As a rule, one shouldn't go to Best Buy to buy a gaming PC, it is far better to build one, but yes, many do buy PCs at Best Buy, just to game. Now, I know the argument "I don't know how to build a PC" will come into play, but I many of y'all kids enjoy tech and the like. It isn't hard to read up on how to put one together, how to build a PC tutorials are all over the internet. MaximumPC has articles on how to build a PC every year and at different price points one for the budget gamer ($500-$750), one for a higher budget (around $1000 or so) and for even higher budgets ($1500 or more). They even recommend parts. Right now PC Gamer has an issue on the Newsstands on this very subject (PC Gamer is a sister publication of MaximumPC and is where the articles come from for the PC Gamer build a PC editions).The problem for a lot of people is accessibility. Have you seen the desktop pc selection at Best Buy lately? It is difficult to just buy a decent gaming pc for reasonable cost. You can just buy a console of your choice and be done with it. Then, if you are young and living with family, usually the pc is not available to you for your gaming needs because Mom, Dad and the brothers and sisters are all vying for time on the PC. Sure, maybe a lot of people are playing pc games, but that can mean anything from Farmville to the Sims and WoW. How many people actually keep the pc hardware and specs up-to-date to play the latest pc games at a level above current console specs? If the games and hardware are not visable at retail, then its kind of out of the consumers mind...and they dont really seem to care with the three very strong and affordable consoles out there.
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