@MirkoS77:[.....and since when is a game, still asked to be paid for, analogous to a piece of cake to be thrown out? Who says it's to be thrown out? You?These developers and publishers don't see it that way. They're asking for money. And what difference does it make if they're the head of a multi-million dollar corporation??I jumped from "give away" to "boss demands that you work for free" because the cake never was to be given away and I assumed (perhaps incorrectly?) that that's how you viewed your work.]
I could have said copied and pasted a cake but you'd probably take it less seriously, so I constructed this analogy to be as realistic and as relevant as possible, the used up thrown away cakes represents the game that nobody would have paid for, and the difference clarifies intent, they say piracy is a problem because it prevents workers from getting income (a sympathy generating tactic), yet their games still sell and their companies are still big, which leads me to believe that they are lying, and lairs don't have the grounds to argue "morality", it just tells me they are greedy and stingy and deserve less sympathy. There is a difference between pirating from honest devs that treat their costumers right and fair, and those that not only treat their costumers like they are criminals but use every opportunity to squeeze more money out of them like cows and expect compliance from it, basically don't tell me to feel bad for martin shkreli or the koch brothers losing out on a few hyperbolic sales that would have most definitely never happened even if there were no other alternatives.
[this is where you and I fundamentally disagree. You believe that the creators are only losing money if someone else is profiting off their work sans their consent. I believe the creators are losing out on money, not only when others profit off of it, but also when people simply enjoy their work without paying for it. It's not required to profit off of someone else's back to deny them profit in the first place. Even if they never would've paid, it is still immoral to gain that enjoyment through the act of piracy, because (unlike hearing music on the street/watching a movie at a friend's house, etc), you are actively and intentionally taking that enjoyment as a right to be used in the future permanently at your discretion without payment. That's the major distinction. Pirates love to hide behind, "they wouldn't have bought it anyway" because they know a negative can't be proven (talk about an argument based on a fallacy), even if it may be true to whatever degree. That does not mean these negatives wouldn't turn into some profit if legitimate means were the only option to attain the software.]
So now we are arguing that enjoyment (human emotions) can be monetized? yeah sorry, not buying it, thats something that someone who is lobotomized by major corporate success would say.
[Devs hate it when footage of their game's shown on YT? Nintendo's really the only one that's done that, mostly because of ad revenue. As far as I'm aware, if you're not monetizing it, they're fine with it.There's something known as fair use and free advertisement.]
and capcom, and square enix, and konami and a few indie devs that wanted to make a quick buck (I believe Jim Sterling had a case) and bullshit they are OK with not monetizing, if it didn't happen then it just means they didn't win whatever case they tried to throw at youtube, if another opportunity comes they WILL try again.
As for the second hand market? Rightly so, I'd argue. Release in poor conditions? DLC? MTs? It's very simple: don't like it, don't buy it. It's capitalism.
Agreed, so pirates don't pay the full sum and get a lesser experience in return, can we agree on that and leave the whole morality argument aside? or does this argument only apply for the second hand market? can I call them dirty thieves for not directly contributing to the developers and having the audacity to enjoy their games? or again is that argument only reserved for pirates?
Who are you to say they don't need the money because they already have tons? That's not the point. They are entitled to your dollar, in principle, when you use their product. You have power in capitalism also (your wallet), but you do not hold inherent rights to take freely when you view some company's behavior as ethically deplorable or monetarily superfluous.]
Of course not, nobody holds the right to pirate products and I don't believe i ever argued otherwise, but why should I demonize them for it and sympathize with the greedy companies though? because a few measly "potential" dollars slipped away from their hands? yeah cry me a river.
[No, those who share their yachts are very generous people. They've paid in full for what I (and others) am privy to temporarily enjoy.
No, you'd call them thieves, based on our exchange.
But at the end of the day, they sail the yacht home to keep, and I (and everyone else) don't.
and pirates do not get the full experience of the games they downloaded, no mp, no updates, compatibility issues, the list goes on.
[You're really going to sit there and say that people who haven't paid for a yacht at all hold the rights to use it whenever and however they see fit,]
I don't know about rights but I certainly wouldn't call them criminals just because they didn't pay the yacht companies for the "experience and enjoyment they got out of it".
[Don't shovel me this. Yachts are (last I checked) millions and millions of dollars, software is $60 unless you can't wait 6-12 months for a drop (also with Steam refunds..."but only two hours to try!" Boo-hoo). Yachts are available to be shown to their customers before they purchase them, given that the prospective client demonstrates they hold the means to follow through and is not some bum that is wasting the seller's time. Once again,]
Its all relative Richy, just because you think $60 is nothing doesn't mean it is, like I said before, they would have never bought it or would have bought it at a later point, either way the company would have gained nothing, and if you even dare bring up piracy = lost sale again I will assume you are a broken record,
and how many game demos do you know of on steam? in fact where can I get a demo of Dark Souls? I pirated the game last week to give it a shot (shitty game btw) and deleted after that, but I'm probably an immoral criminal in your eyes right now, so point to me where I can try out Dark Souls without feeling like a sinner? and also Rise of the Tomb Raider and Metal Gear Solid V?
[I'm a cheerleader for shit practices because I don't throw a tantrum like a child and then take as my own in disagreement? No, I'm not blind at all (I'm very open minded) but I have to be convinced and you're failing miserably as you've no argument and your analogies are laughable. I'd honestly hold more respect for you if you'd cease all these mental gymnastics and simply admit to being proud to pirate.]
LOL if anyone is throwing a tantrum its the big devs that bitch about hypothetical money lost! (and genuine consumers who get fucked in the ass because of DRM but thats besides the point) what do you think pirates have to lose from this besides time? some group will eventually figure out denuvo and then devs will go back to bitching and wining about not being able to control consumers like sheeps and then brainwash some (like you) into thinking they are the victims, and no you are not open minded and the "proud pirate" bit proves it, you already set a conclusion and are just looking for arguments to support it, there is no point in me telling you that I buy my games, everything with you is binary capitalism, you pay = you good, you not pay = you bad, its really pathetic.
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