@blueinheaven said:
Most random, pointless 'peasant' insult ever. People who prefer modern vastly improved and more EXPENSIVE version of an archaic incredibly simplistic game are peasants? Yeah, peasant, you need to look the word up I'm pretty sure you have absolutely no idea what it means.
In the gaming world, peasants are not referred to as peasants for being financially poor, but instead peasants are referred to as peasants for being intellectually poor.
-A college-educated man.
Diablo 2, at the time, was an example of both impressive setting/lore, combat and matchmaking. With an online that lasted literally 10 years, whose PC version currently has more players online than its Diablo 3 successor, whose combat was as addictive as crack and whose grimdarkyness was cringed at by all. It also had an impressive combat system at the time coming from Diablo 1. However, it was its expansion that really made the game take off by adding a shit ton of content for players to do. Diablo 2 undeniable set things in stone for future MMORPGS and PC ARPGS.
Now, there were plenty of criticisms for Diablo 2 coming out of the first one, but that pales in comparison to the criticism Diablo 3 receives coming out of Diablo 2. Diablo 3: was dumbed down, kiddyfied from the original's dark setting, had its economy ruined by an in-game real money auction house (this was important for Diablo 2), became a huge ham-fest where all the antagonists try to out yell each other much like WoW villains, and otherwise had many key features of Diablo 2 either poorly or never implemented like clans, PvP, hardcore, ladders and proper itemization. Lastly, Diablo 3 was just fucking broken on release and it took them years to fix it, the difficulty and scaling made absolutely no sense, and between one difficulty and the next the game was either far too easy or utterly impossible (talking about endgame, not normal/nightmare/hell/etc,) Diablo 3 really was/is a peace of shit in comparison to Diablo 2.
To its credit, Diablo 3 has recently managed to pull itself out of the gutter, but by now it's too little too late. The game might as well be dead.
That's why I called you a peasant. For prefering a much shittier sequel to a game I like. You might argue that Diablo 2 was only good for its time, but then why was it played for 10 years while its successor was almost dead on release? The other person I called a peasant for liking the console version, which is... slightly more idiotic.
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