1. As much as you post on this forum your knowledge of the video game industry is lacking. First of all do you honestly believe all of Sonys developers start at Sony and stay at Sony? You do realize the director of GoW 3 helped make titanfall 2? Then you are ignoring the platforming and racing genres and classifying every action game with a third person perspective as a TPS which is laugable.
The first part is irrelevant.. if they switch teams and still fail. Killzone was nothing on other big shooters... it didn't last, it failed. Then Guerrilla games made Horizon, which didn't fail. I'm well aware. its just not relevant.
Gran Turismo has go progressively worse over the years, and is now so far behind Forza it's a joke. Drive Club failed miserably to match as well. so how are they competitive?
2. Killzone 2 was hardly a failure with a 90 plus on metacritic and several million copies sold. Games that warrant sequels usually are not failures.
I played Killzone 2's multiplayer to get the "Top 4% of the week" trophy.... I can tell you, that was a mess and had a low player base. the Input delay/death lag was one of the most amaturish things ever. Which was a shame, because the shooting mechanics and modes were pretty decent for a console game. The game was certainly nowhere near other shooters in the grand scheme of things, it was a 9/10 on graphics. The campaign was pretty, but long and dull.
Killzone is all but dead....
3. No microtrasactions are the reason MP games make more money and the reason more of them are developed under that business model. Reading comprehension isn't you're strong point. And yes LoL is a mess of the game the problem is the competition has all the same issues. Dota, HotS, those are its two main competitors all of which allow you shortcuts with real $$.
I didn't say more money though specifically? I said playerbase/interest
AAAAND here we go, the proof in the pudding. DOTA 2 has no shortcuts, its purely aesthetic, as is Counter Strike, as is Team Fortress , as is Overwatch etc etc. HOTS you are right... and it's not doing as well as the others. Also the same with PUBG ... you know... pretty much the biggest game on the planet now? (besides perhaps minecraft?)
4. So far fetched? You blabbered about skill ceilings and i named a game where the skills you use can actually translate to real life.
Translating to real life practicality is the only metric? well damn...
Again reading comprehension isn't your strong point. I said you are a PC gamer so if its not a FPS(first person shooter) or doesnt have a top down perspective ( RTS, Moba) its unplayable.
I did miss the "or" either way it's wrong... PC has every single console genre, there is no limit in devices or options. Meanwhile the same cannot be said the other way around. and as I've already pointed out, your list of exclusives is almost unique to PS4... in which case most of them (that are successfully) are TPS Shooters (in one form or another).
Riiiight..... the thing is ive been gaming since I was 7. I own a PC (although i hardly play it anymore) XB1X and a Switch so id say im hardly in a Playstation bubble.
Great, I had a SNES at 6 and a Windows 95 PC at 7 it's again irrelevant. Your knowledge of PC is is limited, you've been caught not knowing about the games in the market (the big unmissable ones). You have made 0 reference to the Switch or Xbox (which wouldn't help you anyway, as like I said, most of their libraries are on PC)....
Anyone can have a PC/Laptop and claim that as relevant... it really aint... the use/intent of that device is a different story.
Your right I cant wait for TloU 2 but I also cant wait for Spiderman, GoW, Days Gone and Ghost of Tsushima. Notice 3 of them are new IPS and one is basically a complete overhaul but since they are all third person its basically the same game right?
God of War... you better hope it regains some quality, another franchise past its prime.
Spider Man , ah yes.... a very flashy arkham esque game, I'l give you that.... not exactly a long list though?
Days Gone - woop woop another TPS but with zombies. you go girl!
Ghost of Tsushima - first time seeing this... interesting.. it looks more flashy than Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, but will it have the substance or the longevity? or will it be another classic "Here is a pretty Quick Time focused action game for you to walk through for 10 hours, pretty isn't it?" ...
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