OK we're going to pay 60$ for an expansion that comes with a beta to halo reach, 3 new maps, and the actual game itself or expansion.
According to developers the game's campaign is a little shorter than halo 3s, which by no means was long at all (unless you're a bk), and firefight is the only thing looking interesting in this game right now. the 3 maps and reach beta id say are probably worth 15 to 20$ max alone. But I'm trying to judge just halo 3 odst, not the add-ons. You're paying 60$ for an 8 hour campaign and firefight, the only way this game has value is if you didn't already have the original halo 3 so you could play the multiplayer.
Sorry halo fans this is a huge ripoff and I dont see it selling millions like halo 1,2, and 3, why? it's a freaking expansion and tons of people have moved on from halo 3, i actually think it was a bad move to include 3 into the title, and with so many other games calling this fall I'd see more kids picking up mwf2 than this ripoff sorry.
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