Nintendo. In this thread, you will find the most objective, gamer-friendly, and industry-positive interperation of Nintendo's "Next-Gen" plans. If you object to a paticular point of this post, I encourage you to explore my blog. Chances are, I've done a post on it one time or another. Read over this with an open mind, thanks.
The Problem with Gaming in General
Gaming has long been critcized as a childish and wasteful hobby. The critcism against gaming at the present time is quite fair, I agree. But, nothing about gaming makes it originally more likely to be subject this form of critcism than any other form of entertainment media. Why can we not apply this same critcism toward any type of entertainment media? Some individuals do, but their voices have largely been marginalized and dismissed -- the same can not be said for gaming. Gaming is one of the few entertainment media formats that still has value judgements posited on the format itself -- "video games are for kids. games are a waste of time. games are a waste of money." These value judgements plauge gaming because consumers demand products that have endowed 99% of games with a distinct nature: shallow content, excessive enfranchisement, painfully ignorant stories, familycentric entertainment.
Gaming is perverted by hyper-marketing, a focus on the child and teenage consumer, and an abject and terrible set of standards by which consumer judge games. The demands of consumers perpetuate the stagnation of games. Until consumers demand products that can breech other forms of entertainment media in terms of quality, I believe it is quite fair that most of society views our shared hobby as a childish waste of time -- it's what we demand, for the most part.
Nintendo, more so than any other company on the market, is responsible for the perpetuation of the idea that gaming is a wasteful and childish toy.
Nintendo has Sold us Down the River
Supporting Nintendo, particuarly their 20 year old franchises that create an enormous feeling of nostalgia, has become rationally unplausible this generation because Nintendo has offered a console that is over three years obsolete in terms of hardware. A fan might love Nintendo with all their heart, but, if they were to judge Nintendo by an objective or historical standard, they would find that they were supplied with an antiquated console that does not take full advantage of next-gen tech. The Nintendo fan is thus left in a minor paradox if they wish to continue supporting Nintendo: they must either re-order their values to rationalize their support, OR their values have already been subject to reconstruction. If a fan of Nintendo is not forced into this paradox, they most likely are not aware of the full potential or capacity of gaming.
Nintendo games on the market today are not "fun." Most are constructed around 20 year old ideas implemented in the most simple, brutual, dull, and shallow ways possible. Nintendo fan's standards and expectations of gaming have been warped and lowered so these games might appear "fun." The strength of these games lies in unwarranted gameplay reduced to its most simple and brutual extreme. We all love games that are reduced to such a low, but Nintendo has elevated and promoted these games as the pinnacle of this generation. Nintendo refuses to provide us with superior products, and a broader conception of gaming, because we demand and value simplistic products. Nintendo has provided fans with a shallow console, and shallow games, because they know that consumer loyalty will ensure profit -- you love X (X=Mario, Zelda, Samus, Etc.) so much so that most ignore the major flaws of the console and the short comings of supposedly "next-gen" Nintendo games, but... [see my blog for a full proof on this]
Consumer loyalty only goes so far. Nintendo has limited the function of gaming to that of a simplistic child's toy that functions off technology that is an entire generation obsolete -- making games for such a low quality machine is far cheaper; it's also extremely cost effective when the main goal of Nintendo is not to sell the gamer games, but to encorporate a broader audience. These games only appear fun because some consumers evaulate games by the most low, bias, and abject standards in entertainment media.
Nintendo introduces the mainstream market to gaming by showing them that gaming amounts to little more than a fun toy that can read simple kenetic motions that transfer into familiar on-screen tasks. These consumers do not come to expect quality or complexity from gaming -- their assumptions about "gaming as a toy" remain entact; the form of input is now slightly more appealing and let "geeky." As the demand of casual consumers grow, Nintendo need not raise its standards, or devote precious resources, into developing high-quality games for its traditional market. It need only throw consumers a rotting bone, in the form of yet another 20 year old franchise game, every quarter or so to maintain consumer loyalty. [see my blog for a full proof on this].
Since Nintendo has managed to re-structure their fans' values concerning games, they have also managed to re-structure their values concerning consoles -- the big Nintendo fan, in order to rationalize their belief, must restructure an intuitive ordering of value. Obvious things we value in consoles -- power, cost effectiveness, utility -- take a back seat to more abstract, and quite functionless values, that only appear "great" because Nintendo has effectively lowered much of the market's standards.
Nintendo is trying to sell me, you, and all people who think games are a little more than a child's toy down the river this gen. They are attempting to alter the standards and natural progression of this industry and reduce gaming to its most simple function (simply because this is the most cost effective platform on the market). They offer us vastly inferior products, constructed on ideas that are literally DECADES old, that are based around the demands of consumers who view games in their most negative, limited, and unwanted light.
First Sorry about being late to the party... I have a life out side of these forums and well sometimes things come up...
Anyway Panda... Your logic is in sever need of repair.
First things first, about your assertions as too why Gaming is viewed as childish, while other forms of media are not... Well first you made one mistake, you assume that games are a form of media... which is subbject open to debate. Some games are a from of media, other's are not. From this faulty assumption about what games are the rest of your assertions flow.
Your logic is full of fallicies too. What does supporting 20 year old franchies that are nostalgic have anything to do with the abilites of the hardware? This is a Red Herring... The power of hardware souldn't change your feelings of nostalgia espeically if your already a fan towards a company. If anyting the power of hardware and your nostalgia or fandom shouldn't be related at all.
Your second point is all opinion. MGS is Hide and Seek... God of War 2, Hack and Slash. All games can be simplified down to there basic gameplay principles.
Your third point is ad hominem, you argue that conusmers evaluate games with "low, bias, and abject standards in entertainment media." You first have no poof of this, and second are attacking the conumer, which doesn't prove anything towards your arugment against Nintendo. (Also your attacking nintendo instead of proving it's faults)
Your fouth you assert that consumers of the Wii "...do not come to expect quality or complexity from gaming -- their assumptions about "gaming as a toy" remain entact; the form of input is now slightly more appealing and let[sic] 'geeky.'" This is again an ad hominem, and you again failed to provide any evidence as to how you know what consumers expect.
I agree that Nintendo has changed the market, but you attack them for doing so. Your bias shows in your writing.
BTW your *** is popus, and full of fluff. You probly could have made a better post in 4 lines, by getting rid of the popus *** and pointless fluff.
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