I think XBox needs to do something that isn't "me too". The way some of the fans prattle about XBox Live is like listening to a Nintendo fanboy wax prose on Sony copying the analog stick from N64.
Kinect might have had better legs if they didn't try to actively ram it in every box at launch. Hopefully, Crackdown will deliver. That has the potential to be one of those "lookie what we can do" moments in gaming that define a platform.
With PS4 you need to go through years worth of hot exclusives before you need to start digging in the trash for shitty Ubisoft games etc like the ones Lemmings be up on every day because that's all they have.
You actually are gonna talk about GS scores as validation for whats worth playing?
Haters here hate but Halo Wars 2 is a good game.
Its only the second week of March and MS has released FH3, Gears 4, DR4 and HW2 since Q4. Thats four AAA games in 5 months.
Not really seeing how thats some huge drought just because PS4 brought out a couple of games finally. And Zelda is a flagship title for a new console thats pretty much better than everything including all the PS4 titles you listed which was to be expected.
Post seems more like its confusing personal tastes with lack of games, since you throw out a bunch of titles like Nier, GR2, HZD, Bloody Boobs and Skyrim games that I personally have no interest in.
Heres the pins from my Xbox desktop:
I'm not really feeling your pain. I have more games than I have time to play. Just trying to do my dailies in the PvP games I play takes up a couple hours.
I can understand if your tastes dont match mine but cmon man if you cant find something worth playing in that screen I dunno what to tell you.
Play your PS4 or Switch and be happy maybe?
That's what it comes down to broham.
HW2 and Sea of Thieves (cant wait for another quest brethren) are 2 of my go to games on the console right now. Do I win arguments in SW with them? No, but is that of real life importance ? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Halo 5 still growing in online engagement this long since release? Its because it's that awesome. Keep the rest, I'll stick with Halo
Battleborn is an overlooked gem, dude. I have it on Steam but maybe I should get it on X1 so we can team up; Ori goes without saying
Recore turned out mediocre imo, but if you want some platforming challenge, this game has it.
QB two play throughs maxed it out, I'm done with it. Good game.
This place was created to keep all the non sense out of the platform forums because we are the kids that did not fully mature. We still debate meaningless shit.
Is Xbox putting a damper on 2017? Well nobody has to buy anything in my country. Even food and housing will be provided if you go through proper channels. Why is TC letting anyone ruin his 2017? Sell your Xbox Mr. bullshitfakelemming
Now, I wanna start this thread of by saying I'm a huge lemming. Yeah, big Xbox guy. I got, like, over a 100.000 gamerpoints, so I'm all serious about this.
But let's get real, the Xbox, this year, has been nothing but bad news. Or no news. It had Halo Wars (6/10), which got a 6/10, and that's not great. Hell, anything under 7 isn't worth talking about. Meanwhile, the Ps4 is kicking ass and taking names. Nioh, Gravity Rush 2, and Nier, which is also on PC. Which brings me to PC, which is also doing great by having games that are like Skyrim with more dialogue, which is great. Joined alongside with titles with Hollow Knight and Bloody Boobs. So, two platforms are doing well. What about the third? Nintendo. They have a game, multiplat, but only available on Nintendo platforms, Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It's quite literally the best open world game ever created, and turning straight men gay for Nu-Link. It's great.
And Horizon came out, which is great. It is. Got a AAAE, so yeah, damn.
But Xbox One? Nothing. Hell, even the Scorpio looks tame. Yeah, great, we have a stronger console, but it doesn't have any games. The likes of Gears of War, Recore, and Halo have been terrribly disappointing (again, not me, gamespot). I did a questionnaire at work, and most people agreed Xbox One is great, because it's a number short of being zero. And it is. So, Playstation peeps, PC peeps, and Nintendo peeps are having fun. But Xbox is pulling itself apart by offering nothing.
What can Microsoft do? And cancelling games doesn't count. Not gay, btw.
It had literally no solid exclusives, lots of PS3 era remasters, ...
The first 2 years the PS4 was soley sold on multiplats.
I'm playing Infamous: Second Son right now, now that's a quality exclusive. What else was there to play around launch ? Knack ?
After that it was Bloodborne and after that Ratchet and clank, Uncharted 4 and TLG came out.
2016 had a few quality exclusives, 2017 is packing even more exclusives, 2018 will be like 2017...
Even that is subjective (all of entertainment is). Infamous was fun, so was Titanfall. Sunset Overdrive came after and for my money was more fun.
Bloodborne, check. R&C? Keep it, never my thing. U4? One and done. So much time climbing with no challenge whatsoever. TLG? I was very interested and it bored me to tears. No thank you.
Grav Rush 2? I own one on Vita and cant be bothered so yeah. Great that GS reviewers hi ball these games and all, but my mom raised me to my own man. When GS pays for my gaming interests, I'll be interested in what GS says.
Oh you mean games wise, sorry I thought you meant in sales.
I sales PS4 has always been doing strong, indeed !
@cainetao11 said:
Even that is subjective (all of entertainment is). Infamous was fun, so was Titanfall. Sunset Overdrive came after and for my money was more fun.
Bloodborne, check. R&C? Keep it, never my thing. U4? One and done. So much time climbing with no challenge whatsoever. TLG? I was very interested and it bored me to tears. No thank you.
Grav Rush 2? I own one on Vita and cant be bothered so yeah. Great that GS reviewers hi ball these games and all, but my mom raised me to my own man. When GS pays for my gaming interests, I'll be interested in what GS says.
Yes, these exclusives being any good is a subjective matter.
However our opinions (me liking or you disliking them) don't change facts: proper exclusives > a bunch of remasters.
PS4 in 2016,2017 and yeah I'm willing to bet 2018 > PS4 in 2013, 2014 and 2015.
Phantom Dust, Voodoo Vince Remastered, Sea of Thieves, etc. multiplats which all control better on the Xbox One...
There is more than enough already to feed legions of diverse gamer types.
"Control better on Xbox One"
Sea of Thieves, Phantom Dust, etc etc are going to be on pc.
Xbox one has halo 5, sunset overdrive, and 3rd party only.
Buying Xbox Play Anywhere games also buys Xbox One version
Why do you need an xbox one version if you can already play it on pc on higher settings?
It depends on the PC. DIY PC doesn't pass "white goods" out-of-the-box test.
Please create a price quote for the PC build with GTX 1070 i.e. the next GPU level above RX-480 and R9-390X.
Background for my POV.
GP104's native FP16 is 1/64 the speed of FP32.
GP104 has the following SM features
1. 2.4X rate integer 8 bit
2. 1.2X rate integer 16 bit... Think of DirectX 8 era pixel shaders.
3. single rate FP16 via FP32 emulation. No memory bandwidth reduction with Fp16 usage.
4. single rate FP32. The baseline processing rate.
Heavy optimized NVIDIA Gameworks games would be geared towards Maxwell/Pascal strength.
All GCN version 1.0 to 1.3 has the following CU features
1. single rate integer 8 bit
2. single rate integer 16 bit
3. single rate FP16 via FP32 emulation for GCN 1.0/1.1. It's naïve FP16 on GCN 1.2 and 1.3, hence reduce memory bandwidth usage.
4. single rate FP32
GCN 1.1 e.g. R7-360 and R9-390X
GCN 1.2 e.g. R9-380X and Fury X
CGN 1.3 e.g. RX-480.
Vega architecture has the following NCU features.
1. quad rate integer 8 bit
2. double rate integer 16 bit
3. double rate FP16.
4. single rate FP32.
Current AMD GPUs needs very high FP32 TFLOPS to speed up other data types, while Maxwell/lesser Pascal GPU with lower TFLOPS hides their higher integer performance.
TressFX running on Vega's double rate FP16 feature.
R9-390X estimate is only for baseline performance if Scorpio recycles GCN version 1.1/1.2/1.3 architecture. If Scorpio has Vega NCU, it would be faster than R9-390X.
Scorpio with 6TFLOPS FP32 GPU and Vega NCU
1. quad rate integer 8 bit = 24 TIOPS. Rivals GTX 1080 and exceeds Fury X.
2. double rate integer 16 bit = 12 TIOPS. Scorpio exceeds GTX 1080 and Fury X .
although I probably "know" in that I might have seen it in a slide or something, it's literally not something I have time to think about now and I actually couldn't remember whatever specs I've been exposed to even if I was tortured. I literally couldn't leak or answer a question that went beyond "Can I do this? Does it support that? How many of these could it render?"
What I do remember is that it's beefier than I expected.
Phil Spencer correctly identifies AMD GPU issues with it's high TFLOPS i.e. memory bandwidth.
When you talk to me about Scorpio, the term I use about the architecture isn’t the six teraflops which is obviously what we’ve announced, it’s balance. Really what it is, is you want a platform that is balanced between memory bandwidth, GPU power, you know, your ability to move memory and [an] amount of memory around in many ways is more inhibiting to the performance of your game than absolute teraflops on any one of the individual pieces, and when we designed Scorpio we really thought about this balanced rig that could come together at a price-point. Like, I want Scorpio to be at a console price-point, I’m not trying to go and compete with a high-end rig. And because we’re building one spec, we’re able to look at the balance between all the components and make sure that it’s something we really hit that matters to consumers and gamers.
The lesson from Nvidia Maxwell/Pascal designs are increasing memory bandwidth while increasing TFLOPS.
Vega's tile cache render to reduce external memory bandwidth usage is a step towards the right direction.
Microsoft guided AMD to fix their memory bandwidth problem.
We’ll suitably round-out our overview of AMD’s Vega teaser with a look at the front and back-ends of the GPU architecture. While AMD has clearly put quite a bit of effort into the shader core, shader engines, and memory, they have not ignored the rasterizers at the front-end or the ROPs at the back-end. In fact this could be one of the most important changes to the architecture from an efficiency standpoint.
Back in August, our pal David Kanter discovered one of the important ingredients of the secret sauce that is NVIDIA’s efficiency optimizations. As it turns out, NVIDIA has been doing tile based rasterization and binning since Maxwell, and that this was likely one of the big reasons Maxwell’s efficiency increased by so much. Though NVIDIA still refuses to comment on the matter, from what we can ascertain, breaking up a scene into tiles has allowed NVIDIA to keep a lot more traffic on-chip, which saves memory bandwidth, but also cuts down on very expensive accesses to VRAM.
For Vega, AMD will be doing something similar. The architecture will add support for what AMD calls the Draw Stream Binning Rasterizer, which true to its name, will give Vega the ability to bin polygons by tile. By doing so, AMD will cut down on the amount of memory accesses by working with smaller tiles that can stay-on chip. This will also allow AMD to do a better job of culling hidden pixels, keeping them from making it to the pixel shaders and consuming resources there.
As we have almost no detail on how AMD or NVIDIA are doing tiling and binning, it’s impossible to say with any degree of certainty just how close their implementations are, so I’ll refrain from any speculation on which might be better. But I’m not going to be too surprised if in the future we find out both implementations are quite similar. The important thing to take away from this right now is that AMD is following a very similar path to where we think NVIDIA captured some of their greatest efficiency gains on Maxwell, and that in turn bodes well for Vega.
Meanwhile, on the ROP side of matters, besides baking in the necessary support for the aforementioned binning technology, AMD is also making one other change to cut down on the amount of data that has to go off-chip to VRAM. AMD has significantly reworked how the ROPs (or as they like to call them, the Render Back-Ends) interact with their L2 cache. Starting with Vega, the ROPs are now clients of the L2 cache rather than the memory controller, allowing them to better and more directly use the relatively spacious L2 cache.
This is especially significant for a specific graphics task, which is rendering to a texture (as opposed to a frame buffer to be immediately displayed). Render to texture is an especially common operation for deferred shading, and while deferred shading itself isn’t new, its usage is increasing. With this change to Vega, the ROPs can now send a scene rendered to a texture to the L2 cache, which can in turn be fetched by the texture units for reuse in the next stage of the rendering process. Any potential performance improvements from this change are going to be especially game-specific since not every game uses deferred shading, but it’s one of those corner cases that is important for AMD to address in order to ensure more consistent performance.
@blackace: calm down dynamitecop, i know the truth touches your nerves but you might want to cover your butthurt a bit there
Lets not forget the meltdown you had a couple of days ago.
TC: If I had to claim myself a pc fanboy or a sony fanboy because of the amount of achievements or thropies I have on those platform then people would call me crazy.
For the last months you bash everything from MS, making a thread about it and claiming that the games are not good because Gamespot said so is sad. Altough opinions differ, this is just making a fact out of an opinion.
@speedfog: "Lets not forget the meltdown you had a couple of days ago."
Lol, what meltdown? If you're referring to the XGP thread where exposed lems' hypocrisy and cowardice that was not a meltdown but in fact i made lems meltdown all over the place. Those that go on full meltdown are the ones who start spamming the flag button in order to silence the other side because they get too butthurt by the truth. I never once used the flag button while lems had to spam it to silence me. If anything it was a pretty good achievement that I took on all the lem butthurted troop and all they could do to "win" was blocking me instead of using arguments.
What the poster argue ^^ 2017 is very clear there.
Non of the games you mention is 2017,in fact Halo 5 is 2015..lol
If you can't follow a simple argument please don't argue.
@R4gn4r0k said:
I'm starting to see history repeat itself:
Playstation (3&4) start out weak but they steadily pick up the pace with year 3 and onwards being full of exclusives and quality games.
Xbox (360 and one) start out pretty strong but they falter after a few years and pretty much have no exclusive games worth playing anymore.
The xbox one started strong? Where the hell i would like to know,since day 1 the highest rated game between PS4 and xbox was Resogun,MS first 90 game is not even full exclusive is on PC and landed 3 years basically into the generation FH3.
In 2014 TLOU remaster was release on PS4,scored 95%,in 2015 Bloodborn 90+,in 2016 Uncharted 4 90+,The xbox one hasn't won a single year game wise vs the PS4,just because you get Halo gears forza doesn't mean MS won anything specially when those series have gone down in quality greatly.
@cainetao11 said:
@R4gn4r0k said:
This was just a few years ago...
It had literally no solid exclusives, lots of PS3 era remasters, ...
The first 2 years the PS4 was soley sold on multiplats.
I'm playing Infamous: Second Son right now, now that's a quality exclusive. What else was there to play around launch ? Knack ?
After that it was Bloodborne and after that Ratchet and clank, Uncharted 4 and TLG came out.
2016 had a few quality exclusives, 2017 is packing even more exclusives, 2018 will be like 2017...
Even that is subjective (all of entertainment is). Infamous was fun, so was Titanfall. Sunset Overdrive came after and for my money was more fun.
Bloodborne, check. R&C? Keep it, never my thing. U4? One and done. So much time climbing with no challenge whatsoever. TLG? I was very interested and it bored me to tears. No thank you.
Grav Rush 2? I own one on Vita and cant be bothered so yeah. Great that GS reviewers hi ball these games and all, but my mom raised me to my own man. When GS pays for my gaming interests, I'll be interested in what GS says.
Yeah i can do that as well.
Sunset Over drive meh who cares Insomniac sucks that is what lemmings always claimed.
Titanfall fall no thanks i prefer COD and not a copy with robots and shitty AI with few maps few weapons and full price with no single player.
Forza 5 was a joke shitty graphics to much microtansactions.
Objectively you can't argue the PS4 doesn't have better games you can't period you and him all that you can do is bring your OPINION into it to try and downplay what most of the industry agree that is great,and yes spare me the falsehood and tears about playing the games for your self and having your own opinion.
Because that industry that make Uncharted what it is and rated Uncharted 4 like it did,is then same one who make Halo back in 2001,the same that make Gears in 2006 even with the horde of problems bugs and glitches the game had and terrible lag,and the same one who Rated Forza Horizon 3 like it did.
My main problem with you lemmings is that you don't downplay Forza Horizon 3 90 scores,no it is a fantastic game that every SHOULD love and like and that no review was wrong about it,but then again every 90 the PS4 get it most be met by a silly excuse to downplay it,oh its boring oh to much climbing,or is to difficult,oh TLOU is also on PS3 so it doesn't count for the PS4 even that the PS4 version is upgraded,but some how MCC does count.
I sales PS4 has always been doing strong, indeed !
Yes, these exclusives being any good is a subjective matter.
However our opinions (me liking or you disliking them) don't change facts: proper exclusives > a bunch of remasters.
PS4 in 2016,2017 and yeah I'm willing to bet 2018 > PS4 in 2013, 2014 and 2015.
Yeah Remasters only are good on xbox one you know like Halo MCC broken shit that some sites dare rate 9 even that it was totally broken for months.?
The fun part is the PS4 did have proper exclusives and more than the xbox one which is the thing,maybe you should stop believing that only Halo,gear and forza count on this freaking industry people don't even care is why the PS4 smocked the xbox one those games are not even close to be strong enough to even put a dent on sales for a reason.
The xbox one had shit dirt and tears for almost 3 years,it survive on Halo gears forza,and a few sparse exclusives that were not even exclusive to begin with that fade into obscurity.
My biggest problem with lemmings is how sad their perception is,and how they are only program to see what they want to see,objectively the PS4 had more game than the xbox one with higher scores as well,more with better scores is objectively better than fewer with lower score,regardless of the Value you or any other lemming want to give to MS series.
Microsoft told us what games are coming out in 2017 last year. MS actually had games for 2017 (Crackdown 3, Seas of thieves, State of Decay 2, Halo Wars 2)
I'm still curious to why xbox fans are in panic mode?
MS just had their line up on stage for 2017 at E3 last year.
Sony just to please its fans went hyper and showed off games coming for next 3 years.. If they show more AAA games are coming out for Playstation at this E3 , then we can debate it.
Do you really think MS will show up at E3 this year and have no first party games for late 2017-18, be real.
@loe12k: They also said Scalebound was an "early 2017" title last year. Little did we know it would just be cancelled in early 2017.
Microsoft gave Platinum games 3 years to make a good game and they failed to deliver. I don't blame MS at all.
First of all Microsoft and Platinum online relationship was terrible. The game engine used for Scalebound was having issues. Platinum was taking on new projects for Playstation and not finishing up a game MS paid lot of money for. Devs taking extended breaks off and not reaching deadlines MS set in the contract. The negative response to the game at E3.
@loe12k: They also said Scalebound was an "early 2017" title last year. Little did we know it would just be cancelled in early 2017.
Oh! the game that most people especially Sony fannies hated on that people now care so dearly about. That game.
Scalebound look dope from all the vids I watch and the main character was just another Dante DMC wannabe as well and to make it worst, Plat took the option out if you want to play as a female and this is coming from a Japanese folks too? I'm glad Scalebound is finally in the scrapyard, good riddance.
@loe12k: They also said Scalebound was an "early 2017" title last year. Little did we know it would just be cancelled in early 2017.
Microsoft gave Platinum games 3 years to make a good game and they failed to deliver. I don't blame MS at all.
First of all Microsoft and Platinum online relationship was terrible. The game engine used for Scalebound was having issues. Platinum was taking on new projects for Playstation and not finishing up a game MS paid lot of money for. Devs taking extended breaks off and not reaching deadlines MS set in the contract. The negative response to the game at E3.
And who's fault was that the relationship was terrible? I mean Platinum has had good relationships and results with practically all other companies but M$. There were reports that M$ kept changing goals and requirements for the game which is a sign of bad management and many other companies have said how M$ management sucks, even companies like FASA saying that M$ basically destroyed the culture within the company and made it worthless. Many people claim Bungie got out of M$'s claws by luck because if M$ would have taken a hold of them they would have perished quickly.
All the data and facts speak volumes on M$ having a poisonous corporal management that basically destroys gaming companies. They are clueless about gaming and that's why a top dev like Platinum was overwhelmed by such a clueless group of corporate suits like the ones at M$.
Now lems predictably side with the corporate suits rather than with the top level gaming devs because lems, as their corporate overlords, are clueless about gaming too.
@loe12k: They also said Scalebound was an "early 2017" title last year. Little did we know it would just be cancelled in early 2017.
Microsoft gave Platinum games 3 years to make a good game and they failed to deliver. I don't blame MS at all.
First of all Microsoft and Platinum online relationship was terrible. The game engine used for Scalebound was having issues. Platinum was taking on new projects for Playstation and not finishing up a game MS paid lot of money for. Devs taking extended breaks off and not reaching deadlines MS set in the contract. The negative response to the game at E3.
And who's fault was that the relationship was terrible? I mean Platinum has had good relationships and results with practically all other companies but M$. There were reports that M$ kept changing goals and requirements for the game which is a sign of bad management and many other companies have said how M$ management sucks, even companies like FASA saying that M$ basically destroyed the culture within the company and made it worthless. Many people claim Bungie got out of M$'s claws by luck because if M$ would have taken a hold of them they would have perished quickly.
All the data and facts speak volumes on M$ having a poisonous corporal management that basically destroys gaming companies. They are clueless about gaming and that's why a top dev like Platinum was overwhelmed by such a clueless group of corporate suits like the ones at M$.
Now lems predictably side with the corporate suits rather than with the top level gaming devs because lems, as their corporate overlords, are clueless about gaming too.
This just your opinion all baseless. We got official sources who gave the reasons why MS cancelled the project. and i listed the reasons. MS is not in the business of providing charity.
Top dev my ass it was heading towards 4 years development time, for this game. I think MS made the right decision, spend your money on projects more worthwhile for xbox.
@loe12k: They also said Scalebound was an "early 2017" title last year. Little did we know it would just be cancelled in early 2017.
Microsoft gave Platinum games 3 years to make a good game and they failed to deliver. I don't blame MS at all.
First of all Microsoft and Platinum online relationship was terrible. The game engine used for Scalebound was having issues. Platinum was taking on new projects for Playstation and not finishing up a game MS paid lot of money for. Devs taking extended breaks off and not reaching deadlines MS set in the contract. The negative response to the game at E3.
And who's fault was that the relationship was terrible? I mean Platinum has had good relationships and results with practically all other companies but M$. There were reports that M$ kept changing goals and requirements for the game which is a sign of bad management and many other companies have said how M$ management sucks, even companies like FASA saying that M$ basically destroyed the culture within the company and made it worthless. Many people claim Bungie got out of M$'s claws by luck because if M$ would have taken a hold of them they would have perished quickly.
All the data and facts speak volumes on M$ having a poisonous corporal management that basically destroys gaming companies. They are clueless about gaming and that's why a top dev like Platinum was overwhelmed by such a clueless group of corporate suits like the ones at M$.
Now lems predictably side with the corporate suits rather than with the top level gaming devs because lems, as their corporate overlords, are clueless about gaming too.
This just your opinion all baseless. We got official sources who gave the reasons why MS cancelled the project. and i listed the reasons. MS is not in the business of providing charity.
Top dev my ass it was heading towards 4 years development time, for this game. I think MS made the right decision, spend your money on projects more worthwhile for xbox.
The official sources don't mention the reasons why the thing was late which can be many including M$ fault. And we have evidence M$ being shit at management before and Platinum being good devs which don't usually have problems finishing a game on time. So evidence points mostly to M$ I'll say.
You actually are gonna talk about GS scores as validation for whats worth playing?
Haters here hate but Halo Wars 2 is a good game.
Its only the second week of March and MS has released FH3, Gears 4, DR4 and HW2 since Q4. Thats four AAA games in 5 months.
Not really seeing how thats some huge drought just because PS4 brought out a couple of games finally. And Zelda is a flagship title for a new console thats pretty much better than everything including all the PS4 titles you listed which was to be expected.
Yes Halo Wars 2 is a good game,just not better than the tons of games the PS4 is getting.
Yeah be a dishonest lemmings 5 games in 5 months,4 of those games are from 2016,1 is from this year,hell Forza horizon 3 is 6 months old not 5.
Then how you use Dead Rising 4 which is a freaking 72% game on meta yet you DARE like a blind fanboy claim that the PS4 got a couple of games finally,let see how your argument really hold.
The Last Guardian 82%
Steins Gate 0 -81%
World of Final Fantasy 77%
Dragon quest builders 83%
Thumper 84%
Nobunagas Amabition 74%
Some of the games that release since september 2016 there are more.
So the PS4 was also getting games before this year started but after the year started it has get even more,and higher rated,while the xbox one in the last 3+ months only got Halo Wars 2.
So hiding in 2016 games is a joke the PS4 got games on the end of 2016 as well and still getting tons of games,and more are coming P5,MLB,Drawn to death coming really soon.
Reality is the xbox one line up is weak and the PS4 is smocking it every time a lemming try to act as if the xbox one was getting games all 2016 long and the PS4 doesn't is really a dishonest fanboy,you named Dead Rising 4 i should lower the standards and name every PS4 game released since september with 72% or more,after all if it is good for the xbox one it most be good for the PS4.
@loe12k said:
Gears 4 flopped hey is that why VGcharts has them at nearly 3 million sales worldwide- retail only. It don't include PC and xbox one digital sales. Keep telling yourself xbox one games flop.
VGcharts... Ultra lol
Why are you mentioning games you don't play on a system you don't own? You've literally played none of the games you mentioned so why even bring them up. Don't talk about things abode your pay grade el Tormented.
Microsoft gave Platinum games 3 years to make a good game and they failed to deliver. I don't blame MS at all.
First of all Microsoft and Platinum online relationship was terrible. The game engine used for Scalebound was having issues. Platinum was taking on new projects for Playstation and not finishing up a game MS paid lot of money for. Devs taking extended breaks off and not reaching deadlines MS set in the contract. The negative response to the game at E3.
And who's fault was that the relationship was terrible? I mean Platinum has had good relationships and results with practically all other companies but M$. There were reports that M$ kept changing goals and requirements for the game which is a sign of bad management and many other companies have said how M$ management sucks, even companies like FASA saying that M$ basically destroyed the culture within the company and made it worthless. Many people claim Bungie got out of M$'s claws by luck because if M$ would have taken a hold of them they would have perished quickly.
All the data and facts speak volumes on M$ having a poisonous corporal management that basically destroys gaming companies. They are clueless about gaming and that's why a top dev like Platinum was overwhelmed by such a clueless group of corporate suits like the ones at M$.
Now lems predictably side with the corporate suits rather than with the top level gaming devs because lems, as their corporate overlords, are clueless about gaming too.
This just your opinion all baseless. We got official sources who gave the reasons why MS cancelled the project. and i listed the reasons. MS is not in the business of providing charity.
Top dev my ass it was heading towards 4 years development time, for this game. I think MS made the right decision, spend your money on projects more worthwhile for xbox.
The official sources don't mention the reasons why the thing was late which can be many including M$ fault. And we have evidence M$ being shit at management before and Platinum being good devs which don't usually have problems finishing a game on time. So evidence points mostly to M$ I'll say.
You hate Microsoft and xbox so you don't judge anything rationally. Multiple sources have confirmed the game was not reaching deadlines set by Microsoft. Even platinum said their employees were taking time off due to stress and work overload. Thats not MS problem? Its the studio responsibility and lets be honest here if the cared they would finished up Scalebound and start on Playstation games next. They finished Nier?
Microsoft gave Platinum games 3 years to make a good game and they failed to deliver. I don't blame MS at all.
First of all Microsoft and Platinum online relationship was terrible. The game engine used for Scalebound was having issues. Platinum was taking on new projects for Playstation and not finishing up a game MS paid lot of money for. Devs taking extended breaks off and not reaching deadlines MS set in the contract. The negative response to the game at E3.
And who's fault was that the relationship was terrible? I mean Platinum has had good relationships and results with practically all other companies but M$. There were reports that M$ kept changing goals and requirements for the game which is a sign of bad management and many other companies have said how M$ management sucks, even companies like FASA saying that M$ basically destroyed the culture within the company and made it worthless. Many people claim Bungie got out of M$'s claws by luck because if M$ would have taken a hold of them they would have perished quickly.
All the data and facts speak volumes on M$ having a poisonous corporal management that basically destroys gaming companies. They are clueless about gaming and that's why a top dev like Platinum was overwhelmed by such a clueless group of corporate suits like the ones at M$.
Now lems predictably side with the corporate suits rather than with the top level gaming devs because lems, as their corporate overlords, are clueless about gaming too.
This just your opinion all baseless. We got official sources who gave the reasons why MS cancelled the project. and i listed the reasons. MS is not in the business of providing charity.
Top dev my ass it was heading towards 4 years development time, for this game. I think MS made the right decision, spend your money on projects more worthwhile for xbox.
The official sources don't mention the reasons why the thing was late which can be many including M$ fault. And we have evidence M$ being shit at management before and Platinum being good devs which don't usually have problems finishing a game on time. So evidence points mostly to M$ I'll say.
You hate Microsoft and xbox so you don't judge anything rationally. Multiple sources have confirmed the game was not reaching deadlines set by Microsoft. Even platinum said their employees were taking time off due to stress and work overload. Thats not MS problem? Its the studio responsibility and lets be honest here if the cared they would finished up Scalebound and start on Playstation games next. They finished Nier?
Yeah because with Nier they weren't under shitty management so they could finish the game properly and without stress. You seem to be the one that is so in love with the corporate suits in M$ that you choose to ignore that they have fucked up Platinum with their shit management and not the other way around.
And who's fault was that the relationship was terrible? I mean Platinum has had good relationships and results with practically all other companies but M$. There were reports that M$ kept changing goals and requirements for the game which is a sign of bad management and many other companies have said how M$ management sucks, even companies like FASA saying that M$ basically destroyed the culture within the company and made it worthless. Many people claim Bungie got out of M$'s claws by luck because if M$ would have taken a hold of them they would have perished quickly.
All the data and facts speak volumes on M$ having a poisonous corporal management that basically destroys gaming companies. They are clueless about gaming and that's why a top dev like Platinum was overwhelmed by such a clueless group of corporate suits like the ones at M$.
Now lems predictably side with the corporate suits rather than with the top level gaming devs because lems, as their corporate overlords, are clueless about gaming too.
This just your opinion all baseless. We got official sources who gave the reasons why MS cancelled the project. and i listed the reasons. MS is not in the business of providing charity.
Top dev my ass it was heading towards 4 years development time, for this game. I think MS made the right decision, spend your money on projects more worthwhile for xbox.
The official sources don't mention the reasons why the thing was late which can be many including M$ fault. And we have evidence M$ being shit at management before and Platinum being good devs which don't usually have problems finishing a game on time. So evidence points mostly to M$ I'll say.
You hate Microsoft and xbox so you don't judge anything rationally. Multiple sources have confirmed the game was not reaching deadlines set by Microsoft. Even platinum said their employees were taking time off due to stress and work overload. Thats not MS problem? Its the studio responsibility and lets be honest here if the cared they would finished up Scalebound and start on Playstation games next. They finished Nier?
Yeah because with Nier they weren't under shitty management so they could finish the game properly and without stress. You seem to be the one that is so in love with the corporate suits in M$ that you choose to ignore that they have fucked up Platinum with their shit management and not the other way around.
I not in the know either are you, official sources are they have a clue what happened here. So you keep blaming Microsoft don't change facts.
This just your opinion all baseless. We got official sources who gave the reasons why MS cancelled the project. and i listed the reasons. MS is not in the business of providing charity.
Top dev my ass it was heading towards 4 years development time, for this game. I think MS made the right decision, spend your money on projects more worthwhile for xbox.
The official sources don't mention the reasons why the thing was late which can be many including M$ fault. And we have evidence M$ being shit at management before and Platinum being good devs which don't usually have problems finishing a game on time. So evidence points mostly to M$ I'll say.
You hate Microsoft and xbox so you don't judge anything rationally. Multiple sources have confirmed the game was not reaching deadlines set by Microsoft. Even platinum said their employees were taking time off due to stress and work overload. Thats not MS problem? Its the studio responsibility and lets be honest here if the cared they would finished up Scalebound and start on Playstation games next. They finished Nier?
Yeah because with Nier they weren't under shitty management so they could finish the game properly and without stress. You seem to be the one that is so in love with the corporate suits in M$ that you choose to ignore that they have fucked up Platinum with their shit management and not the other way around.
I not in the know either are you, official sources are they have a clue what happened here. So you keep blaming Microsoft don't change facts.
The "official sources" are basically M$, of course they're not going to say "we fucked up!" but they also don't say "they fucked up". The language is ambiguous because not meeting deadlines could be anyone's fault not necessarily Platinum. I'm just saying which is the most likely scenario given M$ shitty management history and also reports that M$ was changing deadlines and goals all the time for this project.
LMAO, a publisher pays for a game to be made and its ambiguous as to who didn't meet the deadlines? LMAO.
Well if the publisher is clueless about how the company works and sets unrealistic goals and keeps changing them then they are at fault of it not meeting the deadlines not the other way around. Do you know how companies and projects work in the real world?
LMAO, a publisher pays for a game to be made and its ambiguous as to who didn't meet the deadlines? LMAO.
Well if the publisher is clueless about how the company works and sets unrealistic goals and keeps changing them then they are at fault of it not meeting the deadlines not the other way around. Do you know how companies and projects work in the real world?
Microsoft is the boogeyman for you,. You just said the official sources are Microsoft. How do you know that? Your hatred for MS clouds your judgement.
Fact is sources are both platinum and Microsoft people.
Phantom Dust, Voodoo Vince Remastered, Sea of Thieves, etc. multiplats which all control better on the Xbox One...
There is more than enough already to feed legions of diverse gamer types.
"Control better on Xbox One"
Sea of Thieves, Phantom Dust, etc etc are going to be on pc.
Xbox one has halo 5, sunset overdrive, and 3rd party only.
Buying Xbox Play Anywhere games also buys Xbox One version
Why do you need an xbox one version if you can already play it on pc on higher settings?
Most of the XB1 games actually run and play better on the XB1 and not the PC. PC version look better, but that's about it. Only Gears & FH3 run better on PC. Once the Scorpio is released however, there will be no need of playing any of these games on the PC cause there won't be much different. Scorpio/PS4 Pro is all I will need for the rest of this generation. After a year or so if the Switch gets it's act together I may grab one of those as well.
@cainetao11: Yeah that was just a random screen of the pins I'm my desktop I got a bunch of other games, those are ones I'm either playing or slowly working on finishing.
I havent played BB a lot lately and theres a couple of new story missions out. But I actually really liked BB more than Overwatch since its got more strategy.
I'm a big arena combat game player my goto games right now are Gigantic and For Honor on that front. Gigantic has been slowly creeping along under the radar and become a pretty good game. If they actually redid a bit of the control schematic (Pressing three buttons and aiming to activate an ult is kind bleh) and added voice to it might turn into a hit. Its done something that pretty unique as far as the actual moba strat goes with the creature upgrades and the Guardians fighting each other.
Both you an Antwan3k need to hit me up so we can co-op some HW2 or play some strongholds/blitz/firefight
Xbox sure isnt doing much to make 2017 great lol. Last year the ONLY good game that was great & had great sales to go with it was Forza Horizon 3. Gears 4 flopped in sales & the worst game in the series. Dead Rising 4 also sucked AND its coming to PS4 cuz Phil Spencer let it go to PS4 cuz he's an idiot.
XB1 has CHEAP & ugly ass game like Halo wars 2 will flop in the U.S. cuz it had zero hype & shit game RTS. This holiday XB1 only has Sea of Piss, ( wit NO campaign mode) Forza 7 & State of decay 2.
XB1 lineup is trash full of crap cheap games & ugly ass graphics this holiday. The past 4 months have been dry for XB1 & not getting any better.
Actually they're doing plenty. Scorpio. You don't even have an XBOX, you only know a game is great if Gamespot says so? If someone enjoys a game they don't care about it's general sales. Dead Rising 4 CAN come out on PS ONE YEAR after it's release but it doesn't mean it will, 3 never did. And your talking out both sides of your mouth, you say the game sucks (which it doesn't, I actually own it) then say Phil's an idiot for letting it go...that comment would imply you think it holds some value...perhaps you mean as just being an exclusive.
Don't think the AAAs on X1 are cheap, they cost millions same as PS4 AAAs. Halo Wars is an RTS, RTS genre has never really been a console thing, even in Halo packaging it's no shocker it wasn't a huge hit. Sea Of Thieves could be good, you have no idea, it's just not on PS so you call it a dumb name and dismiss it. The console's been out for about 3.5 years...even with the release schedule they've had for the past 4 months, that doesn't wipe out everything that came before that period. There are hundreds of games on X1, not everyone has played everything. I'm still playing stuff from 2015 and earlier cause my gaming time is limited, I don't buy everything on release, and rush through it in a matter of weeks so I am constantly depending on only new releases to have something to play. I own HZD. I'll buy other PS4 exclusives if they interest me. HZD is the only recent PS4 exclusive that interests me. Cuphead is a X1 console exclusive that also interests me, personally. I don't care about what Gamespot rates things, or how many other people buy a game I like.
Actually, this holiday the Scorpio will be available and all multiplatform games and future exclusives will be looking better than their PS4 counterparts. So you have about 8 more months to talk your Xbox games are ugly BS...and Xbox's full 2017 lineup is still unknown, there are new announcements expected at E3, but that logic would mess with you magically somehow already knowing every single thing they have planned between now and 12/31.
Objectively you can't argue the PS4 doesn't have better games you can't period you and him all that you can do is bring your OPINION into it to try and downplay what most of the industry agree that is great,and yes spare me the falsehood and tears about playing the games for your self and having your own opinion.
Because that industry that make Uncharted what it is and rated Uncharted 4 like it did,is then same one who make Halo back in 2001,the same that make Gears in 2006 even with the horde of problems bugs and glitches the game had and terrible lag,and the same one who Rated Forza Horizon 3 like it did.
That's some twisted as hell thinking you have. Actually, anyone can argue whatever they like. It is a matter of opinion as we're not talking scientific facts here, but preference of video games and hardware. It's all opinion. Just like with all the rest of entertainment. Do you worship every top 40 song and think it's the greatest music ever? Is the highest rated TV show ALWAYS the best or your favorite? Is the Oscar winner always your favorite movie every year? You base all your thoughts on what general industry trends are? Gaming is about personal preference. Your just so biased and narrow minded you can't accept that others don't think the same way you do and have this grand allegiance to PS only. To date, there are less than 7 PS4 exclusives I either have already bought or plan to buy, in 3.5 years. Obviously they've had MORE, but that's all I CARE ABOUT, so that's all that matters to ME. It seems like your another Xbox hater that hasn't even played the games you hate on. That's called not having your own actual informed opinion. Your the first person I ever read called having your own opinion a falsehood. Nothing you believe is a falsehood, if you believe it, then it IS. Really simple concept. Gamespot gave Zelda a 10/10, doesn't mean every single person that ever plays it will love it. I won't buy a Switch just to play that.
I do think Xbox needs more exclusives and I'd like to see some new franchises. I'm hoping they have some big announcements at E3 besides the Scorpio, which I'll get.
Phantom Dust, Voodoo Vince Remastered, Sea of Thieves, etc. multiplats which all control better on the Xbox One...
There is more than enough already to feed legions of diverse gamer types.
"Control better on Xbox One"
Sea of Thieves, Phantom Dust, etc etc are going to be on pc.
Xbox one has halo 5, sunset overdrive, and 3rd party only.
Buying Xbox Play Anywhere games also buys Xbox One version
Why do you need an xbox one version if you can already play it on pc on higher settings?
Most of the XB1 games actually run and play better on the XB1 and not the PC. PC version look better, but that's about it. Only Gears & FH3 run better on PC. Once the Scorpio is released however, there will be no need of playing any of these games on the PC cause there won't be much different. Scorpio/PS4 Pro is all I will need for the rest of this generation. After a year or so if the Switch gets it's act together I may grab one of those as well.
"It plays better even though it's better on pc"
That's not how this works, also the scorpio isn't going to be the beast pc slayer you think it is, it gets weaker every time we hear about it. The only benefit to console gaming is exclusives and the fact that more people play on it, however considering you can play with the xbox one players on those games with the pc version, there is no reason to have the xbox one version.
I'll probably wait longer for the switch than that.
@ronvalencia: Why do I need to give you a 1070 build when that is light years more than even the scorpio will end up being?
An rx 480 will do you fine.
Microsoft are in a bad place, if they make it too powerful, even the hardcore won't buy it, if they make it too cheap, it'll still be out of the mainstream hands but won't be powerful enough to do anything.
But yeah, using quotes from people related to microsoft isn't really anything.
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