[QUOTE="halokillerz"]360 analog sticks are better than the ps3's. Why? their positions on the controller, which is far more important than the negligible 10 and 8 bit difference of each controller. Also, the shape of the top of the analog sticks make it better to use. This is not my opinion, it is fact. U just spew out some numbers without taking into consideration their actual applicable effects. You wanted actual reasons, this reason alone makes the 360 controller better than the ps3 controllers. The ps3 has a better d-pad and motion sensing but analog sticks are much more important since its used in more games. I like how the ps3's controller supports usb charging except for the part where the wire is so short that u cant plug and play which totally destroys half its use. Also, it isnt hard to invest in rechargeable AA batteries which counters the rechargeable argument, and u can use the batteries for other electronics too :O Just for fun, ill throw in the fact that u have the option to buy a cheaper wired controller that also works on the pc, and most games support it very well.arkephonic
Let me show you how facts and opinions differ from each other.
The preference of position and shape of the top of the analog sticks on the PS3 and 360 controller is an opinion. For instance, I prefer the position and shape of the top of the PS3 analog sticks over the 360 analog sticks. There's a reason I didn't mention that in the OP, it is just an opinion, it holds no weight in any argument what so ever. The fact that you prefer the position and shape of the 360 analog stick is meaningless. It is a FACT that the PS3 Dualshock 3 controller uses 10-bit analog precision, whereas the 360 controller uses 8-bit analog precision. 10-bit analog precision is superior to 8-bit analog precision. That is a fact. This means that it is a FACT that the PS3 analog sticks are better because they are more precise.
Funny how you bring up rechargable AA batteries. Those don't come with a 360, you have to go buy them seperately. Well guess what? The USB connector cable for the PS3 Dualshock 3 is a universal USB connector cable, the same one included with most USB devices and sold almost everywhere. You claim that the cable to charge a PS3 Dualshock 3 controller is "so short that u cant plug a play". You can go to the store and buy a 25 foot USB connector cable, problem solved.
You're not very good at this whole argument thing. Your "opinions" don't measure up very well to my facts. 8)
So buying rechargeable batteries is a negative to the 360 controller, but buying a 25 foot cable for the DS is all right?
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