[QUOTE="Baranga"][QUOTE="mentzer"] Far Cry 2 on the other hand lets you explore the whole world at any time and lets you revisit anywhere you've been. Far Cry 2 is more open ended then even STALKER, considering I dont have to go through loading screens in Far Cry 2 between sections.karasill
Loading screens are still better than huge mountains that make you fell like in a corridor shooter, no? The swamp area of Clear Sky alone feels like half of FC2's map...
The best thing about FC2 is the setting. I don't like the gameplay, it's frustrating and tedious, it feels like a very dumbed down Stalker... but I still played it for about 30 hours just because Africa is awesome (and seeing Blood Diamond helped too).
I never felt like Far Cry 2 played like a corridor shooter. The world is big and their are places that you need to drve a jeep just to get a feel for how big it is (the desert area comes to mind) The gameplay in Far Cry 2, as in the shooting aspects play out great. I dont know whats not to like since it plays like most other shooters. Maybe you just dont like walking or driving from mission to mission?Of course I hate walking:P
I like driving, unlike many others... but not when pissed off dudes follow me and somehow always reach my car!
Using the boat is a joke though.
You play FC2 on PC or on a console? I play it on PC, and I was stunned to see there's no lean option. I'm constantly annoyed by this. the weapons aren't that great on PC, they feel... floaty, weird. The AK of Stalker is miles ahead of FC2's version. The pistols are great though.
Even worse is that the secondary objectives are so damn repetitive, especially the trader missions.
Driving around saves the game for me, it's a bit hypnotic:lol: Unfortunately, the respawn rate is ridiculous, worse than that of the unpatched Stalker.
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