Let me start off by saying that I don't have the most high-end PC.... I have Intel Extreme Core Duo overclocked too 3.6GHz... 4GB of Ram and a overclocked 8800Ultra... I have played Crysis maxed out with mods... There is no denying that game looks leaps and bounds better than any console game I've played which are most.
Last month I purchased a 50' Panasonic Plasma. The 3D version... Its one of the best TV's on the market... My rig bought in mid 2007 was purchased to have more or less the latest and greatest... For Crysis and too play WoW... I'm a avid WoW player.
So I did some testing of multiplatorm games.... Battlefield Bad Company 2, Assassins Creed 2, Fallout New Vegas, Call of Duty Black Ops... I bought Fallout New Vegas for the PC and rented the console version... I played the Battlefield Bad Company 2 demo back when it was running back in Feb... Assassins Creed 2 and Call of Duty Black Ops I used a friends Steam account to play on my rig...
Now I have to admit with the exception of Battlefield Bad Company 2 which ran hanky mainly cause my graphics card isnt the newest all the games looked better on the PC... Especially New Vegas looked a decent bit better... But I dont understand why people make it seem that PC games look drastically better than consoles games... Do they look better? Absolutely... Do they look as good as the hermits make them seem? No
From my experience there a few exception graphics showcases on the PC.... All the multiplatform games look better but not too the extreme of what I read on SW... Now this is personal preference I prefer to game on a couch with a controller in my hand on my huge TV.... So the slight downgrade isnt that big of a deal...
For me if it wasnt for my WoW addiction my PC would get no play.... I just want to know has anyone had any experiences like me... Not seeing this massive gap in graphics...
(Puts up flame shield)
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