And all you had to do was read the first sentence.
"Microsoft’s senior vice president of Interactive Entertainment Business Yusuf Mehdi has stated that given the broad multimedia focus of Xbox One, there’s no reason why it can’t shift between 400 million and 1 billion consoles in its lifetime."
except that's not what he said
it helps to actually read things for yourself
"'We think you can go broader than a game console, that’s our aim, and you can go from 400 million to potentially upwards of a billion units. That’s how we’re thinking of the Xbox opportunity as we go forward.'"
Yep, proves you wrong
I'd like to have what you're smoking, because it's definitely a lot stronger than what the clowns at MS who thought the Xbone would sell over 1 billion units were smoking.
Read it again. He's saying that he thinks the Xbone can sell over 1 billion units.
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