If all you care about are visuals and set pieces then U3 wins. But overall it's the worst in the series. It was a massive let down. Poor story, bad pacing, dull and unevolved characters, set pieces for the sake of set pieces and not nearly as whimsical and quirky as it thinks it is.
The story is more or less the same as Ucharted 2, so I dont get the problem people that loved U2 had with Unharted 3 other tha "being the same".
Who the hell even says this? Uncharted 3's story was so poorly written it's stupid. At least they admitted they wrote it after they thought of the set pieces.
Bad pacing? I disagree. Besides the first couple of levels it actually was the most well paced game in the series imo. First levels were pretty awesome, then the game becomes dull set piece after dull set piece. Characters? Again, I dont see the problem people had with U3 characters when they were pretty much the same as U2, and the good characters leave halfway through the game besides the main villain that was definitely more charismatic in U2...
All the villains were complete rubbish in Uncharted 3. I'll use spoiler tags because better safe than sorry
[spoiler] Ramses is a dumbf*ck. The Sully thing was poorly done and the entire time I was playing it, I was thinking "damn it Henning, everyone knows Ramses doesn't actually have Sully." His "workers" are incompetent as balls (7 or 8 dudes, Drake's tied up in a chair, just being in that fight made me feel stupid, let alone winning it), and yet he somehow lets one guy try to tie up Drake after Drake took down at least a hundred of Ramses' men. Then of course, Drake somehow shoots him in the most convinient way. Granted, Nate did the same thing with Sully in Uncharted 1's end, but at least Navarro was prepared for that. Smooth filler ND.
The British dude whose name I forgot, all he was there for is Nate's acid trips and plot deficiencies, like vanishing randomly and surviving the bullet in the chest (Henning actually had to use Twitter to explain this, which is just an awful way to have a career in storytelling. He, along with Marlowe, are part of some BS group that does nothing in the game but act as some reason for why they have money and of course, they're both the biggest wusses in the Uncharted universe. Seriously, after they don't kill Cutter and he jumps off the rooftops, I couldn't believe that ND was trying to make these guys seem hostile in any way. At least the baddies in the first two games weren't afraid to kill. [/spoiler]
And now I tell you guys why U3 is my fav in the series
1. More and better puzzles. U1 and U2 puzzles were p*ss easy, while U3 puzzles made me scratch my head a couple of times. And the fact that they were actually clever this time around imo I dislike all puzzles in the series, but you're right, these ones at least made us think.
2. More platforming/traversal sections than shooting sections. For someone that is tired of shooters as I am, that was a big plus for me
I can see what you mean from wearing out on shooters, but it's not like Uncharted 3 did shooting or platforming particularily well. The first game shooting masterfully and made platforming quick, the second made shooting a little easier than I would have liked and platforming sometimes became obnoxious when the game focused on it.
3. Improved melee combat that was actually fun to experiment with this time around.
I'm not even going to comment on how bad the melee system was. I think I might be able to pull up a few paragraphs I wrote from the past on how bad it was.
4. The best set pieces in the series. The boat part is among the most jaw-droping levels this whole gen for me
Lol. The best set piece in the series is when the game wasn't trying to go for set pieces, like Uncharted 1 and infiltrating the entire fortress. I don't even know when Uncharted became the set piece franchise, in ND's mind, 2 didn't have that many anyways.
so no, its not only because of set pieces and visuals
The game stunk all around, agreed. The visuals were gorgeous, agreed
I respect your opinions but I... disagree :)
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