Now I know that I'm going to get called a "cow", "triggered" or whatever corny terms people who dislike what I have to say call me. But to note I was actually ROOTING for this guy in what he had in store for the Xbox brand. But in all serious this guy is a con man. He's the new Peter Molyneux but arguably worse.
Sure its EASY to blame Don Mattrick but its 2018 now and Mattrick has been gone. It was common SENSE to fix his mistakes or else the Xbox brand would be nowhere. Phil Spencer simply took advantage of that by saying "I'm for gamers" unlike Mattrick. Anyone could have did that.
You had many people championing him because he got all the credit for just reversing the stupid shit the previous guy did. But again what has HE done? It is 2018 people... And the Xbox One STILL repeat STILL does not have a new and quality triple A game! Its 2018! Meanwhile Sony has MANY including the already existing franchises. Where is the Xbox's Bloodborne? Where is the Xbox's Horizon?
You constantly see him congratulating Sony for their exclusives and what not. But how about actually INVESTING in some new exclusives for the Xbox? We don't care how much of a humble man you are how about you put your money where your mouth is? He's been going on for YEARS saying "first party this,first party that", but what has he actually done? Except cancelling what little exclusives they have like Scalebound and phantom dust? That's when I fully knew he was full of it. Then with heavily downgrading Crackdown so that it looks worse on better hardware, and continue to run his mouth with absolutely NOTHING to show for it.
Under his watch most if not all Microsoft games are now on pc. What is the point of that? To sell less consoles? Another example how he is full of shit is that he'll say stuff he knows won't happen just to get pop online and look like the "good guy." For example he says he wants PS4 and Xbox gamers to have cross platform multiplayer or he wants Banjo in Smash Bros.
Mind you this is stuff that if he actually wanted it to happen he could go through the proper channels and try to get to happen quietly and only talk publicly about it when there's something to announce. No he goes to the press with it out in the open but doesn't lay the groundwork to get it done and people give him credit for saying the stuff.
But to make matters worse you have him saying crap like this to excuse Scalebound getting cancelled.
" Scalebound was killed by hype, suggests Xbox boss Phil Spencer"
Then you had the controversial about his statements on single player games then only doing a 180 after the Horizon success.
All in all this guy is just selling Xbox owners dreams. He is a snake oil salemen. He is still apart of the Microsoft culture where they refuse to take risks in actually investing in stuff important for the Xbox brand which is new Ips. No Phil takes as little risks and depends on third parties. He invests in stuff no one asked for like the X1X. New Ips are real risk worth investments. Sure he had done good stuff like reversing Mattrick's silly decisions but that was MANDATORY for the Xbox brand....
I hope I am proven wrong by the upcoming E3....
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