And I find it funny how you insist on ignoring something as important as ergonomics. Its not a coincidence that so many people bring up how comfortable the 360 controller is, it was designed that way. As crazy as it sounds, there is a general trend in human anatomy that developers can look at when designing a controller. For example, a concave surface for analog sticks offers a better grip to human thumbs which are convex, fingers are less likely to slip when pressing a trigger then the L2/R2 buttons, and so on. These are just as much facts as what you listed but you don't seem to care. Both controllers have their ups and downs (the D-pad on the 360 controller is remarkably useless), and everyone will have their own preferences (who knows, maybe your hands genuinely are better suited for the DS3), but when the point of a controller is to control, comfort and ease of use are just as important as feature list.[QUOTE="chaosflare44"][QUOTE="arkephonic"]
Lol, I know, right?
It's like, "Hey guys, the sky is blue". "Yeah, nice opinions there TC"!!!!
The problem with that is comfort is purely subjective. I don't care if 100 million dollars was spent on research and development designing the shape of the 360 controller. There are many people that find the DS3 to be more comfortable, making it a debatable issue. It would be like arguing over what is a better game, Grand Theft Auto 4 or Super Mario Galaxy, you won't get anywhere with that argument because it is all based on personal preference, just like the comfort of the DS3 and 360 controller is based purely on preference.
Things like the DS3 having 10-bit analog precision vs the 360 8-bit analog precision is a fact, not debatable, not an opinion like comfort is.
For example, saying the PS3 has a blu ray drive and the 360 uses a DVD drive is a fact, it isn't debatable. It isn't something you can debate about it, it is set in stone.
The DS3 has a pressure sensitive D-Pad and face buttons. That is a fact, not debatable, not an opinion like comfort is.
The DS3 has Sixaxis motion control, while the 360 controller doesn't nor does it have anything even similar to it. That is a fact, not debatable, not an opinion like comfort is.
By default, the DS3 uses a rechargable lithium ion battery, while the 360 controller uses AA batteries. That is a fact, not debatable, not an opinion like comfort is.
The Dual Shock 3 has a wider range of motion along with higher precision with the D-Pad. The problem with the current Xbox 360 controller's D-pad is that there is too much give in the plastic piece that sits on top. Also, the circular cut-out is not always lined up perfectly to fit inside the controller's casing, so the edges can hit the controller too. Long story short, the defects in design lead to accidental directional commands and ultimately frustrated gamers. That is a fact, not debatable, not an opinion like comfort is.
Something I forgot to add in the original post is that the DS3 uses blutooth connectivity, which is superior to the wireless connectivity used in the 360 controller. That is a fact, not debatable, not an opinion like comfort is.
Nailed'em good, but no matter how many facts you pull out, ppl will still believe in the "X-box controller is better" crap.And that is a fact.
For me the 360 controller sucks big time, it's big and chunky and the position of the analog sticks annoys me.And that is my opinion.
The DS3 is more eco friendly, just think how many americans don't get rechargable batteries ?And the battery in the DS3 last at least for me, for 3-4 days with 8 hours sessions per day !!!
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