I hesitated to name any, because you are clearly nuts (claiming D2 had a story!? Never mind a GOOD ONE!? What game did YOU play!?), hard for D2 and won't care what I say. But what the hell, here goes anyway!
This will be the fourth time. But:
I've also said that D2's story was shit about 2-3 times and was only "good" purely in terms of comparison.
In it's own narrow "Diablo clone" genre, Diablo III and Torchlight II are better. No, you can't pretend D3 is still in it's launch state while treating D2 as it's finished product after (literally) a decade of patches. Comparing apples to apples, finished D2 to finished D3? D3 is a better game.
I'd probably agree with Torchlight II, but no, your claim for Diablo 3 is foolish, only you and blue feel otherwise. Who said I was treating it as if it was in launch state? it ate shit during its launch and is only just now recovering.
Even if you disagree with all of them, the weird thing is you mentioned "ARPG", meaning action RPGs? Like, all of them? Because the Souls series is blatantly better. Pick any of them, up to and including.
I didn't include JRPGs because Dark Souls is better. Wouldn't be fair to compare a JARPG to a WARPG. Especially considering how much better JRPG combat usually is.
The modern Fallout games are also better imo, so are the Elder Scrolls games, so are the Witcher games, so are the Mass Effect and Bioshock games (if you count them as RPGs, some don't), the Deus Ex games... the list goes on.
As someone who creates mods for Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas as a hobby. I say: Don't compare games that absolutely require mods to be any good to a game that might actually be considered good in its vanilla state. These new AAA WRPGs (the ones I was referring to when I said 'low standards') like Witcher 3, Skyrim and Mass Effect are extremely dull. Even the simplistic nature of D2's combat is more complex than what you would do in those games.
"you must have extremely low standards" - No, I'm just not one of these miserable bitter assholes who picks a year/game/developer, declares it PERFECT, and then everything else SHIT in comparison. The reality is, gaming constantly improves for the most part, and just about all older games are indeed superceded by newer ones.
Only the hardcore fanboys and nostalgics try and claim these decades old games are PERFECT AND CAN NEVER BE BEAT. Normal gamers know they can and often are.
I never said it was perfect =)
"protip" is an indication that you shouldn't take the following statement seriously.
I actually do think there are other WARPGs as good as Diablo 2: Deus Ex, Torchlight II and Divinity Divine/Sin. You see, the thing you're missing here is that multiplayer is what made Diablo 2. Few other ARPGs, or even games in general, created a multiplayer like D2 did, well until it was overrun by bots. Things like ladder resets, PvP, Hardcore ladders and cow runs made a game that would have been merely good as a single player game into one of the best ARPGs ever. D3 lost all of that when it launched poorly and it almost never recovered. It's far too late for D3 to become even a tenth of what D2 was.
All this arguing I've done with blue was not over some insane fanboy claim that D2 is the best in the universe, but only to convince him that D3 is a pile of dogshit.
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