You seem to think that after games like Age of Mythology and Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings, Ensemble remained at its consistant level of amazing quality. Age of Empires 3 was nothing but a shadow of the greatness that came from Age of Empires 2. Is it a still great game? Of course... but so is Halo Wars.Honestly HW is probably one of the worst high budget, recognized, and hyped RTS EVER. Not just talking about this year, but over the last decade. Some of you guys listing games like Savage Moon and Men of War(though this is suppose to be pretty decent) aren't high profile games, not even close.
Who made Halo Wars again? Oh yeah, Ensemble. Ensemble is one of the big boys with Blizzard, Relic, and Creative Assembly, so there is no excuse really(Unless MS severely undercut their budget/time).
Anyways, Halo Wars may technically not be the worst RTS this years, but it is one of the worst in general considering the pedigree of the game developer and the financial backing of the publisher.
Ensemble set out to perfect the controls, and make the game easily accessible. They wanted it to be instant fast-paced action. Yes, Halo Wars is shallow in comparison to some of the other RTSs on PC... but, even Ensemble's last game fell victum to what Halo Wars fell too: simplicity.
Edit: Also, you're talking to someone who's been a fan of Ensemble since the original Age of Empires; with that said, I own every single game Ensemble has ever made.
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