Deus Ex, is it overrated?
As it is being hailed by some as the greatest PC game of all time, the answer is "yes".
Deus Ex is great, easily a top 20 or top 30 PC game, but it is only the greatest PC game of all time if you ignore Civilization, Pirates!, SimCity, Ultima IV and VII, XCOM: UFO Defense, Tie Fighter, Starcraft, Doom, Quake, Half Life, Planescape Torment, Fallout, Command in Conquer, and even System Shock 2 and more. DX wasn't even the best PC game of 2000, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn is the top.
Why is DX not the greatest PC game eve? It has major flaws
The shooting sucks. "But it is an don't have to shoot your way through the game.." Well I don't, but if its an option, it should be done right and feel right. Even with my combat skills maxed, it is incredibly clunky. The AI is dumb as bricks, the engine sucks. the interface is terrible, and the password system can be easily exploited. Some parts of the game were not fun because of these issues. The first section of the game is an example. I died more times in the first sectionas a combat characterthan any other section because I could not shoot well as the game lacks balance. Then the game is highly unbalanced. It becomes easy in the end with jacked up weapons that are heavily upgraded as well as the completely godlike dragon tooth sword. Basicllay a tough beginning and a very easy end, quite the reverse on what a game should be. It is damning that the sequel did not fix most of these issues as well, while taking out some aspects the first game did well.
Then there is the story. Certain aspects of it is excellent. the backstory, the setting, the lore, the philosopohy....all some of the best I have seen. Its the characters and the plot that keep it from an all time great. The pacing is poor. The game is overlong and several sections feel like filler. An example would be the missile launch sequence, which could have been written out of the game with no harm done to the storyline. Fatigue can set in after awhile.The ending is weak. While they are interesting, the finale itself is almost as bad as Bioshock. All three paths are extraordinary easy with little resistance...and the other factions do not even resist me when I defy them for another. The sequel handled the endgame far better. The factions I sided against come to kill me after I upload the data to the faction I supported. Actual tension and conflict, including battles againsta couplemain antagonists. Then there is the characters, another aspect the sequel did better. The characters are either one dimensional, dry, boring, or annoying. The only characters that are truly interesting is the AIs and DeBeers. None of the characters I cared about, they just existed to move the plot. The sequel actually improved the characterizations by putting in several dynamic characters and fleshing out those that returned. Nicolette DuClare and Chad Dumier defintely are examples. One note characters in the first, their roles were more interesting in the second. The second game's story is stronger overall, better told, tighter pacing, better characters. One of the lead designers of Human Revolution in an interview admitted that except for the main protagonist, the second game had a stronger story.
Deus Ex's main success is the freedom of choice and the consquences that come with it. It lets you tackle the setting in however way you want. But it does not fire in all cyclinders, and has some glaring flaws in both story and gameplay. The execution does not quite match the ideas the game had, but its ideas have influenced later games. While Invisble War took step forewards in story and characters, it took horrible steps back in gameplay and overall it failed to fix the problems of the first. Hopefully Human Revolution does, and so far, it looks good.
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