@GoldenElementXL said:
The old me preferred the Xbox One controller. But after @tormentos showed me the light, I now understand that only Sony produces quality products and games. So now I enjoy the DS4 more. The battery dying faster is just Sony reminding me that I need to get up and do something active more often. The squishy triggers are a reminder of what my mid section would feel like if I played the Xbox One. Xbox wants us to be lazy, fat losers. No thanks! Too bad I already paid for that "Elite" XB1 controller. That's gonna be one expensive paperweight. It will be a good reminder of the mistakes I have made in my past.
Yes i remember how lemming claimed the original xbox controller was better than the DS2 as well,there is always fanboys who will say my crap is better than yours fact is i have no problems playing with any controller those excuses are for chumps most people adapt and funny enough they were already adapted to the DS design before the xbox controller was even design.
@darkangel115 said:
The X1 i much better for shooters. I think the main issue with the DS4/X1 debate is the way you hold it. The X1 is designed to fit in your hand so you grip it tight, the DS4 is designed to be held with your fingers and not with your palm touching it. But with that aside, the ROM is better for the LS due to placement on the X1 and the triggers are better (DS4 still doesn't have real triggers) and on the X1 you have better access to the bumpers then you do on the DS4 (bumper jumper)
a Poll with 600,000 votes and people chose the PS4 controller over the xbox one in droves,and before you bring any excuse or padding that same poll had the 2 console closer when it came to games.
The DS never had bumpers and is not like MS invented them Sega was there before just like the analogue on the upper left corner of the controller MS basically mixed the DS and the DC controller the rest is history the whole claims about superior controller mean shit look at that poll 600k voters that is huge and much bigger than most poll done on elections in US and my country to.
@darkangel115 said:
All those devices (besides apple) use removable rechargeable batteries. Only companies (like apple) looking to milk uninformed people put in non removable batteries because most people will just buy a new one when the batter dies (or in apples case, have apple replace it for a stupid amount of money)
one pack of those gives you about 14-20 hours of usage on 1 charge and always have a fresh pair ready that charge overnight.
Oh please using AA is not a damn excuse to not pack any,MS could fu**ing pack 2 rechargeable batteries in AA form and design the controller in a way that simple USB cable chart it sony has done it twice already,the real reason MS doesn't pack them is to milk you dry because they know morons like you will go for their dual proprietary charger which they sold apart.
Fact is that is 2015 and there is no reason why MS can't pack that charger it sold apart for what $20 or $25 free instead of charging for it there is no excuse to justify that hell even more when the damn thing was $500 dollars.
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