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[QUOTE="jliebel"][QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="jliebel"][QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="jliebel"]I hope you realise that every FF is a different game in it self just with the name FFVerge_6
It's really the same thing, actually, ESPECIALLY with the more recent installments.
lol yep you never play a FF.
:| You did NOT just say that. :|
I didn't say it, I just typed it.
Wow, witty AND poignant. :roll:
You think I, a fan of the FF series since Goddamn III (Or VI, if one's picky) haven't played a single FF game, simply because I don't see each and every one as a completely and totally different experience? You insult me, if not disgust me. Who the hell do you think you are to declare who has and hasn't played Final Fantasy? I've no doubt played it longer than you.
I dont see how they arent different experiences. The only thing that hasnt changed over the first 10 games was the turned based battle system and even thats changed over the last 2 games. Every game has its unique story, characters, enemies, items and even changes in aspects like the esper system in ff6, or the materia system in ff7, or the drawing magic in ff8, or the sphere grid in ffX, or the gambit system in ffXII. I fail to see how they're not different experiences. But then again when the series is being continued on a system u dont like its just natural to say its getting boring. lol i mean look at the poll, anyone can predict a poll on SW just based on how many want to see the ps3 fail. You just sound like a usual ps3 hater going on a rant to me.
wow this caused alot of havick they should jsut move on the creator is at least making lost oddessy now it looks more violent and adult then the FF series hopefully that will be good. I just hope some day their wont be a lost oddessy 134 let alone a ff 14JetB1ackNewYear
this has a lot to do with why i don't like FF games - heh. Sakaguchi. he left. series was then spiritually dead IMO.
now it's a brand, like levis - slapped on games with only loose connections to eachother, that are IMO totally devoid of the spirit that the original 3 had.
but hey, that's just me. i know tons of kids these days still gobble up the new FF games.
Final Fantasy has been going downhill since 9. :oVandalvideo
It's been going down since VII and I considered VII to be worse than VI. VIII was trash, IX had good art but was trash, X was pretty cool, X-2 no comment.., XI can't be considered a FF imo, XII was ok. VI=Godly
i never got into final fantasy, i was about to buy 12 but i said nahmlbslugger86
You gotta get 12, Vaan is awesome!
FF 1 to 6 (except 2) were awesome, but after that I just didn't enjoy them anymore. FF7 was meh to me most of the time and from 8 on I found them to be pure garbage. I thought 12 was going to be fun but after playing for an hour or so, I got fed up of it and returned it.
I done with FF.
Final Fantasy has been going downhill since 9. :oVandalvideo
Agreed. People like to spin Sakaguchi and Uematsu leaving SquareEnix as a good thing ("Sakaguchi was losing his touch, the games were getting old"), but when they were working on Final Fantasy, while all the games were different, they still had those touches that made them instantly recognizable. You could always hear Uematsu's great music playing in the background, and the games just felt like they all sprung from the same (Sakaguchi's) mind. Nowadays the thing that binds the FF series together is the fact that every game is populated by 50 or 60 girlyblonde characters (I don't mind effeminate looking male leads, but after a while it gets boring), the world is almost ridiculously ornate (this started with FFVIII) and each game is centered around a completely new type of gameplay that will probably never be used again, and may or may not be successful the first time. I applaud SquareEnix's willingness to change things up, and their production values on FF are fantastic, but they need to recognize that Final Fantasy was a series, and not just a bunch of unrelated games. People like at least a little bit of familiarity in their series, and SquareEnix has completely lost that.
I dont see how they arent different experiences. The only thing that hasnt changed over the first 10 games was the turned based battle system and even thats changed over the last 2 games. Every game has its unique story, characters, enemies, items and even changes in aspects like the esper system in ff6, or the materia system in ff7, or the drawing magic in ff8, or the sphere grid in ffX, or the gambit system in ffXII. I fail to see how they're not different experiences. But then again when the series is being continued on a system u dont like its just natural to say its getting boring. lol i mean look at the poll, anyone can predict a poll on SW just based on how many want to see the ps3 fail. You just sound like a usual ps3 hater going on a rant to me.
If you get down to its core, the stories of nearly all the FF games are the same, as are the combat mechanics. Of course, if I don't worship any and all the FF games, I'm just a typical PS3, so what do I know. I've ONLY been playing FF games for the better part of a decade. :roll:
I swear, sometimes the fans of FF series make me ashamed that I'm one as well.
If you get down to its core, the stories of nearly all the FF games are the same, as are the combat mechanics. Of course, if I don't worship any and all the FF games, I'm just a typical PS3, so what do I know. I've ONLY been playing FF games for the better part of a decade. :roll:I swear, sometimes the fans of FF series make me ashamed that I'm one as well.Verge_6That...can be debated. I will say this, a lot of the "Crystal Chronicle" titles take place in the same technically 2, 9, 12, that new MMO, and 13 all take place in the same universe. Oh and Vagrant Story takse place in Ivalice too.
If quality remains consistent, and demand remains high, then what reason do they have to stop making the game.Tylendal
I don't think most people would say they have a "reason" to stop making FFs, but I think the point of this topic is that there are a lot of people who don't like what FF has become, and wish that SquareEnix would go back to making games like FFVI and VII. Obviously with the amount of money they're making, and the way they're milking the FF brand (FFXIII has gotten out of hand) they have no reason to stop, but at the same time, it really has become more of a brand than a franchise, and that's too bad.
[QUOTE="Verge_6"]If you get down to its core, the stories of nearly all the FF games are the same, as are the combat mechanics. Of course, if I don't worship any and all the FF games, I'm just a typical PS3, so what do I know. I've ONLY been playing FF games for the better part of a decade. :roll:I swear, sometimes the fans of FF series make me ashamed that I'm one as well.VandalvideoThat...can be debated. I will say this, a lot of the "Crystal Chronicle" titles take place in the same technically 2, 9, 12, that new MMO, and 13 all take place in the same universe.
I'm not even saying that that's a bad thing, either. I guess fanboys just like to lash out at anyone who doesn't worshipEvery FF game to come out.
[QUOTE="Tylendal"]If quality remains consistent, and demand remains high, then what reason do they have to stop making the game.SeanBond
I don't think most people would say they have a "reason" to stop making FFs, but I think the point of this topic is that there are a lot of people who don't like what FF has become, and wish that SquareEnix would go back to making games like FFVI and VII. Obviously with the amount of money they're making, and the way they're milking the FF brand (FFXIII has gotten out of hand) they have no reason to stop, but at the same time, it really has become more of a brand than a franchise, and that's too bad.
THANK YOU!! I agree 100%%% someone is making sense!
Another thread where everyone that doesn't have the option of playing said game because they don't own the system its being released for, vote against it and hate it.
If the news ever hits that FF13 is coming to their platform, you better believe they'd go bananas.
These threads are why this forum sucks.
How can you get sick of it? Each game is don't know what to expect from the next installement. FFX was overrated for me but XII was amazing and very's a fluctuant series. This thread is complete failure.Kratos_OMEGA
ok buddy read the stuff above and yull see other peoples points on its not what it use to be. ^^^
[QUOTE="bonethug1213"]I dont see how they arent different experiences. The only thing that hasnt changed over the first 10 games was the turned based battle system and even thats changed over the last 2 games. Every game has its unique story, characters, enemies, items and even changes in aspects like the esper system in ff6, or the materia system in ff7, or the drawing magic in ff8, or the sphere grid in ffX, or the gambit system in ffXII. I fail to see how they're not different experiences. But then again when the series is being continued on a system u dont like its just natural to say its getting boring. lol i mean look at the poll, anyone can predict a poll on SW just based on how many want to see the ps3 fail. You just sound like a usual ps3 hater going on a rant to me.
the stories of nearly all the FF games are the same,
Egh, ugh, eeewww... I see another "more of the same" argument starting in here.
We should just list every game that can be construed as "more of the same", because it would take us so long we wouldn't have time to argue stupidly over meaningless tripe anymore. All games are more of the same.
[QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="bonethug1213"]I dont see how they arent different experiences. The only thing that hasnt changed over the first 10 games was the turned based battle system and even thats changed over the last 2 games. Every game has its unique story, characters, enemies, items and even changes in aspects like the esper system in ff6, or the materia system in ff7, or the drawing magic in ff8, or the sphere grid in ffX, or the gambit system in ffXII. I fail to see how they're not different experiences. But then again when the series is being continued on a system u dont like its just natural to say its getting boring. lol i mean look at the poll, anyone can predict a poll on SW just based on how many want to see the ps3 fail. You just sound like a usual ps3 hater going on a rant to me.
the stories of nearly all the FF games are the same,
I think what he's saying is closer to "most/all FF games are built around similar concepts". A lot of the games are based around the idea that you're a rebel or independent group fighting against a larger group, lead by a character who, by the end of the game has become somewhat omnipotent, whom you must defeat to save the world. This obviously describes more than just the FF series, but it's not completely off.
A lot of the games are based around the idea that you're a rebel or independent group fighting against a larger group, lead by a character who, by the end of the game has become somewhat omnipotent, whom you must defeat to save the world. This obviously describes more than just the FF series, but it's not completely off.SeanBondheck, a lot of the games, including tactics and vagrant story, take place in the exact same world. 0_o
[QUOTE="Kratos_OMEGA"]How can you get sick of it? Each game is don't know what to expect from the next installement. FFX was overrated for me but XII was amazing and very's a fluctuant series. This thread is complete failure.JetB1ackNewYear
ok buddy read the stuff above and yull see other peoples points on its not what it use to be. ^^^
Thats' why it's gotten more AAA's then any other series? Yeah you tell yourself that buddy. Also as i've said...FF isn't like Zelda or MGS, it doesn't have a continuation of the same story or same theme it's like playing a completely new game bar some random references.
[QUOTE="Kratos_OMEGA"][QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="bonethug1213"]I dont see how they arent different experiences. The only thing that hasnt changed over the first 10 games was the turned based battle system and even thats changed over the last 2 games. Every game has its unique story, characters, enemies, items and even changes in aspects like the esper system in ff6, or the materia system in ff7, or the drawing magic in ff8, or the sphere grid in ffX, or the gambit system in ffXII. I fail to see how they're not different experiences. But then again when the series is being continued on a system u dont like its just natural to say its getting boring. lol i mean look at the poll, anyone can predict a poll on SW just based on how many want to see the ps3 fail. You just sound like a usual ps3 hater going on a rant to me.
the stories of nearly all the FF games are the same,
I think what he's saying is closer to "most/all FF games are built around similar concepts". A lot of the games are based around the idea that you're a rebel or independent group fighting against a larger group, lead by a character who, by the end of the game has become somewhat omnipotent, whom you must defeat to save the world. This obviously describes more than just the FF series, but it's not completely off.
im going to go on a limb there and agree with him also
[QUOTE="Kratos_OMEGA"][QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="bonethug1213"]I dont see how they arent different experiences. The only thing that hasnt changed over the first 10 games was the turned based battle system and even thats changed over the last 2 games. Every game has its unique story, characters, enemies, items and even changes in aspects like the esper system in ff6, or the materia system in ff7, or the drawing magic in ff8, or the sphere grid in ffX, or the gambit system in ffXII. I fail to see how they're not different experiences. But then again when the series is being continued on a system u dont like its just natural to say its getting boring. lol i mean look at the poll, anyone can predict a poll on SW just based on how many want to see the ps3 fail. You just sound like a usual ps3 hater going on a rant to me.
the stories of nearly all the FF games are the same,
I think what he's saying is closer to "most/all FF games are built around similar concepts". A lot of the games are based around the idea that you're a rebel or independent group fighting against a larger group, lead by a character who, by the end of the game has become somewhat omnipotent, whom you must defeat to save the world. This obviously describes more than just the FF series, but it's not completely off.
You can say that about most JRPG's. All i'm saying is that if you loved ONE FF game it doesn't mean you will love or even like the rest of them. My friend has played 4-5 FF games and he hates all of them bar FFVIII.
Ive been playing FF games for 17 years and no they dont get old. Every game has completely different characters, settings, worlds, and just about every game has a revamped and totally different battle system.Carmilla31
This is what i'm trying to point out. The TC's assumption of "getting old" makes no SENSE at all. I loved FFVII, liked VIII, loved IX, X was meh but loved XII. You dont' know what to expect from the series and another big point is that they have DIFFERENT directors and teams. FFXII was directed by the same dude who done Vagrant story. Some of the developers branch of to do other games.
[QUOTE="Carmilla31"]worlds.VandalvideoNot quite.
Because GTA and MGS are set in the same world they must be related!?
Not quite.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="Carmilla31"]worlds.Kratos_OMEGA
Because GTA and MGS are set in the same world they must be related!?
After MGS4, you sure about that? All of the games that take place in Ivalice coincide, not but heads with each other. GTA and MGS are two entirely seperate fictional universes. Ivalice is one cohesive universe.[QUOTE="Carmilla31"]worlds.VandalvideoNot quite. What Final Fantasy games have the same world? Ivalice maybe? You could hardly compare FF Tactics and FF 12 and say theyre alike.
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="Carmilla31"]worlds.Carmilla31Not quite. What Final Fantasy games have the same world? Ivalice maybe? You could hardly compare FF Tactics and FF 12 and say theyre alike. They still take place in the same world. 9, tactics, vagrant story, 12, and maybe 13 (dunno yet). Oh and 2 might have been Ivalice.
FF is unlike many or even any other franchise. To me this is like saying are you bored of FPS or RPG or Beat em UP etc.
Every FF is different (until recently). They usually have different characters, worlds, gameplay variations etc, etc. It might have the name slapped on but each game is different.
I know it isn't it's own genre but maybe saying each gmae is a complete seperate entity is a better comparison. How can you get bored of something that is usually a one off product.
[QUOTE="Kratos_OMEGA"][QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="bonethug1213"]I dont see how they arent different experiences. The only thing that hasnt changed over the first 10 games was the turned based battle system and even thats changed over the last 2 games. Every game has its unique story, characters, enemies, items and even changes in aspects like the esper system in ff6, or the materia system in ff7, or the drawing magic in ff8, or the sphere grid in ffX, or the gambit system in ffXII. I fail to see how they're not different experiences. But then again when the series is being continued on a system u dont like its just natural to say its getting boring. lol i mean look at the poll, anyone can predict a poll on SW just based on how many want to see the ps3 fail. You just sound like a usual ps3 hater going on a rant to me.
the stories of nearly all the FF games are the same,
I think what he's saying is closer to "most/all FF games are built around similar concepts". A lot of the games are based around the idea that you're a rebel or independent group fighting against a larger group, lead by a character who, by the end of the game has become somewhat omnipotent, whom you must defeat to save the world. This obviously describes more than just the FF series, but it's not completely off.
THERE we go, someone gets it.
-OMG Like u guyz Final Fantasy is always about savin teh worldz and stuff. Sooo repetitive and like gettin old and stuff!
-Oooook then what games do you like?
-Halo is so badass man you getz these mofo aliens that come and want to destroy the world and then you have to stop them with your gunz and POW POW POW for three games in a row so much fun awesome inovation yes.
I havnt truly enjoyed a ff game scince 7. Loved the old school snes versions, and i guess X was ok, but X2 was a friggin joke.
The whole Charlies angels anime girl thing was a total turnoff for me. Did anyone over the age of 16 who isnt a big ff freak like that game?
Also why does every male main character have to dress like a girl anyway? I know its the whole japanese culture thing but man imho its just stupid and childish.
-OMG Like u guyz Final Fantasy is always about savin teh worldz and stuff. Sooo repetitive and like gettin old and stuff!
-Oooook then what games do you like?
-Halo is so badass man you getz these mofo aliens that come and want to destroy the world and then you have to stop them with your gunz and POW POW POW for three games in a row so much fun awesome inovation yes.DireToad
Where in the HELL did you see anyone say that in this thread? :|
[QUOTE="DireToad"]-OMG Like u guyz Final Fantasy is always about savin teh worldz and stuff. Sooo repetitive and like gettin old and stuff!
-Oooook then what games do you like?
-Halo is so badass man you getz these mofo aliens that come and want to destroy the world and then you have to stop them with your gunz and POW POW POW for three games in a row so much fun awesome inovation yes.Verge_6
Where in the HELL did you see anyone say that in this thread? :|
[QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="DireToad"]-OMG Like u guyz Final Fantasy is always about savin teh worldz and stuff. Sooo repetitive and like gettin old and stuff!
-Oooook then what games do you like?
-Halo is so badass man you getz these mofo aliens that come and want to destroy the world and then you have to stop them with your gunz and POW POW POW for three games in a row so much fun awesome inovation yes.DireToad
Where in the HELL did you see anyone say that in this thread? :|
It's not the plot itself that's getting redundant, it's how its executed.
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