This is my opinion of Kinetic.
Firstly, it looks cool. How can you not be exicted.
Secondly, I want to dispell these notions that it is no good because it won't have hard core games, thats what your 360 controller is for.
Thirdly, if you are not interested in it, than so be it.
Fourthly, it looks like alot of fun.
Fifthly, is nothing like an eyetoy, with the exeption of a camera. Heck even the 360 had a camera based game-Totemball.
Sixthly, it's going to make those Wii like party games and experience way more interactive.
Seventhly, alot of the games we are seeing now are standard launch titles we see for every new technological advance. And they look pretty good at this point in development.
Eighthly, alot of you guys are hating just to hate and thats just wrong.
Ninthly, that so called Kinetic crashing video was not a crash but some one disconnecting the Kinect, pressing the power button or pausing and trying to end the game. Also it could have been all those camera flashes going off too.
Tenthly, and most importantly Kinetic is not for you hardcore gamers. Its for gamers that want to experience something different. And not trying to be all things to everybody like Sony, I don't want to play KZ3 with the Move, the DS3 works just fine.
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