pfffffft review scores
Just a bunch of idiots thinking what they know about video games and metacritic sums up the idiocracy so people can laugh at all the video game reviewers.
Only good ones are AVGN and Angry Joe.
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What about The Spoony One?pfffffft review scores
Just a bunch of idiots thinking what they know about video games and metacritic sums up the idiocracy so people can laugh at all the video game reviewers.
Only good ones are AVGN and Angry Joe.
[QUOTE="sonic1564"]What about The Spoony One?pfffffft review scores
Just a bunch of idiots thinking what they know about video games and metacritic sums up the idiocracy so people can laugh at all the video game reviewers.
Only good ones are AVGN and Angry Joe.
I hate that guy so much. I dont care much for joe ether but not in a hate way. I do enjoy AVGN mainly cause its not much of a review just an experiance watching play around with these games.
:lol:Only for Playstation games. Generic Trash like Halo and Gears of War gets 9-9.5's yet new unique experiences like Killzone and Resistance get 8-8.5's
F*cking Gamespot
Yes to some point, but it's hard to really say as there are multiple reviewers. So one if Tom Mchsea thinks a game sucks it doesn't mean that Kevin V agrees with him, lately it seems like the scoring system is falling in the 7-8 range.
This however does not bother me, reviews are just opinions, we all have them. And there are plenty of review sites out there all with different opinions. Only YOUR opinion on a game matters. Reviews just serve as a quick reference but don't give too much weight to them.
I would prefer though if GS switched over to a 1-5 scale with NO half points of any kind. It's simple and just makes more sense. Like honestly what the hell is the difference between a 7.5 and an 8? Or an 8.5 and a 9?
There really isn't, and any game that scores below an 8 on here (or in SW case just a 9, but SW is stupid so that doesn't matter). So it's like no one is going to bother with a game that scores a 7 or lower. Just do 1-5, it would be the more logical thing to do.
[QUOTE="Slashless"]unique experiences like Killzone and ResistanceSlashless
What other game lets you shoot generic enemies with a generic story and awful gameplay?
Mass Effect?i miss the whole 1-10 with .1 incriments. there is a big difference from 8.5-9....1-5 means a lot of games get 5's.....which is not the caseYes to some point, but it's hard to really say as there are multiple reviewers. So one if Tom Mchsea thinks a game sucks it doesn't mean that Kevin V agrees with him, lately it seems like the scoring system is falling in the 7-8 range.
This however does not bother me, reviews are just opinions, we all have them. And there are plenty of review sites out there all with different opinions. Only YOUR opinion on a game matters. Reviews just serve as a quick reference but don't give too much weight to them.
I would prefer though if GS switched over to a 1-5 scale with NO half points of any kind. It's simple and just makes more sense. Like honestly what the hell is the difference between a 7.5 and an 8? Or an 8.5 and a 9?
There really isn't, and any game that scores below an 8 on here (or in SW case just a 9, but SW is stupid so that doesn't matter). So it's like no one is going to bother with a game that scores a 7 or lower. Just do 1-5, it would be the more logical thing to do.
[QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]i miss the whole 1-10 with .1 incriments. there is a big difference from 8.5-9....1-5 means a lot of games get 5's.....which is not the caseYes to some point, but it's hard to really say as there are multiple reviewers. So one if Tom Mchsea thinks a game sucks it doesn't mean that Kevin V agrees with him, lately it seems like the scoring system is falling in the 7-8 range.
This however does not bother me, reviews are just opinions, we all have them. And there are plenty of review sites out there all with different opinions. Only YOUR opinion on a game matters. Reviews just serve as a quick reference but don't give too much weight to them.
I would prefer though if GS switched over to a 1-5 scale with NO half points of any kind. It's simple and just makes more sense. Like honestly what the hell is the difference between a 7.5 and an 8? Or an 8.5 and a 9?
There really isn't, and any game that scores below an 8 on here (or in SW case just a 9, but SW is stupid so that doesn't matter). So it's like no one is going to bother with a game that scores a 7 or lower. Just do 1-5, it would be the more logical thing to do.
I don't, it just made no sense. Tell me what the single quantifying difference in quality between a 9.5 and a 9.6? Or hell just an 8.5 and a 9? It's basically the same thing, just say the game is great and one you should buy. The scoring system makes no sense.
I admit I do use the .5 accrements for my own personal reviews on here, however that is only if I can't decide between say "should this game get an 8 or a 9?" and I just give it a middle score. But I would prefer to just use 1-5 with NO points or half-points of any kind.
Gamespot realise that controvesy will make people read and watch more gamespot.... it's a marketing strategy to be harsherhippiesantaits always been harsher than other reviewers (apart from play magazine, but those guys are on crack) but thats because i don't think most games deserve AAA scores, but the quality isn't anywhere near the beginning of are actually getting soft
Let's face it.... the more you get older (eg: senior like CP, TM, KV....)...... B1t.c..ness tendency are higher .... hormone changes... heard of mid-life crisis or menopause? Been there done that (except for menopause). I'm 38 years old man and I get mad easier than I was 10 years ago. Every detail must be look perfect according to our judgement and when all hell broke loose..... some random victim had to be sacrafice on the altar
skyrim scored a 9 last year, and it's the definition of not having any details perfect (or in any presentable condition whatsoever)Let's face it.... the more you get older (eg: senior like CP, TM, KV....)...... B1t.c..ness tendency are higher .... hormone changes... heard of mid-life crisis or menopause? Been there done that (except for menopause). I'm 38 years old man and I get mad easier than I was 10 years ago. Every detail must be look perfect according to our judgement and when all hell broke loose..... some random victim had to be sacrafice on the altar
[QUOTE="Slashless"][QUOTE="Overlord93"] lol'd
What other game lets you shoot generic enemies with a generic story and awful gameplay?
the fallout series? :DBurn in hell
the fallout series? :D[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"][QUOTE="Slashless"]
What other game lets you shoot generic enemies with a generic story and awful gameplay?
Burn in hell
gunplay in the new fallout games is horrible, and, let's face it, the enemies are pretty bland. so it fits the description pretty accurately.Gamespot is the major place I look to for reviews because of their harsh qualities. I left IGN and their reviews because they began handing out 9's to everything (Catherine, NBA 2k12, UFC Undisputed 3, SSX, Street Fighter x Tekken, etc.).
[QUOTE="hippiesanta"]skyrim scored a 9 last year, and it's the definition of not having any details perfect (or in any presentable condition whatsoever) Exactly, this is more about-oh I dropped my foil hat hold on.... This is more about under the table deals for money. If a new developer came up and made a game like Skyrim, maybe not nearly as high in production values but just as good in terms of gameplay and was only just as buggy, it would lost 4 points just for being bugging alone and be marked as 'unplayable' and 'rushed'.Let's face it.... the more you get older (eg: senior like CP, TM, KV....)...... B1t.c..ness tendency are higher .... hormone changes... heard of mid-life crisis or menopause? Been there done that (except for menopause). I'm 38 years old man and I get mad easier than I was 10 years ago. Every detail must be look perfect according to our judgement and when all hell broke loose..... some random victim had to be sacrafice on the altar
i miss the whole 1-10 with .1 incriments. there is a big difference from 8.5-9....1-5 means a lot of games get 5's.....which is not the caseShadowMoses900
I don't, it just made no sense. Tell me what the single quantifying difference in quality between a 9.5 and a 9.6? Or hell just an 8.5 and a 9? It's basically the same thing, just say the game is great and one you should buy. The scoring system makes no sense.
I admit I do use the .5 accrements for my own personal reviews on here, however that is only if I can't decide between say "should this game get an 8 or a 9?" and I just give it a middle score. But I would prefer to just use 1-5 with NO points or half-points of any kind.
It made SW a lot better that's for sure. Imagine if we had the .5 increments back then and Twilight Princess scored a 9.0. The armageddon would have been substantially smaller.
[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"][QUOTE="hippiesanta"]skyrim scored a 9 last year, and it's the definition of not having any details perfect (or in any presentable condition whatsoever) Exactly, this is more aboit-oh I dropped my foil hat hold on.... This is more about under the table deals for money. If a new developer came up and made a game like Skyrim, maybe not nearly as high in production values but just as good in terms of gameplay and was only just as buggy, it would lost 4 points just for being bugging alone and be marked a 'unplayable'. considering that some pretty big names have been getting these low scores, i'd hardly say that you have a point. my point was that the gamespot editors didn't all become senile at once, out of the blue. hell, they're hardly the age to get senile.Let's face it.... the more you get older (eg: senior like CP, TM, KV....)...... B1t.c..ness tendency are higher .... hormone changes... heard of mid-life crisis or menopause? Been there done that (except for menopause). I'm 38 years old man and I get mad easier than I was 10 years ago. Every detail must be look perfect according to our judgement and when all hell broke loose..... some random victim had to be sacrafice on the altar
i miss the whole 1-10 with .1 incriments. there is a big difference from 8.5-9....1-5 means a lot of games get 5's.....which is not the casetagyhag
I don't, it just made no sense. Tell me what the single quantifying difference in quality between a 9.5 and a 9.6? Or hell just an 8.5 and a 9? It's basically the same thing, just say the game is great and one you should buy. The scoring system makes no sense.
I admit I do use the .5 accrements for my own personal reviews on here, however that is only if I can't decide between say "should this game get an 8 or a 9?" and I just give it a middle score. But I would prefer to just use 1-5 with NO points or half-points of any kind.
It made SW a lot better that's for sure. Imagine if we had the .5 increments back then and Twilight Princess scored a 9.0. The armageddon would have been substantially smaller.
That's just their fault for not being able to handle different opinions, when are people going to learn that only their own opinion matters on games, not some one elses? There is no reason for them to get upset over it.
As long as the review isn't like one of those fanboy troll reviews, then I don't see the problem. Twilight Princess was a 9.5 in my book, Rachet and Clank Tools of Destruction was too. Zelda SS was an 8.5
GS can say whatever they want, it's not going to effect my enjoyment (or lack of enjoyment) of a game in any way shape or form.
Angry Joe is great. Yahtzee was good too, but his mantra eventually got stale.Jeremy Jahns
Angry Joe
Yahtzee (Zero Punctuation)
*In no particular order
i miss the whole 1-10 with .1 incriments. there is a big difference from 8.5-9....1-5 means a lot of games get 5's.....which is not the case[QUOTE="jsmoke03"][QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]
Yes to some point, but it's hard to really say as there are multiple reviewers. So one if Tom Mchsea thinks a game sucks it doesn't mean that Kevin V agrees with him, lately it seems like the scoring system is falling in the 7-8 range.
This however does not bother me, reviews are just opinions, we all have them. And there are plenty of review sites out there all with different opinions. Only YOUR opinion on a game matters. Reviews just serve as a quick reference but don't give too much weight to them.
I would prefer though if GS switched over to a 1-5 scale with NO half points of any kind. It's simple and just makes more sense. Like honestly what the hell is the difference between a 7.5 and an 8? Or an 8.5 and a 9?
There really isn't, and any game that scores below an 8 on here (or in SW case just a 9, but SW is stupid so that doesn't matter). So it's like no one is going to bother with a game that scores a 7 or lower. Just do 1-5, it would be the more logical thing to do.
I don't, it just made no sense. Tell me what the single quantifying difference in quality between a 9.5 and a 9.6? Or hell just an 8.5 and a 9? It's basically the same thing, just say the game is great and one you should buy. The scoring system makes no sense.
I admit I do use the .5 accrements for my own personal reviews on here, however that is only if I can't decide between say "should this game get an 8 or a 9?" and I just give it a middle score. But I would prefer to just use 1-5 with NO points or half-points of any kind.
it made more sense when they had the weighted rating scale....everyone nowadays just looks at the score.When it was the old rating system a 9.1 or 9.0 was because graphically it wasn't that good...or technically it was a great game, but the repetetiveness lowered your tilt score (or fun factor as i interpret it) wasnt rated 10.... but with guitar hero and other puzzle games where graphics and sound arent necessary, they had to just boil it down to a number[QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"][QUOTE="jsmoke03"] i miss the whole 1-10 with .1 incriments. there is a big difference from 8.5-9....1-5 means a lot of games get 5's.....which is not the casejsmoke03
I don't, it just made no sense. Tell me what the single quantifying difference in quality between a 9.5 and a 9.6? Or hell just an 8.5 and a 9? It's basically the same thing, just say the game is great and one you should buy. The scoring system makes no sense.
I admit I do use the .5 accrements for my own personal reviews on here, however that is only if I can't decide between say "should this game get an 8 or a 9?" and I just give it a middle score. But I would prefer to just use 1-5 with NO points or half-points of any kind.
it made more sense when they had the weighted rating scale....everyone nowadays just looks at the score.When it was the old rating system a 9.1 or 9.0 was because graphically it wasn't that good...or technically it was a great game, but the repetetiveness lowered your tilt score (or fun factor as i interpret it) wasnt rated 10.... but with guitar hero and other puzzle games where graphics and sound arent necessary, they had to just boil it down to a numberThere was problems with that scale though, the new system gives reviewers more flexibility which is good in my eyes.:lol:Only for Playstation games. Generic Trash like Halo and Gears of War gets 9-9.5's yet new unique experiences like Killzone and Resistance get 8-8.5's
F*cking Gamespot
[QUOTE="jsmoke03"][QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]it made more sense when they had the weighted rating scale....everyone nowadays just looks at the score.When it was the old rating system a 9.1 or 9.0 was because graphically it wasn't that good...or technically it was a great game, but the repetetiveness lowered your tilt score (or fun factor as i interpret it) wasnt rated 10.... but with guitar hero and other puzzle games where graphics and sound arent necessary, they had to just boil it down to a numberThere was problems with that scale though, the new system gives reviewers more flexibility which is good in my eyes. i mentioned that...but then again flexibility is what the tilt score was for in the old system....this new system doesn't justify the reviews....if you notice nowadays...scores are can you rate a game a perfect gt 4 a 10 but say its not a perfect game....and have the same reasoning but give uncharted 2 a 9.5 saying that the game isn't perfect.....there is no justification...its just a number they want to assign a game...not flexibilityI don't, it just made no sense. Tell me what the single quantifying difference in quality between a 9.5 and a 9.6? Or hell just an 8.5 and a 9? It's basically the same thing, just say the game is great and one you should buy. The scoring system makes no sense.
I admit I do use the .5 accrements for my own personal reviews on here, however that is only if I can't decide between say "should this game get an 8 or a 9?" and I just give it a middle score. But I would prefer to just use 1-5 with NO points or half-points of any kind.
i mentioned that...but then again flexibility is what the tilt score was for in the old system....this new system doesn't justify the reviews....if you notice nowadays...scores are can you rate a game a perfect gt 4 a 10 but say its not a perfect game....and have the same reasoning but give uncharted 2 a 9.5 saying that the game isn't perfect.....there is no justification...its just a number they want to assign a game...not flexibilityjsmoke03A 10 at GS doesn't represent perfection though.
A 10 at GS doesn't represent perfection though. it did in the old review said perfect...and why would you rate a game 5/5 or 10/10 if there are flaws...and thats why im for the .1 increment rating[QUOTE="jsmoke03"] i mentioned that...but then again flexibility is what the tilt score was for in the old system....this new system doesn't justify the reviews....if you notice nowadays...scores are can you rate a game a perfect gt 4 a 10 but say its not a perfect game....and have the same reasoning but give uncharted 2 a 9.5 saying that the game isn't perfect.....there is no justification...its just a number they want to assign a game...not flexibilityStevo_the_gamer
it did in the old review said perfect...and why would you rate a game 5/5 or 10/10 if there are flaws...and thats why im for the .1 increment ratingjsmoke03What does that have to do with GTAIV though? They never said GTAIV was "perfect." And I agree with your last sentence there, which is why I'm all for getting rid of the term "perfection" all together. I think a game can still represent a 10, and manage to have flaws.
Angry Joe is trash. :S
I watched his Mass Effect videos, and enjoyed listening to his commentary. So BLAH.
The irony here is astounding.Only for Playstation games. Generic Trash like Halo and Gears of War gets 9-9.5's yet new unique experiences like Killzone and Resistance get 8-8.5's
F*cking Gamespot
Only for Playstation games. Generic Trash like Halo and Gears of War gets 9-9.5's yet new unique experiences like Killzone and Resistance get 8-8.5's
F*cking Gamespot
None of those franchises deserve anything above a 7, they are all Generic Trash.
[QUOTE="Slashless"]The irony here is astounding. ? Maybe you missed the joke. I wouldn't be surprised. :lol: :POnly for Playstation games. Generic Trash like Halo and Gears of War gets 9-9.5's yet new unique experiences like Killzone and Resistance get 8-8.5's
F*cking Gamespot
Only for Playstation games. Generic Trash like Halo and Gears of War gets 9-9.5's yet new unique experiences like Killzone and Resistance get 8-8.5's
F*cking Gamespot
None of those franchises deserve anything above a 7, they are all Generic Trash.
nuh-uh Sony don't not provide us with generic garbage like forza halo and gears, they provide us with new unique high quality never been done masterpieces like Gran Turismo Resistance and Playstation Allstars.Gamespot is the major place I look to for reviews because of their harsh qualities. I left IGN and their reviews because they began handing out 9's to everything (Catherine, NBA 2k12, UFC Undisputed 3, SSX, Street Fighter x Tekken, etc.).
And what was exactly wrong with Catherine, a game that actually stands out compared to all the generic trash that gets released these days. I had fun with it and it's actually challenging, a word that seems to have no importance in todays world.
Gamespot is the major place I look to for reviews because of their harsh qualities. I left IGN and their reviews because they began handing out 9's to everything (Catherine, NBA 2k12, UFC Undisputed 3, SSX, Street Fighter x Tekken, etc.).
And what was exactly wrong with Catherine, a game that actually stands out compared to all the generic trash that gets released these days. I had fun with it and it's actually challenging, a word that seems to have no importance in todays world.
He's a MS fanboy, if it's not a generic FPS he doesn't consider it a game.[QUOTE="ryangcnx-2"][QUOTE="Slashless"]
Only for Playstation games. Generic Trash like Halo and Gears of War gets 9-9.5's yet new unique experiences like Killzone and Resistance get 8-8.5's
F*cking Gamespot
None of those franchises deserve anything above a 7, they are all Generic Trash.
nuh-uh Sony don't not provide us with generic garbage like forza halo and gears, they provide us with new unique high quality never been done masterpieces like Gran Turismo Resistance and Playstation Allstars.hahahhahah Playstation All Stars is a complete copy and rip of NINTENDO's Super Smash Bros, your killing me here, my side hurts so bad. Theres no way you can actually believe what your typing, you are so a troll. If you actually believe what your typing I think the apocolyspe has begun.
hahahhahah Playstation All Stars is a complete copy and rip of NINTENDO's Super Smash Bros, your killing me here, my side hurts so bad. Theres no way you can actually believe what your typing, you are so a troll. If you actually believe what your typing I think the apocolyspe has begun.ryangcnx-2
R U implying sony steals ideas? bcuz falsely accusing someone of doing something just to makes them looks bad is label, and I won't not allow it. Playstation All Stars has never been done be4 and no amount of link/videos/fax can proof me wrong.
[QUOTE="drinkerofjuice"][QUOTE="Slashless"]The irony here is astounding. ? Maybe you missed the joke. I wouldn't be surprised. :lol: :P You've said dumber things than that before, but in a serious tone. I figured this was just another addition.Only for Playstation games. Generic Trash like Halo and Gears of War gets 9-9.5's yet new unique experiences like Killzone and Resistance get 8-8.5's
F*cking Gamespot
Saying that you made dumber posts is hardly an insult. I mean, it's the truth, after all ;)drinkerofjuiceJust hug already.
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