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From my understanding, that was a mis-translation. Instead, Wal-mart will be introducing $299 Blu-ray players. Not HD-DVD.
From my understanding, that was a mis-translation. Instead, Wal-mart will be introducing $299 Blu-ray players. Not HD-DVD.
It will be neither at the moment according to Walmart.
You'd think that people would just step back and wait for confirmation on things before they run with them.
From my understanding, that was a mis-translation. Instead, Wal-mart will be introducing $299 Blu-ray players. Not HD-DVD.
Not quite, what it is is a mistranslated RUMOR. This basically means we never knew what the original rumors intention was but the Walmart HD DVD thing has been debunked three ways. Walmart has denied it in your link, then at they updated the article stating the translation of the rumor was questionable and thirdly the HD DVD camp refused to confirm this deal with Walmart and the existance of this cheaper player and instead said they already have a cheap HD DVD player out (referring to the 400 dollar one).
[QUOTE="NYCgamer47"]From my understanding, that was a mis-translation. Instead, Wal-mart will be introducing $299 Blu-ray players. Not HD-DVD.
It will be neither at the moment according to Walmart.
You'd think that people would just step back and wait for confirmation on things before they run with them.
Yea but unfortunatly in SW people get desperate and look for anything that will validate thier opinion.
[QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="NYCgamer47"]From my understanding, that was a mis-translation. Instead, Wal-mart will be introducing $299 Blu-ray players. Not HD-DVD.
It will be neither at the moment according to Walmart.
You'd think that people would just step back and wait for confirmation on things before they run with them.
Yea but unfortunatly in SW people get desperate and look for anything that will validate thier opinion.
wallmarts only exist in EEUU? so now guys you are the entire world? :SEarlier this week we had lot's of thread saying that Walmart and HD DVD is going to kill Blu Ray and PS3. but this link from y esterday has confused me. What do you guys think? it seems walmart has debunked the rumors . alfy13
i wouldn't count your chickens just yet.
i makes sense to deny at this point. No agreements are made and an admission could have far reaching impacts on walmart's financial goals.
remember, walmart also hid the fact they were even going to sell hdtv for a long time, until TA-DA.."now we sell hdtv".... of course they only did so once hdtv came down to a reasonable price.
once hd dvd gets to the critical price point, walmart's all over it, with cheap chinese production.
wait for it's coming... and there's nothing sony can do to stop it.
but, walmart won't necessarily spell the doom of bluray.. sony's pricing has already seen to that...;)
[QUOTE="alfy13"]Earlier this week we had lot's of thread saying that Walmart and HD DVD is going to kill Blu Ray and PS3. but this link from y esterday has confused me. What do you guys think? it seems walmart has debunked the rumors . tango90101
i wouldn't count your chickens just yet.
[QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="alfy13"]Earlier this week we had lot's of thread saying that Walmart and HD DVD is going to kill Blu Ray and PS3. but this link from y esterday has confused me. What do you guys think? it seems walmart has debunked the rumors . ramey70
i wouldn't count your chickens just yet.
it's not has been eyeing hd dvd for a while now...
it's only the blind-allegiant sony fans that can't wrap their heads around the fact the cheapest player will win...
ie; hd dvd...
[QUOTE="alfy13"]Earlier this week we had lot's of thread saying that Walmart and HD DVD is going to kill Blu Ray and PS3. but this link from y esterday has confused me. What do you guys think? it seems walmart has debunked the rumors . tango90101
i wouldn't count your chickens just yet.
i makes sense to deny at this point. No agreements are made and an admission could have far reaching impacts on walmart's financial goals.
remember, walmart also hid the fact they were even going to sell hdtv for a long time, until TA-DA.."now we sell hdtv".... of course they only did so once hdtv came down to a reasonable price.
once hd dvd gets to the critical price point, walmart's all over it, with cheap chinese production.
wait for it's coming... and there's nothing sony can do to stop it.
but, walmart won't necessarily spell the doom of bluray.. sony's pricing has already seen to that...;)
Its fun to assume I guess, that same scenerio can go for blu ray with it selling more software on a weekly basis and its hardware getting cheaper and cheaper Walmart is just as likly to go that route as well.
I hate to tell you but this rumor is dead, you can try and imagine your invisible scenerios in your head but that doesnt make it any more real. HD DVD players currently are only being made by toshiba while blu ray has many other manufacterers making thier blu ray players and PS3 owners are having no problem watching the movies with their console. I hate to tell you but there is no push to save HD DVD like there was for blu ray when the PS3 launched.
I know you love HD DVD but to say Sony's price has spelled its doom as it has 70% of the HD market is just silly...
[QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="alfy13"]Earlier this week we had lot's of thread saying that Walmart and HD DVD is going to kill Blu Ray and PS3. but this link from y esterday has confused me. What do you guys think? it seems walmart has debunked the rumors . tango90101
i wouldn't count your chickens just yet.
it's not has been eyeing hd dvd for a while now...
it's only the blind-allegiant sony fans that can't wrap their heads around the fact the cheapest player will win...
ie; hd dvd...
Software sales favor Blu-ray. Thats all the movie-studios care about.
[QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="alfy13"]Earlier this week we had lot's of thread saying that Walmart and HD DVD is going to kill Blu Ray and PS3. but this link from y esterday has confused me. What do you guys think? it seems walmart has debunked the rumors . tango90101
i wouldn't count your chickens just yet.
it's not has been eyeing hd dvd for a while now...
it's only the blind-allegiant sony fans that can't wrap their heads around the fact the cheapest player will win...
ie; hd dvd...
No, the ironic part is that you are telling people not to count their chickens just yet, but you ran with the Walmart story as if it were fact the day the "story" broke. In addition you have some nerve to accuse anyone on this site of being blindly allegiant. And that we call hypocrisy.
[QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="alfy13"]Earlier this week we had lot's of thread saying that Walmart and HD DVD is going to kill Blu Ray and PS3. but this link from y esterday has confused me. What do you guys think? it seems walmart has debunked the rumors . tango90101
i wouldn't count your chickens just yet.
it's not has been eyeing hd dvd for a while now...
it's only the blind-allegiant sony fans that can't wrap their heads around the fact the cheapest player will win...
ie; hd dvd...
LOL...please give me a link or some report that says walmart has been eyeing hd dvd for a while and tell me why they wouldnt look at the format that is selling 2-9 times more.
[QUOTE="alfy13"]Earlier this week we had lot's of thread saying that Walmart and HD DVD is going to kill Blu Ray and PS3. but this link from y esterday has confused me. What do you guys think? it seems walmart has debunked the rumors . tango90101
i wouldn't count your chickens just yet.
i makes sense to deny at this point. No agreements are made and an admission could have far reaching impacts on walmart's financial goals.
remember, walmart also hid the fact they were even going to sell hdtv for a long time, until TA-DA.."now we sell hdtv".... of course they only did so once hdtv came down to a reasonable price.
once hd dvd gets to the critical price point, walmart's all over it, with cheap chinese production.
wait for it's coming... and there's nothing sony can do to stop it.
but, walmart won't necessarily spell the doom of bluray.. sony's pricing has already seen to that...;)
1. i do not have any chickens to count.
2. you never make sense
3. i do not remember that
4. when will HD DVD hit a critical price moment?
5. you act as eletronics never drop down on price. oh wait just hd dvd will. like i said you never make sense.
6. blu ray software is out selling hd dvd for the last 4months now. you think walmart does nto see that?
[QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="alfy13"]Earlier this week we had lot's of thread saying that Walmart and HD DVD is going to kill Blu Ray and PS3. but this link from y esterday has confused me. What do you guys think? it seems walmart has debunked the rumors . Javy03
i wouldn't count your chickens just yet.
it's not has been eyeing hd dvd for a while now...
it's only the blind-allegiant sony fans that can't wrap their heads around the fact the cheapest player will win...
ie; hd dvd...
LOL...please give me a link or some report that says walmart has been eyeing hd dvd for a while and tell me why they wouldnt look at the format that is selling 2-9 times more.
go ahead and "own" me for not giving a link.. i couldn't care less.
but then i expect a HUGE apology in about 6 months...;)
btw; maybe it's because standalone player sales of hd dvd are outselling standalone bluray players 4 to 1.
again, it' snot about the movies sales at this point, but the hardware... a fact you conveniently ignore.
dont' forget the EU is backing hd dvd over bluray... ;)
[QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="alfy13"]Earlier this week we had lot's of thread saying that Walmart and HD DVD is going to kill Blu Ray and PS3. but this link from y esterday has confused me. What do you guys think? it seems walmart has debunked the rumors . alfy13
i wouldn't count your chickens just yet.
i makes sense to deny at this point. No agreements are made and an admission could have far reaching impacts on walmart's financial goals.
remember, walmart also hid the fact they were even going to sell hdtv for a long time, until TA-DA.."now we sell hdtv".... of course they only did so once hdtv came down to a reasonable price.
once hd dvd gets to the critical price point, walmart's all over it, with cheap chinese production.
wait for it's coming... and there's nothing sony can do to stop it.
but, walmart won't necessarily spell the doom of bluray.. sony's pricing has already seen to that...;)
1. i do not have any chickens to count.
2. you never make sense
3. i do not remember that
4. when will HD DVD hit a critical price moment?
5. you act as eletronics never drop down on price. oh wait just hd dvd will. like i said you never make sense.
6. blu ray software is out selling hd dvd for the last 4months now. you think walmart does nto see that?
1. you counting on the fact walmart won't back hd dvd from the article.... wrong.
2. sorry you can't follow. not suprised. that's cool.
3. sorry you don't remember that, i do. many of you have selective memories. for example; forgetting walmart had dvd players at $200 when the ps2 launched at $299, leading sony fanboys to claim the ps2 was THE reason for dvd's success...:roll:
4. no telling, but from all indicators waaaaaaaay before bluray does...;)
5. sure electronics drop in price but when you're at a much higher starting point, you have to drop more and quicker just to keep pace. Not likely with bluray.
6. bluray movie "sales" numbers are also including the free movie bundled with the ps3 as a "sale". Meanwhile, HD DVD players (disclaimer for the local sociopaths: STANDALONE PLAYERS) 4 to 1 in North America with no slowing. The hardware is the key right now, not the movie sale. i'm sure you understand saturation...;)
why do you continue to ignore EU's backing of HD DVD... that's a lot of countries and a lot of tv...;)
[QUOTE="NYCgamer47"]From my understanding, that was a mis-translation. Instead, Wal-mart will be introducing $299 Blu-ray players. Not HD-DVD.
Not quite, what it is is a mistranslated RUMOR. This basically means we never knew what the original rumors intention was but the Walmart HD DVD thing has been debunked three ways. Walmart has denied it in your link, then at they updated the article stating the translation of the rumor was questionable and thirdly the HD DVD camp refused to confirm this deal with Walmart and the existance of this cheaper player and instead said they already have a cheap HD DVD player out (referring to the 400 dollar one).
Walmart and the other parties involved are going to deny it even if it is true cause they don't want to kill HD-DVD sales now because of something they plan on doing later on in the year. I will go ahead and say that I am fairly sure that this "rumor" is true. Walmart will more than likely be selling a HDDVD player sometime this year for an incredible price that will come as a major hit to Sony's Bluray sales.
Edit: More than likely these new players will hit around Christmas and they will be so cheap and in such a high supply that it will be the best selling Christmas gift and everyone will try to get in on them. Mark my words.
[QUOTE="Eltroz"]They are already right now selling $350 hd-dvd compared to the $900 Blu-Ray ones like it says in the article.
New non-refurbished standalone Bluray players can be had for $479.
at walmart?
it's got nothing to do with sony.. we're talking about hd dvd and walmart...
i can't find a link that says the sky is blue must be false..:roll:
When someone makes a claim that the sky is blue it can be confirmed with a visual observation to support the fact. However, you made a claim about how Walmart has been eyeing HD-DVD for some time now. This is a factual implication that must either be supported by verifiable evidence such as a link or article, not conjecture or hypothesis.
[QUOTE="alfy13"][QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="alfy13"]Earlier this week we had lot's of thread saying that Walmart and HD DVD is going to kill Blu Ray and PS3. but this link from y esterday has confused me. What do you guys think? it seems walmart has debunked the rumors . tango90101
i wouldn't count your chickens just yet.
i makes sense to deny at this point. No agreements are made and an admission could have far reaching impacts on walmart's financial goals.
remember, walmart also hid the fact they were even going to sell hdtv for a long time, until TA-DA.."now we sell hdtv".... of course they only did so once hdtv came down to a reasonable price.
once hd dvd gets to the critical price point, walmart's all over it, with cheap chinese production.
wait for it's coming... and there's nothing sony can do to stop it.
but, walmart won't necessarily spell the doom of bluray.. sony's pricing has already seen to that...;)
1. i do not have any chickens to count.
2. you never make sense
3. i do not remember that
4. when will HD DVD hit a critical price moment?
5. you act as eletronics never drop down on price. oh wait just hd dvd will. like i said you never make sense.
6. blu ray software is out selling hd dvd for the last 4months now. you think walmart does nto see that?
1. you counting on the fact walmart won't back hd dvd from the article.... wrong.
2. sorry you can't follow. not suprised. that's cool.
3. sorry you don't remember that, i do. many of you have selective memories. for example; forgetting walmart had dvd players at $200 when the ps2 launched at $299, leading sony fanboys to claim the ps2 was THE reason for dvd's success...:roll:
4. no telling, but from all indicators waaaaaaaay before bluray does...;)
5. sure electronics drop in price but when you're at a much higher starting point, you have to drop more and quicker just to keep pace. Not likely with bluray.
6. bluray movie "sales" numbers are also including the free movie bundled with the ps3 as a "sale". Meanwhile, HD DVD players (disclaimer for the local sociopaths: STANDALONE PLAYERS) 4 to 1 in North America with no slowing. The hardware is the key right now, not the movie sale. i'm sure you understand saturation...;)
why do you continue to ignore EU's backing of HD DVD... that's a lot of countries and a lot of tv...;)
sorry, but movies stuidoes only care about software sold. but if you really think they care about hardware sold then i dont know what else to say. but since you do like to bark that HD DVD playes are out selling BLu ray players. you would think the HD DVD software would be doing the same. but oh well off to lunch.[QUOTE="Javy03"][QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="alfy13"]Earlier this week we had lot's of thread saying that Walmart and HD DVD is going to kill Blu Ray and PS3. but this link from y esterday has confused me. What do you guys think? it seems walmart has debunked the rumors . tango90101
i wouldn't count your chickens just yet.
it's not has been eyeing hd dvd for a while now...
it's only the blind-allegiant sony fans that can't wrap their heads around the fact the cheapest player will win...
ie; hd dvd...
LOL...please give me a link or some report that says walmart has been eyeing hd dvd for a while and tell me why they wouldnt look at the format that is selling 2-9 times more.
go ahead and "own" me for not giving a link.. i couldn't care less.
but then i expect a HUGE apology in about 6 months...;)
btw; maybe it's because standalone player sales of hd dvd are outselling standalone bluray players 4 to 1.
again, it' snot about the movies sales at this point, but the hardware... a fact you conveniently ignore.
dont' forget the EU is backing hd dvd over bluray... ;)
No a fact you conveniently ignore is that the hardware sales, sell for the purpose of ....her it comes...selling MOVIES. HD DVD selling stand alone 4 to 1 and losing in software sales 9 to 1 is far from good and the fact that PS3s have blu ray and sell much better then both the stand alone blu ray and HD DVD players put together is a huge fact you love to ignore.
Dont forget EU has only been backing HD DVD over BLu ray BEFORE the PS3 launch, much like NA did which I am sure was a high point in your life but the readily accesible PS3 with blu ray in plenty of peoples homes changed that. Right now there are 800,000 Blu ray players in Europe with Blu ray getting more movies and bigger hits what do you think the future will look like. I love how you think outside the box when it comes to the 360 and HD DVD but you just cant grasp that the PS3 sales help blu ray alot and since its launch it helped pull blu ray from tailing to the lead and with Europe buying PS3 it will do the same. The PS3 already has a highter attachment rate then the HD DVD stand alone players in Europe.
[QUOTE="tango90101"]it's got nothing to do with sony.. we're talking about hd dvd and walmart...
i can't find a link that says the sky is blue must be false..:roll:
When someone makes a claim that the sky is blue it can be confirmed with a visual observation to support the fact. However, you made a claim about how Walmart has been eyeing HD-DVD for some time now. This is a factual implication that must either be supported by verifiable evidence such as a link or article, not conjecture or hypothesis.
maybe because some of us are close enough to industry to already know this. Look, wally isn't going to stand by and let other big box retailers profit from a big ticket item when they can/will do it faster and cheaper. They never have. They won't here either. Now, with that in mind and remebering walmart's identity of "low price leader", bluray doesn't meet that criteria, while hd dvd players do.... low price.
rry, but not every bit of knowledge is on the 'net.... sorry.
go ahead, "own" me for not giving you a link that Walmart has been watching. i'll expect a formal apology and a little self ownage for you in a few months....;)
the numbers add up for walmart/china/hd dvd.. bluray? not so much...
[QUOTE="Javy03"][QUOTE="NYCgamer47"]From my understanding, that was a mis-translation. Instead, Wal-mart will be introducing $299 Blu-ray players. Not HD-DVD.
Not quite, what it is is a mistranslated RUMOR. This basically means we never knew what the original rumors intention was but the Walmart HD DVD thing has been debunked three ways. Walmart has denied it in your link, then at they updated the article stating the translation of the rumor was questionable and thirdly the HD DVD camp refused to confirm this deal with Walmart and the existance of this cheaper player and instead said they already have a cheap HD DVD player out (referring to the 400 dollar one).
Walmart and the other parties involved are going to deny it even if it is true cause they don't want to kill HD-DVD sales now because of something they plan on doing later on in the year. I will go ahead and say that I am fairly sure that this "rumor" is true. Walmart will more than likely be selling a HDDVD player sometime this year for an incredible price that will come as a major hit to Sony's Bluray sales.
Edit: More than likely these new players will hit around Christmas and they will be so cheap and in such a high supply that it will be the best selling Christmas gift and everyone will try to get in on them. Mark my words.
Them confirming the selling of an HD DVD player for cheap would not hurt their HD DVD sales, that good press would help them if anything, look at all the publication the rumor got. Walmart was slow to adopt new tech. and when they look at their software sales online I am pretty sure their blu ray movies sell alot more then their HD DVD players. Walmart will be the last people to adopt this tech. and when they do Blu ray will have pulled far ahead of HD DVD and their players will be getting cheaper as well. If Walmart makes the media player move to HD most likely they will support both and sell the cheapest players for both, not chose the format with the least sales alone that has a good chance of failing and leavign them with a stock of unwanted players.
[QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="tango90101"]it's got nothing to do with sony.. we're talking about hd dvd and walmart...
i can't find a link that says the sky is blue must be false..:roll:
When someone makes a claim that the sky is blue it can be confirmed with a visual observation to support the fact. However, you made a claim about how Walmart has been eyeing HD-DVD for some time now. This is a factual implication that must either be supported by verifiable evidence such as a link or article, not conjecture or hypothesis.
maybe because some of us are close enough to industry to already know this. Look, wally isn't going to stand by and let other big box retailers profit from a big ticket item when they can/will do it faster and cheaper. They never have. They won't here either. Now, with that in mind and remebering walmart's identity of "low price leader", bluray doesn't meet that criteria, while hd dvd players do.... low price.
rry, but not every bit of knowledge is on the 'net.... sorry.
go ahead, "own" me for not giving you a link that Walmart has been watching. i'll expect a formal apology and a little self ownage for you in a few months....;)
the numbers add up for walmart/china/hd dvd.. bluray? not so much...
So basically, it's nothing more than your opinion and conjecture. I'm not trying to "own" anyone as I feel the term is childish and silly. I'm simply interested in debate and thoughtful converstation. Unfounded claims presented as fact do not lead to either of those.
[QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="tango90101"]it's got nothing to do with sony.. we're talking about hd dvd and walmart...
i can't find a link that says the sky is blue must be false..:roll:
When someone makes a claim that the sky is blue it can be confirmed with a visual observation to support the fact. However, you made a claim about how Walmart has been eyeing HD-DVD for some time now. This is a factual implication that must either be supported by verifiable evidence such as a link or article, not conjecture or hypothesis.
maybe because some of us are close enough to industry to already know this. Look, wally isn't going to stand by and let other big box retailers profit from a big ticket item when they can/will do it faster and cheaper. They never have. They won't here either. Now, with that in mind and remebering walmart's identity of "low price leader", bluray doesn't meet that criteria, while hd dvd players do.... low price.
rry, but not every bit of knowledge is on the 'net.... sorry.
go ahead, "own" me for not giving you a link that Walmart has been watching. i'll expect a formal apology and a little self ownage for you in a few months....;)
the numbers add up for walmart/china/hd dvd.. bluray? not so much...
please show me the link that walmart has been watching hd dvd software failing. i really want to see this link. only thing walmart is seeing is BLu ray software keeps climbing ever since ps3 hit the market. but yes please show us this link.[QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="tango90101"]it's got nothing to do with sony.. we're talking about hd dvd and walmart...
i can't find a link that says the sky is blue must be false..:roll:
When someone makes a claim that the sky is blue it can be confirmed with a visual observation to support the fact. However, you made a claim about how Walmart has been eyeing HD-DVD for some time now. This is a factual implication that must either be supported by verifiable evidence such as a link or article, not conjecture or hypothesis.
maybe because some of us are close enough to industry to already know this. Look, wally isn't going to stand by and let other big box retailers profit from a big ticket item when they can/will do it faster and cheaper. They never have. They won't here either. Now, with that in mind and remebering walmart's identity of "low price leader", bluray doesn't meet that criteria, while hd dvd players do.... low price.
rry, but not every bit of knowledge is on the 'net.... sorry.
go ahead, "own" me for not giving you a link that Walmart has been watching. i'll expect a formal apology and a little self ownage for you in a few months....;)
the numbers add up for walmart/china/hd dvd.. bluray? not so much...
So basically, it's nothing more than your opinion and conjecture. I'm not trying to "own" anyone as I feel the term is childish and silly. I'm simply interested in debate and thoughtful converstation. Unfounded claims presented as fact do not lead to either of those.
facts that you don't know about equate to "opinion and conjecture" or "unfounded claims".... ?
i've given you evidence why wally will move this way, but it's moot to you becuase individual movies sales are somehow paramount at the BEGINNING OF A ROLLOUT...
good gawd... :roll:
i just hope you have the courage to stick around here when they do announced cheap hd dvd players at walmart with chinese backing... i can't wait to read your excuses...
[QUOTE="alfy13"]Earlier this week we had lot's of thread saying that Walmart and HD DVD is going to kill Blu Ray and PS3. but this link from y esterday has confused me. What do you guys think? it seems walmart has debunked the rumors . tango90101
i wouldn't count your chickens just yet.
i makes sense to deny at this point. No agreements are made and an admission could have far reaching impacts on walmart's financial goals.
remember, walmart also hid the fact they were even going to sell hdtv for a long time, until TA-DA.."now we sell hdtv".... of course they only did so once hdtv came down to a reasonable price.
once hd dvd gets to the critical price point, walmart's all over it, with cheap chinese production.
wait for it's coming... and there's nothing sony can do to stop it.
but, walmart won't necessarily spell the doom of bluray.. sony's pricing has already seen to that...;)
YOu seem to be guessing more than anything. It's funny, because you don't seem know anything about the industry.
That's why I find it funny in a game website people claim to have knowledge of the movie industry. It's one reason why I thought the whole thing about cheap HD players would be the doom of Blu-Ray was just ridiculous. Both are going to have cheaper hardware come 4th qtr. Wal-Mart would never declare a winner right out like people claimed....the story was bogous and so was everyone's opinion that was based on said report.
The real difference is right now Fox, Disney, and Columbia (SOE) are only making Blu-Ray movies. Universal atm is the only exclusive for HD. How exactly does that look from Wal-Marts point of view.....let's see:
This weeks boxoffice releases that came out for Blu-Ray - Night at the Museum ($234 million boxoffice), Deja Vu ($64 million), and The Queen ($50 million).
This weeks boxoffice releases that came out for HD.............
In the next few months this is what it will look like for exclusives for both sides:
BluRay - Happily Never After (16 mill), Catch and Release ($15 mill), Stomp The Yard ($61 mill), Apocalypto ($50 mill), Blood & Chocolate ($3 mill), Curse of the Golden Flower ($6 mill), The Messengers ($35 mill), Ghost Rider ($115 mill), Primeval ($10 mill), Bridge to Terabithia ($81 mill)
HD - Alpha Dog ($16 mill), Hitcher ($16 mill), Black Christmas ($16 mill), Breach ($33 mill)
Projected titles releasing from July-Aug this year exclusive:
Blu-Ray - Premonition ($47 mill), Regin Over Me ($14 mill), Hills Have Eyes 2 ($21 mill), Wild Hogs ($156 mill), Meet the Robinsons ($82 mill), Are We Done Yet ($39 mill), Perfect Stranger ($18 mill)
HD - Dead Silence ($16 mill)
So from May-June you have approx 10 exclusive BluRay boxoffice movies that have made $392 in the theather. In comparison, HD has 4 titles that did a total of $81 mill in the boxoffice. There is no comparison who will be leading in software sales in that time frame, it's a NO BRAINER.
Now lets look at the projected July-Aug releases that are exclusive.....Blu-Ray has 7 titles that did $377 mill in the boxoffice. HD has 1 title that did $16 mill. Again, BluRay will win the software sales because NEW RELEASES are what sale right now.
This is not even counting Pirates of the C. 3 and Spidey 3 being exclusive in the 4th qtr. It's insane to think Blu-Ray will lose at this moment in time. It looks more like "how can they lose". Do I say it's over, of course not but people presuming Blu-Ray is going to lose is not looking at the current facts.
[QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="tango90101"]it's got nothing to do with sony.. we're talking about hd dvd and walmart...
i can't find a link that says the sky is blue must be false..:roll:
When someone makes a claim that the sky is blue it can be confirmed with a visual observation to support the fact. However, you made a claim about how Walmart has been eyeing HD-DVD for some time now. This is a factual implication that must either be supported by verifiable evidence such as a link or article, not conjecture or hypothesis.
maybe because some of us are close enough to industry to already know this. Look, wally isn't going to stand by and let other big box retailers profit from a big ticket item when they can/will do it faster and cheaper. They never have. They won't here either. Now, with that in mind and remebering walmart's identity of "low price leader", bluray doesn't meet that criteria, while hd dvd players do.... low price.
rry, but not every bit of knowledge is on the 'net.... sorry.
go ahead, "own" me for not giving you a link that Walmart has been watching. i'll expect a formal apology and a little self ownage for you in a few months....;)
the numbers add up for walmart/china/hd dvd.. bluray? not so much...
please show me the link that walmart has been watching hd dvd software failing. i really want to see this link. only thing walmart is seeing is BLu ray software keeps climbing ever since ps3 hit the market. but yes please show us this link.wth are you babbling about? begone...
i said walmart has been eyeing hd dvd (players and movies) and nothing about "failing"..
look if you can't keep up, please leave.
[QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="alfy13"]Earlier this week we had lot's of thread saying that Walmart and HD DVD is going to kill Blu Ray and PS3. but this link from y esterday has confused me. What do you guys think? it seems walmart has debunked the rumors . darthogre
i wouldn't count your chickens just yet.
i makes sense to deny at this point. No agreements are made and an admission could have far reaching impacts on walmart's financial goals.
remember, walmart also hid the fact they were even going to sell hdtv for a long time, until TA-DA.."now we sell hdtv".... of course they only did so once hdtv came down to a reasonable price.
once hd dvd gets to the critical price point, walmart's all over it, with cheap chinese production.
wait for it's coming... and there's nothing sony can do to stop it.
but, walmart won't necessarily spell the doom of bluray.. sony's pricing has already seen to that...;)
YOu seem to be guessing more than anything. It's funny, because you don't seem know anything about the industry.
That's why I find it funny in a game website people claim to have knowledge of the movie industry. It's one reason why I thought the whole thing about cheap HD players would be the doom of Blu-Ray was just ridiculous. Both are going to have cheaper hardware come 4th qtr. Wal-Mart would never declare a winner right out like people claimed....the story was bogous and so was everyone's opinion that was based on said report.
The real difference is right now Fox, Disney, and Columbia (SOE) are only making Blu-Ray movies. Universal atm is the only exclusive for HD. How exactly does that look from Wal-Marts point of view.....let's see:
This weeks boxoffice releases that came out for Blu-Ray - Night at the Museum ($234 million boxoffice), Deja Vu ($64 million), and The Queen ($50 million).
This weeks boxoffice releases that came out for HD.............
In the next few months this is what it will look like for exclusives for both sides:
BluRay - Happily Never After (16 mill), Catch and Release ($15 mill), Stomp The Yard ($61 mill), Apocalypto ($50 mill), Blood & Chocolate ($3 mill), Curse of the Golden Flower ($6 mill), The Messengers ($35 mill), Ghost Rider ($115 mill), Primeval ($10 mill), Bridge to Terabithia ($81 mill)
HD - Alpha Dog ($16 mill), Hitcher ($16 mill), Black Christmas ($16 mill), Breach ($33 mill)
Projected titles releasing from July-Aug this year exclusive:
Blu-Ray - Premonition ($47 mill), Regin Over Me ($14 mill), Hills Have Eyes 2 ($21 mill), Wild Hogs ($156 mill), Meet the Robinsons ($82 mill), Are We Done Yet ($39 mill), Perfect Stranger ($18 mill)
HD - Dead Silence ($16 mill)
So from May-June you have approx 10 exclusive BluRay boxoffice movies that have made $392 in the theather. In comparison, HD has 4 titles that did a total of $81 mill in the boxoffice. There is no comparison who will be leading in software sales in that time frame, it's a NO BRAINER.
Now lets look at the projected July-Aug releases that are exclusive.....Blu-Ray has 7 titles that did $377 mill in the boxoffice. HD has 1 title that did $16 mill. Again, BluRay will win the software sales because NEW RELEASES are what sale right now.
This is not even counting Pirates of the C. 3 and Spidey 3 being exclusive in the 4th qtr. It's insane to think Blu-Ray will lose at this moment in time. It looks more like "how can they lose". Do I say it's over, of course not but people presuming Blu-Ray is going to lose is not looking at the current facts.
1. there are NO Disney branded bluray movies out.. keep the Buena Vista ones... we're talking about the clout of the Disney name...
2. congrats on your bluray movies...too bad they weren't on hd dvd.. 4 times as many people will have watched them...;)
3. the only "current facts" you have is verbal studio support (disney) and bluray movies sales numbers including free bluray movies.
4. porn, na and eu is backing hd dvd.... yet somehow the ps3 (last place console) and Disney (with their ZERO movie support) is somehow clout enough to beat porn, na and eu? rich....:roll:
facts that you don't know about equate to "opinion and conjecture" or "unfounded claims".... ?
i've given you evidence why wally will move this way, but it's moot to you becuase individual movies sales are somehow paramount at the BEGINNING OF A ROLLOUT...
good gawd... :roll:
i just hope you have the courage to stick around here when they do announced cheap hd dvd players at walmart with chinese backing... i can't wait to read your excuses...
You've given evidince to support your theory as to why they may do something. However, you've presented nothing such as a company memo, sales receipt, executive interview, etc. showing that they have in fact been eyeing HD-DVD. I'm not saying your claim is wrong, only that it can't be presented as fact.
In addition, why would I have to apologize for anything? I've never made the claim that Walmart won't sell chinese made HD-DVD players. I've only said we do not know yet and we should wait till it's announced. Further, as a being neither a "fan" of HD-DVD or Bluray I would have no excuses to make. I'm neutral if you've forgotten.
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