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The whole gameplay certainly is, but Id be lying if I said Legendary is easy.Meu2k7
I agree.
I think the game takes little skill to master, I barely play it and i've mastered it already and its just become extremely boring. I don't even play the MP anymore, Legendary poses more of a challenge.
Point is, it's a game that's easy to pick up and hard to master. You don't have to be too good to "play along", but you have to be very good to compete with the top players. That's one of the reasons why the "casuals" like the game. It's fun from the get go.
Oh, and beyondperfect, if you'd mastered it you could have a million dollar contract by now.
Any non-casual or veteran player will tell you that Halo requires skill to be good at it. :|MoldOnHold
Define skill, I had enver touched a console version of Halo before, neither had my mate, but we are already at skill lvl 19 of team doubles from 2 days , I win most slayer matchs .... wheres the skill? I just use common sense, the game is so limited by "Rock/paper/Scissors".
For example .... you both have starting gear ... whats to do other than spam a grenade at them? Holy your trigger down while aiming at them while running towards then meleeing...
Its the same 3 moves over and over again , yea ok on the ICe level you can use guirilla tactics with the whole "weird" "Hai I can crouch and go off radar and wait arounda corner with the insta-gib shotgun in your face" ... thats about it...
Other than that, its all about the weapon/position whoring.
[QUOTE="MoldOnHold"]Any non-casual or veteran player will tell you that Halo requires skill to be good at it. :|Meu2k7
Define skill, I had enver touched a console version of Halo before, neither had my mate, but we are already at skill lvl 19 of team doubles from 2 days , I win most slayer matchs .... wheres the skill? I just use common sense, the game is so limited by "Rock/paper/Scissors".
For example .... you both have starting gear ... whats to do other than spam a grenade at them? Holy your trigger down while aiming at them while running towards then meleeing...
Its the same 3 moves over and over again , yea ok on the ICe level you can use guirilla tactics with the whole "weird" "Hai I can crouch and go off radar and wait arounda corner with the insta-gib shotgun in your face" ... thats about it...
Other than that, its all about the weapon/position whoring.
If you're lvl 19, that means you're better than the people who are skill lvl 18 or under. Otherwise you would just be lvl 1.
[QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="MoldOnHold"]Any non-casual or veteran player will tell you that Halo requires skill to be good at it. :|kevy619
Define skill, I had enver touched a console version of Halo before, neither had my mate, but we are already at skill lvl 19 of team doubles from 2 days , I win most slayer matchs .... wheres the skill? I just use common sense, the game is so limited by "Rock/paper/Scissors".
For example .... you both have starting gear ... whats to do other than spam a grenade at them? Holy your trigger down while aiming at them while running towards then meleeing...
Its the same 3 moves over and over again , yea ok on the ICe level you can use guirilla tactics with the whole "weird" "Hai I can crouch and go off radar and wait arounda corner with the insta-gib shotgun in your face" ... thats about it...
Other than that, its all about the weapon/position whoring.
If you're lvl 19, that means you're better than the people who are skill lvl 18 or under. Otherwise you would just be lvl 1.
Yea ... its a ladder system, we are not stuck at 19 by any means, just neither of us can be bothered to continue, by this point its just "Which team can grab the spot/weapons" first in team doubles ..
Halo Multiplayer is ALL about the weapons , problem with that theory is the starting rifle is extremely retard Friendly" and very powerful at the same time, so in larger games its almost worthless using other weapons, except Rockets/sniper/Spartan lazer.
[QUOTE="kevy619"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="MoldOnHold"]Any non-casual or veteran player will tell you that Halo requires skill to be good at it. :|Meu2k7
Define skill, I had enver touched a console version of Halo before, neither had my mate, but we are already at skill lvl 19 of team doubles from 2 days , I win most slayer matchs .... wheres the skill? I just use common sense, the game is so limited by "Rock/paper/Scissors".
For example .... you both have starting gear ... whats to do other than spam a grenade at them? Holy your trigger down while aiming at them while running towards then meleeing...
Its the same 3 moves over and over again , yea ok on the ICe level you can use guirilla tactics with the whole "weird" "Hai I can crouch and go off radar and wait arounda corner with the insta-gib shotgun in your face" ... thats about it...
Other than that, its all about the weapon/position whoring.
If you're lvl 19, that means you're better than the people who are skill lvl 18 or under. Otherwise you would just be lvl 1.
Yea ... its a ladder system, we are not stuck at 19 by any means, just neither of us can be bothered to continue, by this point its just "Which team can grab the spot/weapons" first in team doubles ..
Play some other modes, for instance lone wolf. How does a game like COD4 or Unreal Tournament (pick one) have more strategy than Halo exactly?
The ease of picking up, learning, and playing the game along with its approachability makes it a casual game. There is no such thing as a hybrid of casual and hardcore. If there is then you could say that every game ever released is a hybrid casual-hardcore game saying that "it's casual because it's easy to pick up, but hard to master/skill makes it hardcore...".
Blah, blah, blah.
^ Lone wolf .. lets see:
*Oddball* - Run and gun , run around corners, oh wait .... your on radar and even if you craoch they still know where the skull is, so its just a bunch of people shooting eachother in the back while running at the skull ... theres a reason why most games removed this mode years ago.
*King of the Hill* - Decent mode, but the spots are always sodamn obvious especially on these bad maps such as narrows, they go in the same order (At least I think so ) every time so you know where to run next, again all you haev to do on this mode is crouch behind the tinsy bit of cover in the hill , have a good weapon and hope for the best.
*Slayer* Spawn .... kill with Rifle/Grenades/melee, or be lucky enough to be up against idiots, find a very good spot and weapon whore.
Have i left anything out? the gameplay is the same on all modes... its very very user friendly, to the point where skill difference from "average" to "skilled" is not so noticable. while Skilled to "complete idiot" is the only huge difference you notice.
halo is a fps for beginners. probably why its the most liked FPS game. lt-rickhunter
oh dear... Unreal Tournament, Quake, Battlefiled, COD etc are all for beginners as well. They are all easy to pick up. Even rainbow 6 is easy to pick up, first time I played I was going on killing sprees.
[QUOTE="MoldOnHold"]Any non-casual or veteran player will tell you that Halo requires skill to be good at it. :|Meu2k7
Define skill, I had enver touched a console version of Halo before, neither had my mate, but we are already at skill lvl 19 of team doubles from 2 days , I win most slayer matchs .... wheres the skill? I just use common sense, the game is so limited by "Rock/paper/Scissors".
For example .... you both have starting gear ... whats to do other than spam a grenade at them? Holy your trigger down while aiming at them while running towards then meleeing...
Its the same 3 moves over and over again , yea ok on the ICe level you can use guirilla tactics with the whole "weird" "Hai I can crouch and go off radar and wait arounda corner with the insta-gib shotgun in your face" ... thats about it...
Other than that, its all about the weapon/position whoring.
Have you tried Lone Wolves? Try it with guys over lvl 15 or such. Or maybe Team Tactical? Or campaign on Legendary? It depends on the people you play with really. It actually becomes pretty difficult to end up with a positive K/D spread on non-Slayer match types, such as Oddball, or Juggernaut. Campaign on Lengendary requires tactics, not run-n-gun like a lunatic. You'd go down in a second.^ Lone wolf .. lets see:
*Oddball* - Run and gun , run around corners, oh wait .... your on radar and even if you craoch they still know where the skull is, so its just a bunch of people shooting eachother in the back while running at the skull ... theres a reason why most games removed this mode years ago.
*King of the Hill* - Decent mode, but the spots are always sodamn obvious especially on these bad maps such as narrows, they go in the same order (At least I think so ) every time so you know where to run next, again all you haev to do on this mode is crouch behind the tinsy bit of cover in the hill , have a good weapon and hope for the best.
*Slayer* Spawn .... kill with Rifle/Grenades/melee, or be lucky enough to be up against idiots, find a very good spot and weapon whore.
Have i left anything out? the gameplay is the same on all modes... its very very user friendly, to the point where skill difference from "average" to "skilled" is not so noticable. while Skilled to "complete idiot" is the only huge difference you notice.
what the hell are you talking about? Have you even played any other FPS game? What game requires more strategy?
halo barely requires skill....there is barely any cover, you go in an open area you get 1 kill or 2kill then ur most likely todieso basically if you kill a hardcore player next thing will be that you got killed by a noob so basically everyone is hardcore in that game kill someone in front of you, the next guy will be waiting behind you, you cant live long..just keep running and shooting, if someone comes from behind you die, if someone is infront of you, whoever shoots first gets the kill mingo123
What game is much different from that? Unless you are good enough to get out of harms way your going to keep dying.
halo barely requires skill....there is barely any cover, you go in an open area you get 1 kill or 2kill then ur most likely todieso basically if you kill a hardcore player next thing will be that you got killed by a noob so basically everyone is hardcore in that game kill someone in front of you, the next guy will be waiting behind you, you cant live long..just keep running and shooting, if someone comes from behind you die, if someone is infront of you, whoever shoots first gets the kill mingo123
Exactly, theres no sprint, theres no real hiding, you move likea tortiose, and so forth, this guy nailed it, im quite suprised someone with a Halo avatar wouldnt be biased....
The game as so little mechanics, its the very basics of FPS..
The whole gameplay certainly is, but Id be lying if I said Legendary is easy.Meu2k7
[QUOTE="mingo123"]halo barely requires skill....there is barely any cover, you go in an open area you get 1 kill or 2kill then ur most likely todieso basically if you kill a hardcore player next thing will be that you got killed by a noob so basically everyone is hardcore in that game kill someone in front of you, the next guy will be waiting behind you, you cant live long..just keep running and shooting, if someone comes from behind you die, if someone is infront of you, whoever shoots first gets the kill Meu2k7
Exactly, theres no sprint, theres no real hiding, you move likea tortiose, and so forth, this guy nailed it, im quite suprised someone with a Halo avatar wouldnt be biased....
The game as so little mechanics, its the very basics of FPS..
um ok, you keep avoiding my question. Which game requires more skill, Ill tear that game down and say its for noobs.
[QUOTE="Meu2k7"]The whole gameplay certainly is, but Id be lying if I said Legendary is easy.Saturos3091
Same, it was easy on Co-Op, but I couldnt be bothered to do the first level alone :P
[QUOTE="MoldOnHold"]Any non-casual or veteran player will tell you that Halo requires skill to be good at it. :|Meu2k7
Define skill, I had enver touched a console version of Halo before, neither had my mate, but we are already at skill lvl 19 of team doubles from 2 days , I win most slayer matchs .... wheres the skill? I just use common sense, the game is so limited by "Rock/paper/Scissors".
For example .... you both have starting gear ... whats to do other than spam a grenade at them? Holy your trigger down while aiming at them while running towards then meleeing...
Its the same 3 moves over and over again , yea ok on the ICe level you can use guirilla tactics with the whole "weird" "Hai I can crouch and go off radar and wait arounda corner with the insta-gib shotgun in your face" ... thats about it...
Other than that, its all about the weapon/position whoring.
im a 47 in team doubles so i have more skill then gt is BFR Sherm if you think im lying[QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="mingo123"]halo barely requires skill....there is barely any cover, you go in an open area you get 1 kill or 2kill then ur most likely todieso basically if you kill a hardcore player next thing will be that you got killed by a noob so basically everyone is hardcore in that game kill someone in front of you, the next guy will be waiting behind you, you cant live long..just keep running and shooting, if someone comes from behind you die, if someone is infront of you, whoever shoots first gets the kill kevy619
Exactly, theres no sprint, theres no real hiding, you move likea tortiose, and so forth, this guy nailed it, im quite suprised someone with a Halo avatar wouldnt be biased....
The game as so little mechanics, its the very basics of FPS..
um ok, you keep avoiding my question. Which game requires more skill, Ill tear that game down and say its for noobs.
I won't say Halo requires skill, because it does to some extent. What I will say is that most of the time it seems like whoever gets the jump on who with the better weapon.[QUOTE="Meu2k7"]The whole gameplay certainly is, but Id be lying if I said Legendary is easy.Saturos3091
well of course, considering you cant even really die playing co-op (respawning).
[QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="mingo123"]halo barely requires skill....there is barely any cover, you go in an open area you get 1 kill or 2kill then ur most likely todieso basically if you kill a hardcore player next thing will be that you got killed by a noob so basically everyone is hardcore in that game kill someone in front of you, the next guy will be waiting behind you, you cant live long..just keep running and shooting, if someone comes from behind you die, if someone is infront of you, whoever shoots first gets the kill kevy619
Exactly, theres no sprint, theres no real hiding, you move likea tortiose, and so forth, this guy nailed it, im quite suprised someone with a Halo avatar wouldnt be biased....
The game as so little mechanics, its the very basics of FPS..
um ok, you keep avoiding my question. Which game requires more skill, Ill tear that game down and say its for noobs.
In the original Rainbow Six in 1998, if you got shot about twice, you die. You have to plan out waypoints in order to complete the mission, use go codes, choose what gear to bring on a mission, and be fast and quiet enough to keep hostages alive, as well as time ambushes. It's a lot more stragetic than Halo 3, which happend to come out 9 years a 47 in team doubles so i have more skill then gt is BFR Sherm if you think im lyinghello12367890That doesn't mean you have more skill, it means you and your teammate work well together and you play alot.
[QUOTE="MoldOnHold"]Any non-casual or veteran player will tell you that Halo requires skill to be good at it. :|Meu2k7
Define skill, I had enver touched a console version of Halo before, neither had my mate, but we are already at skill lvl 19 of team doubles from 2 days , I win most slayer matchs .... wheres the skill? I just use common sense, the game is so limited by "Rock/paper/Scissors".
For example .... you both have starting gear ... whats to do other than spam a grenade at them? Holy your trigger down while aiming at them while running towards then meleeing...
Its the same 3 moves over and over again , yea ok on the ICe level you can use guirilla tactics with the whole "weird" "Hai I can crouch and go off radar and wait arounda corner with the insta-gib shotgun in your face" ... thats about it...
Other than that, its all about the weapon/position whoring.
Dude, level 19 is nothing. Start playing Level 30+, then you'll get torn apart.
[QUOTE="hello12367890"]im a 47 in team doubles so i have more skill then gt is BFR Sherm if you think im lyingVandalvideoThat doesn't mean you have more skill, it means you and your teammate work well together and you play alot.
Even if he was better than me, unlike in most FPS , I would still be able to kill him a good 50% of the tiem due to the Retard Friendly" gameplay .... its too easy to seperate the good from the bad like in games such as UT.
[QUOTE="kevy619"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="mingo123"]halo barely requires skill....there is barely any cover, you go in an open area you get 1 kill or 2kill then ur most likely todieso basically if you kill a hardcore player next thing will be that you got killed by a noob so basically everyone is hardcore in that game kill someone in front of you, the next guy will be waiting behind you, you cant live long..just keep running and shooting, if someone comes from behind you die, if someone is infront of you, whoever shoots first gets the kill wemhim
Exactly, theres no sprint, theres no real hiding, you move likea tortiose, and so forth, this guy nailed it, im quite suprised someone with a Halo avatar wouldnt be biased....
The game as so little mechanics, its the very basics of FPS..
um ok, you keep avoiding my question. Which game requires more skill, Ill tear that game down and say its for noobs.
In the original Rainbow Six in 1998, if you got shot about twice, you die. You have to plan out waypoints in order to complete the mission, use go codes, choose what gear to bring on a mission, and be fast and quiet enough to keep hostages alive, as well as time ambushes. It's a lot more stragetic than Halo 3, which happend to come out 9 years later.I thought we were talking multiplayer? Plus people keep talking about playing on co-op,YOU CANT DIE playing co-op in Halo 3.
That doesn't mean you have more skill, it means you and your teammate work well together and you play alot.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="hello12367890"]im a 47 in team doubles so i have more skill then gt is BFR Sherm if you think im lyingMeu2k7
Even if he was better than me, unlike in most FPS , I would still be able to kill him a good 50% of the tiem due to the Retard Friendly" gameplay .... its too easy to seperate the good from the bad like in games such as UT.
says you, play against him. Im sure you will never kill him at all.
[QUOTE="mingo123"]halo barely requires skill....there is barely any cover, you go in an open area you get 1 kill or 2kill then ur most likely todieso basically if you kill a hardcore player next thing will be that you got killed by a noob so basically everyone is hardcore in that game kill someone in front of you, the next guy will be waiting behind you, you cant live long..just keep running and shooting, if someone comes from behind you die, if someone is infront of you, whoever shoots first gets the kill kevy619
What game is much different from that? Unless you are good enough to get out of harms way your going to keep dying.
hmmm games like cod4, just sprint to cover and wait for the enemy to come to you, in halo3if you find cover, someone will come from behind you, or above you lol or from below or left or right :D so the best thing to do is run and keep praying no one is behind i said its really hard to explain but believe me you can get away from these types of things in cod4 and many other games....halo 3 is noobish...there is no hardcore player.....the levels are all open mostly you are clearly visible from far away no matter what (sandtrap)....tell me one place in halo 3 which is safe for you to stand and snipe from....just 1 place...there cover, you kill an elite player, then someone noob kills you from back or above or below......
Single player on Heroic and Legendary is quite chalenging.msoftburneyNot challenging, time consuming.
That doesn't mean you have more skill, it means you and your teammate work well together and you play alot.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="hello12367890"]im a 47 in team doubles so i have more skill then gt is BFR Sherm if you think im lyingMeu2k7
Even if he was better than me, unlike in most FPS , I would still be able to kill him a good 50% of the tiem due to the Retard Friendly" gameplay .... its too easy to seperate the good from the bad like in games such as UT.
lol. maybe you should look at the weapons in UT before making statements that are blatantly wrong.
lol. maybe you should look at the weapons in UT before making statements that are blatantly wrong.marklarmerIts incredibly easy to seperate good from bad in UT. The weapons rely on reaction timing and precision. YOu also have to have a degree of either luck or intuition.
[QUOTE="Meu2k7"]That doesn't mean you have more skill, it means you and your teammate work well together and you play alot.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="hello12367890"]im a 47 in team doubles so i have more skill then gt is BFR Sherm if you think im lyingmarklarmer
Even if he was better than me, unlike in most FPS , I would still be able to kill him a good 50% of the tiem due to the Retard Friendly" gameplay .... its too easy to seperate the good from the bad like in games such as UT.
lol. maybe you should look at the weapons in UT before making statements that are blatantly wrong.
Sorry what? In Ut you dont start with the easiest weapon ever invented, and good players can easily dodge Rockets/Flak , but on Halo you cant dodge **** because its as if you walking on the moon.
[QUOTE="msoftburney"]Single player on Heroic and Legendary is quite chalenging.VandalvideoNot challenging, time consuming. Clearly if it wasn't chalenging, then it wouldn't be time consuming. ;)
[QUOTE="kevy619"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="MoldOnHold"]Any non-casual or veteran player will tell you that Halo requires skill to be good at it. :|Meu2k7
Define skill, I had enver touched a console version of Halo before, neither had my mate, but we are already at skill lvl 19 of team doubles from 2 days , I win most slayer matchs .... wheres the skill? I just use common sense, the game is so limited by "Rock/paper/Scissors".
For example .... you both have starting gear ... whats to do other than spam a grenade at them? Holy your trigger down while aiming at them while running towards then meleeing...
Its the same 3 moves over and over again , yea ok on the ICe level you can use guirilla tactics with the whole "weird" "Hai I can crouch and go off radar and wait arounda corner with the insta-gib shotgun in your face" ... thats about it...
Other than that, its all about the weapon/position whoring.
If you're lvl 19, that means you're better than the people who are skill lvl 18 or under. Otherwise you would just be lvl 1.
Yea ... its a ladder system, we are not stuck at 19 by any means, just neither of us can be bothered to continue, by this point its just "Which team can grab the spot/weapons" first in team doubles ..
Halo Multiplayer is ALL about the weapons , problem with that theory is the starting rifle is extremely retard Friendly" and very powerful at the same time, so in larger games its almost worthless using other weapons, except Rockets/sniper/Spartan lazer.
tell me your gamer tag me and my friend vs you and yours and you can have the wepons and a 10 kill lead[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="msoftburney"]Single player on Heroic and Legendary is quite chalenging.msoftburneyNot challenging, time consuming. Clearly if it wasn't chalenging, then it wouldn't be time consuming. ;) Challenging and time consuming are two seperate things. Its not challengening to carefully kill one guy after the other. Its just time consuming. (Grunt birthday party = win on legendary though)
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