Is FFXIII killing the Final Fantasy brand?

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#101 ShyGuy0504
Member since 2009 • 1138 Posts

I thought Final Fantasy XIII was a great game. No, you don't have to tell me. I know my opinion is wrong.

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#102 D3dr0_0
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Final Fantasy XIII was the only one I sold in the series. I thought FFXII was going the right direction.

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No. FFXIII sold very well, got great critic reviews on average and I personally loved the game. I loved FFXII even more, though, gotta agree with that. I'll never understand the FF fanbase, it's a jumbled mess of disparate opinions that can't agree with anything. I think the series is in good shape, but I can't even say that without being bombarded by haters :P It's aggravating.


It barely sold more than Final Fantasy XII (VGchartz), even though it launched on two consoles and had a much bigger budget. It also has the lowest review scores of any numbered single player FF game. Its sales and scores weren't bad by most rubrics, but by the series standards it was sub-par and signals an overall decline. I feel almost like I'm arguing about Metroid: Other M again.

That's kind of like saying that IX was a failure because it didn't outsell VII and VIII, even though it's the highest rated (in terms of reviews)FF game. That fact is that XIII was a success financially for Square Enix.

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#104 deactivated-57d307c5efcda
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I think I'm one of the few people who truly enjoys games anymore.... I like all the Final Fantasy games (except the MMO's, personally never played them, so I'm not saying they suck, just that I have no interest in 11 and 14 simply because I don't care to much for MMO's), I liked Dragon Age 2 as well (thats another game people seem to love to hate). Most of these series change up some thigngs, and if they remade FF7 but with different characters and story, but kept the gameplay the same someone would complain abou that too.

Extremist fans just can't be happy, look at what happened at Bioware, they listened and changed things, people complained about DA:O being too dialog heavy so they lightened it up and gave the main character a voice; people complained about the slow and clunky combat, so they livened up the battle system, and look what happened, the fans then decided they liked the original forumla better and now have this extreme hatred towards Bioware. Sure, as with every game it has a couple of quirks, but it was still a fun game. And I fear the same thing is happening with Square, they are listening to fans for XIII-2, and I have a feeling while I and many others will accept the game for what it is and enjoy it, the extremists are going to hate it because Square listened to their complaints and tried to listen but somehow fail in their eyes.

Personally I find it funny that people want Square to stop making new games and just remake their games from the past. Now I sure wouldn't turn down a remake of FFVII and such, but I personally would like a completely new FF. All I can say is these haters can keep on hating, and I will just enjoy each entry into the series. We all have our favorites, but just because the next installment isn't a clone copy of FF This or FF That, doesn't mean it sucks, in fact if they were all the same then I would have lost interest in them a long time ago. Sorry for the long post but I have had built up rage about these types of people for a while now.

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#105 Vambran
Member since 2005 • 1921 Posts

No i think FF14 did that.

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#106 goblaa
Member since 2006 • 19304 Posts

I feel the series has been getting worse and owrse since 6. It got a kittke better with 9, and I enjoyed 7 and 10, but 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 were all pretty bad.

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#107 musalala
Member since 2008 • 3131 Posts

FF has been dead a while now, Last great one (IMO) was IX. XII was step in the right direction. I siply can't relate to the characters and stories anymore. Playing as an angst ridden teenager with his rag tag group of friends is not as exciting as it used to be.

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#108 Renzokucant
Member since 2009 • 3157 Posts
I loved FF12.... i thought it was the best Final Fantasy that i'd played since FF9. I cant even bring myself to play FF13 tho... i just wana mash x through it until the ending credits role and watch under siege on my other TV while i do it :(
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#109 santoron
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The sales of FF X-2, FF XII and then FF XIII is just a reflection on FF fans losing faith in Square in general. That's just my opinion though.


Considering XIII was the best selling of the three you mentioned, that would indicate FF fans' faith is actually increasing....

One problem though: FFXIII's budget was about 5 times bigger than the other two mentioned. Square practically risked bankruptcy on FFXIII, and it did not sell well enough to justify the amount of money they spent on it.

If you got a link showing SE didn't profit on FFXIII I'd sure love to see it. I don't know of a game made to date that needed more than 6 million in sales to turn a profit. And if it turnned a profit, then the $$$ was well spent. Let's also not forget; wrapped up into the dev cost of XIII was the creation of the Crystal Tools Engine which is the multiplatform backbone for much of this generation's offerings. That's an investment that reaps benefits on many games, not just FFXIII.

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#110 CleanPlayer
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I agree completely. I loved final fantasy on the ps2. Didn't care for the MMO's, but I hated FFXIII. The linear experience was just a disaster for me and I thought the story was underwhelming. I can't believe they are actually making a sequel to it too. Wish they'd make Kingdom Hearts 3...
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#111 DealRogers
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FFXIII is my biggest disappointment of this gen. I rented it because I didn't have the money to buy it at launch and I just didn't finish it.

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#112 musalala
Member since 2008 • 3131 Posts


Considering XIII was the best selling of the three you mentioned, that would indicate FF fans' faith is actually increasing....


One problem though: FFXIII's budget was about 5 times bigger than the other two mentioned. Square practically risked bankruptcy on FFXIII, and it did not sell well enough to justify the amount of money they spent on it.

If you got a link showing SE didn't profit on FFXIII I'd sure love to see it. I don't know of a game made to date that needed more than 6 million in sales to turn a profit. And if it turnned a profit, then the $$$ was well spent. Let's also not forget; wrapped up into the dev cost of XIII was the creation of the Crystal Tools Engine which is the multiplatform backbone for much of this generation's offerings. That's an investment that reaps benefits on many games, not just FFXIII.

Just a thought, the fact tha FF XIII is getting a sequel speaks volumes, FF X-2 came right on the heels of the finanical disasterous FF spririts within. So its fair to assume that square probably didn"t make as much money as they wanted or thought they would make with FF XIII. As a result of this they want to try to get back some money with a sequal it won't cost them as much becuase they are just reusing resources for FF XIII and they are almost guarantted atleast 2 million copies.

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#113 ratchet_usa
Member since 2005 • 376 Posts

Final Fantasy 10 was the last good final fantasy game. The franchise will never be as relevant as it was back then. I was watching blackbustercritic's videos and heard the opening theme to FFX and got nostalgic.

Final Fantasy 10 was god tier, as were 7 through 9, but 10 was the best IMO. Goodnight sweet final fantasy prince. You will be missed. :cry:


So is the FFXll opening.

FFXll is one of the best FF games. The story wasn't as epic, but everything else was just top notch.

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#114 conquerorsaint
Member since 2003 • 1338 Posts

It's SQUARE ENIX killing the Final Fantasy brand! **FIXED**
Square Enix has been killing the brand since the merger. the last good FF was 10 IMO. X-2 was a shameless cash-in with a fan-service yuna/rikku with tedious missions(and i still played it anyway, not knowing any better).

Crisis Core was terrible(story), repetitive and bland stages/gameplay/missions. the only serviceable parts were the nibelheim chapter and the ending (which was ruined by bad english va unfortunately).

FF12 had great potential, but the story and cast was rather forgettable since the cutscenes were too few and far between the padded gameplay. MMO tedium was brought to single player at last through the padded HP of enemies and the Mark Hunts. I liked the gameplay though it was annoying that you had to buy the damn gambits.

FF13 sought to remedy the lack of story and character interaction from 12 but in doing so sacrificed the open worlds and towns for a more streamlined experience. while the story and characters werent too bad (and was kind of refreshing actually), the corridors-fest linearity and lack of towns obviously drew a lot of flak. and now they are cashing in through a needless sequel with serah in the lead this time in skimpy outfits.

VS13 looks great but looks about as bland as crisis core in atmosphere/gameplay.

I don't care about the MMO FFs they should've spun it off into FF Online in the first place.

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#115 Krelian-co
Member since 2006 • 13274 Posts


Final Fantasy 10 was the last good final fantasy game. The franchise will never be as relevant as it was back then. I was watching blackbustercritic's videos and heard the opening theme to FFX and got nostalgic.

Final Fantasy 10 was god tier, as were 7 through 9, but 10 was the best IMO. Goodnight sweet final fantasy prince. You will be missed. :cry:


So is the FFXll opening.

FFXll is one of the best FF games. The story wasn't as epic, but everything else was just top notch.

i agree with this

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#116 madsnakehhh
Member since 2007 • 18368 Posts

I thought Final Fantasy XIII was a great game. No, you don't have to tell me. I know my opinion is wrong.


Your opinion is not wrong, is actually pretty accurate, FFXIII is a great game, far from perfect and far from the best FF game, but it is a great game.