The wii was an awesome console at launch with a large quantity of titles coming from Nintendo themselves, but is there any drive left for this console? The sale for the consoles was probably due to the new unique controller but now its just a big fat joke. Nintendo doesnt seem to supporting the console all that great either....i mean Wii Music? Wii Fit? whats next? Wii fart? Wii Eat? Wii touch?
All the hyped games havnt even done that well, such as that Day of Distaster, and Madworld.
Wheres my damn sequals Ninty, i seen 2 gears of war games in the lifespan its taken for you to release a bloody new Zelda :x
Anyone sick of there console?
No I'm not sick of it. There are more good games out there on the Wii other than the big name fp Nintendo games you know.I don't understand how some posters call themselves "hardcore" gamers when all they play are the blockbuster mainstream shooters and fp Nintendo titles. The real involved gamers play those titles AND off the beaten path niche games as well.
Those posters who are calling themselves hardcore are not hardcore gamers, but rather elitist. Elitist is a better definition for these kind of fanboys as proven in the dictionary: 1) The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources. 2) The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class, or so the group thinks
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