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[QUOTE="B-boy"]halo games are dumbies, just walk and shot walk and shot that it too itDeihmos
Isn't that what you do in all shooters?
no, just the ones with guns
[QUOTE="chester706"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="MoldOnHold"]Any non-casual or veteran player will tell you that Halo requires skill to be good at it. :|inertk
Define skill, I had enver touched a console version of Halo before, neither had my mate, but we are already at skill lvl 19 of team doubles from 2 days , I win most slayer matchs .... wheres the skill? I just use common sense, the game is so limited by "Rock/paper/Scissors".
For example .... you both have starting gear ... whats to do other than spam a grenade at them? Holy your trigger down while aiming at them while running towards then meleeing...
Its the same 3 moves over and over again , yea ok on the ICe level you can use guirilla tactics with the whole "weird" "Hai I can crouch and go off radar and wait arounda corner with the insta-gib shotgun in your face" ... thats about it...
Other than that, its all about the weapon/position whoring.
You cant play ranked matches with a guest. Fail.Yes you can, ranked doubles.
YOU fail.
Um no, you cant play with a guest in ranked anything. :roll: Guess its you who fails after all.
[QUOTE="mingo123"]halo barely requires skill....there is barely any cover, you go in an open area you get 1 kill or 2kill then ur most likely todieso basically if you kill a hardcore player next thing will be that you got killed by a noob so basically everyone is hardcore in that game kill someone in front of you, the next guy will be waiting behind you, you cant live long..just keep running and shooting, if someone comes from behind you die, if someone is infront of you, whoever shoots first gets the kill kevy619
What game is much different from that? Unless you are good enough to get out of harms way your going to keep dying.
The ease of picking up, learning, and playing the game along with its approachability makes it a casual game. There is no such thing as a hybrid of casual and hardcore. If there is then you could say that every game ever released is a hybrid casual-hardcore game saying that "it's casual because it's easy to pick up, but hard to master/skill makes it hardcore...".
Blah, blah, blah.
Uhh DOA, Soul Calibur , Super Smash Bros Melee & Halo are easy to pickup & play and they all have competitive gaming leagues.
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