FFXIII was not very popular compared to many of the other Final Fantasy games, and in my opinion it is the end result of the Final Fantasy Fanbase self-destructing the franchise. Final Fantasy XII came out a few years ago on he PS2 and I loved the fresh new direction it took the franchise in, but it wasn't the best selling game in the series, and a lot of the fans hated it because "they changed it so now it sucks." As far as FF games go it's in my top 3, but then again I am not a fanboy, and something about FFXII was very appealing to my more western tastes.
So how did Square react to these negative opinions from fanboys and fangirls about FFXII? By pretty much stripping out everything that the series had been doing right, until there was nothing left but the active time battle system. They gave the hardcore whiners what they believed they wanted, and the end result was one of the worst reviewed FF games since the NES. Financially it was an even bigger disappointment for Square than FFXII, both because the budget skyrocketed over its endless development cycle and because development had to be spread across two consoles (PS3 and Xbox 360). The piles of pre-owned, unsold FFXIII discs littering game shops around the world stand testament to the sour note the game left in players' mouths.
With the seemingly failed launch of Final Fantasy XIV, the second MMO in the franchise, Square once again stands at a crossroads as to what to do with the FF brand. And what are they doing? Why, they are releasing Final Fantasy XIII-2, of course! Apparently Square believes they have enough hardcore worshipers left to pull in a profit by pressing all the unused game assets from FFXIII onto a disc and rushing it out the door, but for everyone else this is going to do little more than further dilute the brand's stock. And what about the elusive "Final Fantasy Versus XIII?" You know, that game that we get a news update for about once a year? Why is Square even putting the number "XIII" in its title, when in all likeliness an association with FFXIII would hurt sales more than it would help? The game has no real connection with FFXIII at all, and if anything Versus XIII should be relabeled as "Final Fantasy XV." It's just as ambitious as any numbered game in the FF canon, and the team has made some bold choices for the gameplay much like the team behind FF12 did.
But alas, I suppose that the clowns running Square's marketing department haven't realized this yet, and as things stand, many casual customers will probably confuse Versus XIII for a sequel or expansion of some sort for FFXIII, and given that game's poor word of mouth that would be a darned shame. Versus looks like it could be the savior that the FF franchise needs with its exploration-heavy realtime gameplay and more subdued art styIe, but that is not going to happen if the millstone of FFXIII is still hanging around its neck. It's not too late for Square to turn things around, but if they keep forcing FXIII as brand on people even after they've demonstrated that they don't want it, they're just plain not going to buy anything that stinks of FFXIII. Square has been on thin ice for several years now, and being incapable of admiting that they messed up with FFXIII is only going to hasten the demise of the FF brand as a whole.
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