Not unless one takes what a few whining fanatics have to say as world reality. FFXIII scored an 8.5 here which means "great", and it sold more than Mass Effect did. So I'd have say no, FFXIII is not killing the series.
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FFXIII imo was a great game. Not their best but it was definitely better than FFXII for me.
So no the Final Fantasy series isn't "dying" yet.
[QUOTE="Androvinus"]I got FF13 expecting it to be flawed. So i had no high expectations. I expected a game with linear levels, lots of cutscenes, story driven and a good battle system. Instead I got one of the most poorly written stories I have had the displeasure of sitting through, an unpolished and badly thought out battle system and extremely poor pacing. I thought they sacrificed gameplay for story, but this story is truly awful. It shows that square is lost.princemarth23
Lol meh, I've seen worst stories in games and it was more about the character interactions than the overarching plot, which was a bit too anime for lots of people to stomach, but as someone who used to watch a ton of anime it wasn't anything too weird. Also, you're entitled to your opinion of course, but it's my and many other's opinion that the battle system is the best in the series.
The thing i hate most about the story is that most of it you have to read in the datalog, and the rest you cant understand unless you read the novels or something like that. I hated the battle system because I felt rushed and it was hard to focus on any one thing. There is no real pause screen to assess the battlefield and make strategic moves. The camera rotates and bounces all around and you can only see one enemy's health bar and status effects at a time, and its floating over their head. There is no order to the positioning. Your team mates just move all over the place randomly and so do the enemies. This actually has a big effect on things like A.o.E attacks. Hope can be standing right next to your sentinel and get smashed to pieces. Well enough of my rant. I just beat the game so I'm a little ticked off.Everyone bangs on about how much XIII sucked for being totally linear and forcing you down a path, but Final Fantasy X was exactly the same, and loads of people say X is their favourite FF game. There wasn't a world map, just a bunch of interconnected places that you travelled to...sound familiar?
It seems people that disliked XII liked XIII. I liked XII because of it's exploration and large amount of optional content in the form of quests and monster hunts. It's story suited me just fine--more focus on actual events in the world, not on the characters so much (I am not your therapist--STOP telling me how you feel right now). I don't know how often I skipped scenes in XIII because I over-dosed on information I didn't care about.
At any rate XIII probably didn't sell as much as anticipated and got a fair amount of backlash, but it is far from being a failure.
Final Fantasy reminds me of the "huge" influential bands of the 90's that could have been legendary but got stuck in the past and never bothered to progress. The Final Fantasy games are stuck in the 90's, and the franchise loves to engulf itself with problematic drama instead of striding on success and moving on.
[QUOTE="princemarth23"][QUOTE="Androvinus"]I got FF13 expecting it to be flawed. So i had no high expectations. I expected a game with linear levels, lots of cutscenes, story driven and a good battle system. Instead I got one of the most poorly written stories I have had the displeasure of sitting through, an unpolished and badly thought out battle system and extremely poor pacing. I thought they sacrificed gameplay for story, but this story is truly awful. It shows that square is lost.Androvinus
Lol meh, I've seen worst stories in games and it was more about the character interactions than the overarching plot, which was a bit too anime for lots of people to stomach, but as someone who used to watch a ton of anime it wasn't anything too weird. Also, you're entitled to your opinion of course, but it's my and many other's opinion that the battle system is the best in the series.
The thing i hate most about the story is that most of it you have to read in the datalog, and the rest you cant understand unless you read the novels or something like that. I hated the battle system because I felt rushed and it was hard to focus on any one thing. There is no real pause screen to assess the battlefield and make strategic moves. The camera rotates and bounces all around and you can only see one enemy's health bar and status effects at a time, and its floating over their head. There is no order to the positioning. Your team mates just move all over the place randomly and so do the enemies. This actually has a big effect on things like A.o.E attacks. Hope can be standing right next to your sentinel and get smashed to pieces. Well enough of my rant. I just beat the game so I'm a little ticked off.The story isn't hard to understand if you read the datalog. Just like Assassin's Creed 2.
The story isn't hard to understand if you read the datalog. Just like Assassin's Creed 2.I never said it was hard to understand. I said i hate that you have to read the datalog. The story should have been told by the cutscenes and the characters, not a datalog. Many things are not explained in the game, especially the ending.turtlethetaffer
I never said it was hard to understand. I said i hate that you have to read the datalog. The story should have been told by the cutscenes and the characters, not a datalog. Many things are not explained in the game, especially the ending.[QUOTE="turtlethetaffer"]The story isn't hard to understand if you read the datalog. Just like Assassin's Creed 2.
Don't spoil it! Haven't gotten there yet, I'm about 25 hours in.
I never said it was hard to understand. I said i hate that you have to read the datalog. The story should have been told by the cutscenes and the characters, not a datalog. Many things are not explained in the game, especially the ending.[QUOTE="Androvinus"]
[QUOTE="turtlethetaffer"]The story isn't hard to understand if you read the datalog. Just like Assassin's Creed 2.
Don't spoil it! Haven't gotten there yet, I'm about 25 hours in.
oh dear. lol. Just prepare to head over to ff13 wiki.Final Fantasy reminds me of the "huge" influential bands of the 90's that could have been legendary but got stuck in the past and never bothered to progress. The Final Fantasy games are stuck in the 90's, and the franchise loves to engulf itself with problematic drama instead of striding on success and moving on.
Really if that were true certain fans would never complain. Each FF plays differently from each other. Its not always the same battle system,story,character or world. Thats why the fanbase has so many splits. Thats the reason I like the series since not counting sequels like 13-2 your pretty much getting a new direction each part. Now is that direction good or bad is based on the persons opinion.
I got FF13 expecting it to be flawed. So i had no high expectations. I expected a game with linear levels, lots of cutscenes, story driven and a good battle system. Instead I got one of the most poorly written stories I have had the displeasure of sitting through, an unpolished and badly thought out battle system and extremely poor pacing. I thought they sacrificed gameplay for story, but this story is truly awful. It shows that square is lost.Androvinus
I actually felt it was one of the top battle systems the series has. Also the pacing didint feel to bad since it was always on the move.
I found 13 to be good but not as good as every other FF before it (minus X-2). The real stinker is XIV... what a mangled POS that turned out to be. So much potential for the game but just marred by high system requirements and just flat out retarded bazaar system... how do you take one of the best innovations of FFXI (auction house) and toss it away for NPC statues that sell your stuff? how do you limit how many missions you can do per day? how do you have a level 10 craft recipe require a level 100 item to make....
Anyway... you are SE... be SE... not EA.
I never said it was hard to understand. I said i hate that you have to read the datalog. The story should have been told by the cutscenes and the characters, not a datalog. Many things are not explained in the game, especially the ending.[QUOTE="turtlethetaffer"]The story isn't hard to understand if you read the datalog. Just like Assassin's Creed 2.
You don't necessarily have to read the datalog. Sure you have to if you want to understand the story in the very beginning of the game, but as it progresses, you learn everything you need to know through cutscenes.
I didn't read the datalog on my playthrough of the game and understood the story just fine. The ending, however, was just....terribly confusing.
I never said it was hard to understand. I said i hate that you have to read the datalog. The story should have been told by the cutscenes and the characters, not a datalog. Many things are not explained in the game, especially the ending.[QUOTE="turtlethetaffer"]The story isn't hard to understand if you read the datalog. Just like Assassin's Creed 2.
then dont play it, people like you are ruining rpgs, rpgs are story driven if you dont like it try another genre
This. It just did something different than other Final Fantasy games in the past and thats why fans hate it. Also, I've been enjoying Square-Enix games this gen, I don't see where that hate is coming from. Playing Birth by Sleep now and I think its quite fun tbh and just grabbed Valkyrie Profile Lenneth. The only game I can't seem to get into is The Last Remnant and thats all technical..XIII was awesome imo and FF isn't close to dead for me.
The FF brand was dying long before FFXIII. Just face it, Square sucks ass. Don't expect anything great from them ever again.Crystal-Rush
pretty much this, they release more crap games than good games for a while now
My heart sank a little when I saw the reviews for FFXIV. FFXI was one of the few MMORPGs that I bothered to invest in, and FFXIV ended up being half-assed. I doubt the PS3 version will even come out at this rate, and even if it did, who would buy it with all the problems the game has? It would be the first numbered FF game never to see the light of day on a console, and that's rather pathetic.I found 13 to be good but not as good as every other FF before it (minus X-2). The real stinker is XIV... what a mangled POS that turned out to be. So much potential for the game but just marred by high system requirements and just flat out retarded bazaar system... how do you take one of the best innovations of FFXI (auction house) and toss it away for NPC statues that sell your stuff? how do you limit how many missions you can do per day? how do you have a level 10 craft recipe require a level 100 item to make....
Anyway... you are SE... be SE... not EA.
No. FFXIII sold very well, got great critic reviews on average and I personally loved the game. I loved FFXII even more, though, gotta agree with that. I'll never understand the FF fanbase, it's a jumbled mess of disparate opinions that can't agree with anything. I think the series is in good shape, but I can't even say that without being bombarded by haters :P It's aggravating.
One problem though: FFXIII's budget was about 5 times bigger than the other two mentioned. Square practically risked bankruptcy on FFXIII, and it did not sell well enough to justify the amount of money they spent on it.Timstuff
Umm. No. IIRC a few short months after the release of FFXIII Square had an 11% increase in profits. The game sold very well, has the best first week in FF history, and has a fanbase interested in XIII-2.
And a company as large as Square can't really risk bankruptcy with a single title..
It barely sold more than Final Fantasy XII (VGchartz), even though it launched on two consoles and had a much bigger budget. It also has the lowest review scores of any numbered single player FF game. Its sales and scores weren't bad by most rubrics, but by the series standards it was sub-par and signals an overall decline. I feel almost like I'm arguing about Metroid: Other M again.No. FFXIII sold very well, got great critic reviews on average and I personally loved the game. I loved FFXII even more, though, gotta agree with that. I'll never understand the FF fanbase, it's a jumbled mess of disparate opinions that can't agree with anything. I think the series is in good shape, but I can't even say that without being bombarded by haters :P It's aggravating.
Uh-oh FF debate, which means so many diffrent opinions as meny FF games, which means guerranty rage :P Yet series are still alive and will be until SE dies, reason? It's there most know series and is hard to belive that they ever leave it, it would be like MS would leave Halo
It barely sold more than Final Fantasy XII (VGchartz), even though it launched on two consoles and had a much bigger budget. It also has the lowest review scores of any numbered single player FF game. Its sales and scores weren't bad by most rubrics, but by the series standards it was sub-par and signals an overall decline. I feel almost like I'm arguing about Metroid: Other M again. One game signals overall decline?[QUOTE="calvinsora"]
No. FFXIII sold very well, got great critic reviews on average and I personally loved the game. I loved FFXII even more, though, gotta agree with that. I'll never understand the FF fanbase, it's a jumbled mess of disparate opinions that can't agree with anything. I think the series is in good shape, but I can't even say that without being bombarded by haters :P It's aggravating.
It barely sold more than Final Fantasy XII (VGchartz), even though it launched on two consoles and had a much bigger budget. It also has the lowest review scores of any numbered single player FF game. Its sales and scores weren't bad by most rubrics, but by the series standards it was sub-par and signals an overall decline. I feel almost like I'm arguing about Metroid: Other M again.[QUOTE="calvinsora"]
No. FFXIII sold very well, got great critic reviews on average and I personally loved the game. I loved FFXII even more, though, gotta agree with that. I'll never understand the FF fanbase, it's a jumbled mess of disparate opinions that can't agree with anything. I think the series is in good shape, but I can't even say that without being bombarded by haters :P It's aggravating.
FFXIII was, for SE, a fincancial success, that is to me enough of a reason to think it's still going on. We're talking about killing, not being as successful. Same with the scores, I'm not a fan of comparative scoring, and we never know if the next game in the series couldn't be better. Of course, it's all about opinion, but FF won't die for a long time if SE's next projects are any indication. FFXIV, though, was a failure and had a far more negative impact on the series.
Final Fantasy started to go down hill after X (although that one gave me a headache with the TERRIBLE voice acting).
Square needs to realise that they were a one trick pony, they should just remake their old games like FF7 with new graphics and that kind of stuff, then MABEY they could redeem there status.
Also I have never been a fan of the charecter models in just about any of their games, they look like freakin' cross dressers. I don't know WHY anyone would want to dress up like that in real life, makes no sense.
Final Fantasy started to go down hill after X (although that one gave me a headache with the TERRIBLE voice acting).
Square needs to realise that they were a one trick pony, they should just remake their old games like FF7 with new graphics and that kind of stuff, then MABEY they could redeem there status.
Also I have never been a fan of the charecter models in just about any of their games, they look like freakin' cross dressers. I don't know WHY anyone would want to dress up like that in real life, makes no sense.
Well it is fantasy... they're supposed to dress differently.
Anyways, if they remade FFVII, I would totally buy it because I've never been able to play it before.
I enjoyed FFXIII - much more than X, VIII and VII. It was disappointing in some ways and felt like a step backward coming after XII, but overall, it was a good game, imo. The battle system was one of the best in the series.
Also, I like that the FF series changes things up from game to game; it keeps the series from getting stale. There are times when we get a bad battle system (FFVIII - imo), but I appreciate that they try to do something new and aren't afraid to take risks. I got bored with the Disgaea series due to the lack of change.
Final Fantasy started to go down hill after X (although that one gave me a headache with the TERRIBLE voice acting).
Square needs to realise that they were a one trick pony, they should just remake their old games like FF7 with new graphics and that kind of stuff, then MABEY they could redeem there status.
Also I have never been a fan of the charecter models in just about any of their games, they look like freakin' cross dressers. I don't know WHY anyone would want to dress up like that in real life, makes no sense.
Well it is fantasy... they're supposed to dress differently.
Anyways, if they remade FFVII, I would totally buy it because I've never been able to play it before.
I don't know any kind of "fantasy" where men dress up like women, and I hope I never find out.
When I think of fantasy I think of a knight decked out in badass armor or a mage with a cloak or something... certainly not a guy with blonde hair wearing no shirt and tights for pants (the guy from FF12 i think...)
But if they made FF7 I would buy that in a heartbeat. Also what ever happened to the Chrono series? I played Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross but after that they just stopped.... those games were fun even though Chrono Cross had an impossible stroyline to follow due to it being too confusing.
Final Fantasy started to go down hill after X (although that one gave me a headache with the TERRIBLE voice acting).
Square needs to realise that they were a one trick pony, they should just remake their old games like FF7 with new graphics and that kind of stuff, then MABEY they could redeem there status.
Also I have never been a fan of the charecter models in just about any of their games, they look like freakin' cross dressers. I don't know WHY anyone would want to dress up like that in real life, makes no sense.
Well it is fantasy... they're supposed to dress differently.
Anyways, if they remade FFVII, I would totally buy it because I've never been able to play it before.
I don't know any kind of "fantasy" where men dress up like women, and I hope I never find out.
When I think of fantasy I think of a knight decked out in badass armor or a mage with a cloak or something... certainly not a guy with blonde hair wearing no shirt and tights for pants (the guy from FF12 i think...)
But if they made FF7 I would buy that in a heartbeat. Also what ever happened to the Chrono series? I played Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross but after that they just stopped.... those games were fun even though Chrono Cross had an impossible stroyline to follow due to it being too confusing.
I have never played Chrono Cross but after playing Chrono Trigger on DS, I really want to.
Final Fantasy started to go down hill after X (although that one gave me a headache with the TERRIBLE voice acting).
Square needs to realise that they were a one trick pony, they should just remake their old games like FF7 with new graphics and that kind of stuff, then MABEY they could redeem there status.
Also I have never been a fan of the charecter models in just about any of their games, they look like freakin' cross dressers. I don't know WHY anyone would want to dress up like that in real life, makes no sense.
Well it is fantasy... they're supposed to dress differently.
Anyways, if they remade FFVII, I would totally buy it because I've never been able to play it before.
I don't know any kind of "fantasy" where men dress up like women, and I hope I never find out.
When I think of fantasy I think of a knight decked out in badass armor or a mage with a cloak or something... certainly not a guy with blonde hair wearing no shirt and tights for pants (the guy from FF12 i think...)
But if they made FF7 I would buy that in a heartbeat. Also what ever happened to the Chrono series? I played Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross but after that they just stopped.... those games were fun even though Chrono Cross had an impossible stroyline to follow due to it being too confusing.
FF characters do indeed dress bizarre, but not like women. I'd say that Vaan's outfit would be impossible on a female character (the blonde hair guy you're talking about). And everyone's definition of fantasy is different, fantasy is basically anything out of the trappings of reality.
I don't know any kind of "fantasy" where men dress up like women, and I hope I never find out.ShadowMoses900You obviously don't understand why they have effeminate characters instead of buffed up knights in armour do you? It's mainly a culture thing, it's the kind of stuff that makes those characters popular in Japan. Although I think your idea of dressing as a "Woman" is pretty poor I've yet to ever mistake a charcater for anything else than what they were.
Well it is fantasy... they're supposed to dress differently.
Anyways, if they remade FFVII, I would totally buy it because I've never been able to play it before.
I don't know any kind of "fantasy" where men dress up like women, and I hope I never find out.
When I think of fantasy I think of a knight decked out in badass armor or a mage with a cloak or something... certainly not a guy with blonde hair wearing no shirt and tights for pants (the guy from FF12 i think...)
But if they made FF7 I would buy that in a heartbeat. Also what ever happened to the Chrono series? I played Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross but after that they just stopped.... those games were fun even though Chrono Cross had an impossible stroyline to follow due to it being too confusing.
I have never played Chrono Cross but after playing Chrono Trigger on DS, I really want to.
I don't know if you have a PS3 or not, but if you do can download Chrono Cross of the PS Store for about 5 or 10 bucks, it's a great deal and that's how Iplayed it. The PS Store also has every PS One FF game on there for about the same price and last time I checked you could get FF7, 8, AND 9 for $7 each. That's pretty good all things considered, and Chrono Cross didn't take too long to download for me either.
[QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]I don't know any kind of "fantasy" where men dress up like women, and I hope I never find out.JynxzorYou obviously don't understand why they have effeminate characters instead of buffed up knights in armour do you? It's mainly a culture thing, it's the kind of stuff that makes those characters popular in Japan. Although I think your idea of dressing as a "Woman" is pretty poor I've yet to ever mistake a charcater for anything else than what they were.
No I remember playing FF 4 on the DS or something and it came with an artbook and I went over to the picture of Paladin Cecil and he was wearing makeup and I could not for the life of me figure out what gender he was until further in the story, and I don't care if it makes the charecters popular in Japan (I'm friends with a Japanese exchange student and he says the people who are into cross dressing and stuff are called yotakus or something and they are frowned upon just like they are here.)
I wish they would let you make your own charecter, because if I wanted to play as a women I would make a female charecter, simple as that. Not be forced to play some gender ambigious charecter who was drawn by some sexually confused artist or something. No thank you.
It barely sold more than Final Fantasy XII (VGchartz), even though it launched on two consoles and had a much bigger budget. It also has the lowest review scores of any numbered single player FF game. Its sales and scores weren't bad by most rubrics, but by the series standards it was sub-par and signals an overall decline. I feel almost like I'm arguing about Metroid: Other M again.[QUOTE="calvinsora"]
No. FFXIII sold very well, got great critic reviews on average and I personally loved the game. I loved FFXII even more, though, gotta agree with that. I'll never understand the FF fanbase, it's a jumbled mess of disparate opinions that can't agree with anything. I think the series is in good shape, but I can't even say that without being bombarded by haters :P It's aggravating.
I actually enjoy other m. The only beef I had with it was the lack of exploration which is the series is known for. It wasint a signal of declin in quality of metroid games since it was just 1 game where they tried something different. This is why companies are afraid to do new things since some fans would outright said the series is dead or is dieing cause of 1 game. I still cant beleive some had the nerve to say other m was so bad that they dont know if samus could ever come back from it. That type of thought process deserv a giant facepalm.
It barely sold more than Final Fantasy XII (VGchartz), even though it launched on two consoles and had a much bigger budget. It also has the lowest review scores of any numbered single player FF game. Its sales and scores weren't bad by most rubrics, but by the series standards it was sub-par and signals an overall decline. I feel almost like I'm arguing about Metroid: Other M again.[QUOTE="Timstuff"]
No. FFXIII sold very well, got great critic reviews on average and I personally loved the game. I loved FFXII even more, though, gotta agree with that. I'll never understand the FF fanbase, it's a jumbled mess of disparate opinions that can't agree with anything. I think the series is in good shape, but I can't even say that without being bombarded by haters :P It's aggravating.
I actually enjoy other m. The only beef I had with it was the lack of exploration which is the series is known for. It wasint a signal of declin in quality of metroid games since it was just 1 game where they tried something different. This is why companies are afraid to do new things since some fans would outright said the series is dead or is dieing cause of 1 game. I still cant beleive some had the nerve to say other m was so bad that they dont know if samus could ever come back from it. That type of thought process deserv a giant facepalm.
Exactly my view. I completely agree.
Got a copy of FF13 right now that my brother borrowed. I don't even feel like playing it and I've been a long time FF fan. FF games have always been rewarding with lots of content and difficult enemies. You had to use the right combinations of spells and techniques rather than the random mash-em ups you have now. Its lost its challenge, and Square Enix has lost its credibility with me for looking to fans for ideas to maximise profits rather sticking to their guns and creating a truly great product. Now all we have are anime-like lame shonen storylines and gothic/lolita/gay characters that are typical of bad Japanese storytelling.
Final Fantasy reminds me of the "huge" influential bands of the 90's that could have been legendary but got stuck in the past and never bothered to progress. The Final Fantasy games are stuck in the 90's, and the franchise loves to engulf itself with problematic drama instead of striding on success and moving on.
Really if that were true certain fans would never complain. Each FF plays differently from each other. Its not always the same battle system,story,character or world. Thats why the fanbase has so many splits. Thats the reason I like the series since not counting sequels like 13-2 your pretty much getting a new direction each part. Now is that direction good or bad is based on the persons opinion.
Being stuck in the past does not mean rehashing what has worked. Instead of them taking the success and acclaim of the series, why do they resist it and create questionable games. I mean must I bring in the spin offs? Or the god awful MMO's?[QUOTE="Shinobi7777"]
The sales of FF X-2, FF XII and then FF XIII is just a reflection on FF fans losing faith in Square in general. That's just my opinion though.
Considering XIII was the best selling of the three you mentioned, that would indicate FF fans' faith is actually increasing....
One problem though: FFXIII's budget was about 5 times bigger than the other two mentioned. Square practically risked bankruptcy on FFXIII, and it did not sell well enough to justify the amount of money they spent on it. If it made profit then it wasnt a loss. And 6 million copies would mean that it did.[QUOTE="finalfantasy94"]
Final Fantasy reminds me of the "huge" influential bands of the 90's that could have been legendary but got stuck in the past and never bothered to progress. The Final Fantasy games are stuck in the 90's, and the franchise loves to engulf itself with problematic drama instead of striding on success and moving on.
Really if that were true certain fans would never complain. Each FF plays differently from each other. Its not always the same battle system,story,character or world. Thats why the fanbase has so many splits. Thats the reason I like the series since not counting sequels like 13-2 your pretty much getting a new direction each part. Now is that direction good or bad is based on the persons opinion.
Being stuck in the past does not mean rehashing what has worked. Instead of them taking the success and acclaim of the series, why do they resist it and create questionable games. I mean must I bring in the spin offs? Or the god awful MMO's?I'd say that the spin-offs with a tactical focus rock. FFT and FFXII Revenant Wings are, at least IMO, fantastic.
Final Fantasy started to go down hill after X (although that one gave me a headache with the TERRIBLE voice acting).
Square needs to realise that they were a one trick pony, they should just remake their old games like FF7 with new graphics and that kind of stuff, then MABEY they could redeem there status.
Also I have never been a fan of the charecter models in just about any of their games, they look like freakin' cross dressers. I don't know WHY anyone would want to dress up like that in real life, makes no sense.
one trick pony:
final fantasy series ofc
front mission series
chrono series
vagrant story
parasit eve series
threads of fate
kingdom hearts series
last remnant
i think they have a lot more amazing games than most developer companies around
Final Fantasy reminds me of the "huge" influential bands of the 90's that could have been legendary but got stuck in the past and never bothered to progress. The Final Fantasy games are stuck in the 90's, and the franchise loves to engulf itself with problematic drama instead of striding on success and moving on.
Really if that were true certain fans would never complain. Each FF plays differently from each other. Its not always the same battle system,story,character or world. Thats why the fanbase has so many splits. Thats the reason I like the series since not counting sequels like 13-2 your pretty much getting a new direction each part. Now is that direction good or bad is based on the persons opinion.
Being stuck in the past does not mean rehashing what has worked. Instead of them taking the success and acclaim of the series, why do they resist it and create questionable games. I mean must I bring in the spin offs? Or the god awful MMO's? Because people whine when they don't change. And people whine when they do. There's no compromise and honestly, I'd just let Square do what Square wants to fantasy series ofc
front mission series
chrono series
vagrant story
parasit eve series
threads of fate
kingdom hearts series
last remnant
i think they have a lot more amazing games than most developer companies around
Very true, kind of reminds me of Capcom last gen.Please Log In to post.
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