As we all know the BIG DADDY MAC 9.5 you know the one.
Is the best online game there is PERIOD.
Well we all know the modes and maps and gameplay is the best around.
But man i just played tonight for the first time. a game mode called Rocket Race. With teams of 2 per team.
All i can say is online GAMING BLISS it's that XXXXXXX FUN.
You see each team has one guy with a rocket launcher and the other drives the mongoose. And you race to find and capture flag points Here is the catch you can not kill each other accept i'll get to that in a min. You can blow up and sne the to man teams flying with your rocket launchers as you direct hit them on there Mongooses.
Ok back to killing the only way you can kill anyone is a melee hit to the back of the head. It's freaking sick so this promotes insaine gameplay and strategy with your team mate. You see you talk to your team mate the whole time and for instances you have your team mate bate another player from another team to chase him and why you try to flank him from behind and melee his ass in his noggin.
All this crazy insane going on why your racing around trying to get the most flag zones taken and your all fireing rockets from riding on the back of your mates Mongoose.
That's right it's the BEST online GAME in the WORLD PERIOD.
HATERS 9.5 BIG DADDY 2.5 in a day HAS SPOKEN. If you ar not playing this game. You best be bashing out a window in Best Buys right now and gangstering afreaking 360 right now.
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