Now you're making an argument based on ignorance because your 3rd party games have failed you, when our exclusive games have far surpassed the fond memory you had of that old 3rd party console port.
the fact that no TPS game has better gunplay than Max payne 3. only people who never played it disagree.
Most people don't play Max Payne 3 for more than ten hours. As someone with 1200 hours, I can tell you that most people who have played it have a shallow understanding/appreciation of it.
Also, screw the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy. This is what the gunplay of TR should be like:
Not this lame crouching auto-cover shit. I want a Tomb Raider game again that's not so automated in the platforming department, doesn't have such obnoxious amounts of axe climbing and goes nuts with the combat. A minimalist story would be preferable too. My favorite Tomb Raider of the last few years was Lara Croft GO. It had better puzzles, a more visually appealing Lara and I appreciated the more gamey storytelling. I also found the quiet solitude of older Tomb Raiders and GO relaxing. I want Lara to barely talk and have next to zero companions and no radio contacts.
Now you're making an argument based on ignorance because your 3rd party games have failed you, when our exclusive games have far surpassed the fond memory you had of that old 3rd party console port.
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I see, a tough man to please, but I think I got whatcha looking for;
2018 exclusive powered by almighty PC! And all you need to do is point and click.
Now you're making an argument based on ignorance because your 3rd party games have failed you, when our exclusive games have far surpassed the fond memory you had of that old 3rd party console port.
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I see, a tough man to please, but I think I got whatcha looking for;
2018 exclusive powered by almighty PC! And all you need to do is point and click.
how's that? ?
Multiplatform games >>> Sony exclusives
Had way more fun with Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry 5 and Sekiro just this year than with the likes of God of War and Spider-Man. My Switch has better games too.
Not in a terms of gameplay, not in a terms of animation. no third person game let alone TPS still has surpassed max payne 3. i mean what the hell happened?
You relying on 3rd party developers to supply all of your AAA game content would be choice #1.
That's what happens when you buy into narratives like, "Exclusives don't matter, 3rd party games are all I need." yeah aite.
Now you're making an argument based on ignorance because your 3rd party games have failed you, when our exclusive games have far surpassed the fond memory you had of that old 3rd party console port.
You said you were thinking of getting a PS5 before right? Well if you do you'll have a chance to have all your previous expectations shattered by greatness.
PC loyalists have such a confusing community. You guys claim you have the best of everything, but then prove with posts like these that you are missing out on the main thing that matters the most; the industries most awe inspiring and unforgettable AAA game experiences, which usually happen to be console happens EVERY generation.
Geez and you really thought Max Payne 3 was the benchmark for 3rd person game animations in 2019?
Max Payne 3 animations are honestly PS2 level, Yikes! So much for the master race.
I would not be interested in PS4 exclusive even they are multiplats. case in point. heavy rain, detroit and other david cage games coming to PC. or is heavy rain already released??
I dont even care about them. dont care about horrizon, uncharted or last of us. although death stranding is only thing that looks interesting but its not enough for me to buy PS4..
the story, characterization, the bullet time gameplay of max payne apeal me.
The great thing about Max Payne 3 it doesn't hold your hand like so many other modern TPS it's a rarity. I love the fact that there is no health regeneration in MP3. In my opinion regenerating health ruined games and made them to easy and for casuals just look at what the Battlefield series use to be before they turned into a COD clone same goes for alot of other titles.
The great thing about Max Payne 3 it doesn't hold your hand like so many other modern TPS it's a rarity. I love the fact that there is no health regeneration in MP3. In my opinion regenerating health ruined games and made them to easy and for casuals just look at what the Battlefield series use to be before they turned into a COD clone same goes for alot of other titles.
actually Max Payne 3 was release at the time when health regen was trend, cover shooters were trend, COD popularity was at peak and gaming was incredibly dumbed down.
Max payne 3 among them was a masterpiece and it broke the modern cover TPS back then.
I enjoyed the first half of Max Payne 3 but had a really hard time pushing through to the end. The story just wasn't there for me. The first two games were far better story wise.
God Of War....... Horizon: ZD...... both 3rd person and better games..
Agreed. Horizon Zero Dawn shits all over Max Payne 3. I'm on my second playthrough right now and it's still fun and the graphics definitely hold up. The combat mechanics also give you numerous different options and playstyles, especially because of the use of bombs and traps.
I don't have as fond memories of Max Payne 3 as you do. Great graphics, story and presentation, but isn't the gameplay incredibly repetitive?
That's why I play the multiplayer, when I can find players in Free Aim. Way more depth, much more room to experiment with the different guns, smarter enemies.
i'm enjoying replaying it but i've been surprised at how cut scene heavy it is. from what i've played so far (over half way in) it's ostensibly more of a "movie" game than the uncharted games
Absolutely, I love some of the improvements they made to the franchise.
Being able to dual wield any two guns, and the fact that you can't hold on to a whole arsenal of guns, but have to think tactical and on your feet. Love how Max Payne can now bump into objects.
I liked the inclusion of cover as well, it's not boring pop shots like in Gears of War.
You can now keep laying on your back as well, before getting up.
But hate some other changes, like getting rid of the graphical novels.
Max Payne 3 only has one thing going for it and that's the loop between pulling a trigger and the bullets hitting goobers. Admittedly it feels fucking fantastic, but the rest of the combat sucks. He is a typical Rockstar character who stumbles n bumbles around as he moves, there is butters landing lag on that dive move he normally had, a gimped weapon wheel, cover shooting, the whole 9 yards. Added bonus Rockstar made sure the overall pace of that game is a really shitty movie disguised as a video game.
**** topping Max Payne 3 after the fact, Vanquish was dunking on that shitty game 2 years prior. And I've had more satisfying combat encounters in PUBG before they added FP mode (because after that why play TPS mode?) than I ever do with the one n done affair that is Max Payne 3.
I'v picked up playing Max Payne 3 several times because it's an awesome game, and I really enjoy the badass Max Payne. And for it's time it was ahead of most 3rd party games, if not all, especially the shooting part. But after being used to the flow of Uncharted 4, God of war 4, Horizon zero dawn, and even TLOU which is a last gen game, there are some annoyances with MP3. The in and out of cutscenes can be annoying, with small parts of gameplay in-between. TLOU has similar problem, but with less loading so it feels natural. And it has some of the best story and acting in a game, so it's excused.
Nowadays they are doing cutscenes in-game with the engine, which feels a lot better, with the gameplay areas being bigger with more options.
But I am hoping for a next Max Payne or a John Wick type game. Please, somebody skilled, make a game with John Wick.
If so, I highly recommend Sairento. Basically all the stuff you mentioned is in there. You can wield guns akimbo and, because of the hand controllers, aim in two different directions. You can have a sword in your right hand and slide (by phyically crouching in the real world after jumping) at enemies to slice them while shooting at enemies with a gun in your left hand. You can wall run, double-jump onto the ceiling, jump against a wall than backflip off it and shoot at people upside down (again, by physically in the real world throwing your hands up).
Pretty sure you burn about 1000 calories an hour when you play this game hahahaha.
There's bow and arrows, throwing stars, futuristic guns, and all that's basically a cyberpunk ninja simulator with a healthy dose of Hong Kong action movie in there. In-game footage does not really do it justice, but I will include a video below. It is a really hard game to be good at and you can see all these folks just panting after a single level. Obviously it suffers from some of the typical VR issues (low production values, sub-par visuals, etc.) but the gameplay is just top notch. Try to find a video of someone who is good at the game lol. This game and a couple others are why I want a full-room VR setup haha
Max Payne 3 only has one thing going for it and that's the loop between pulling a trigger and the bullets hitting goobers. Admittedly it feels fucking fantastic, but the rest of the combat sucks. He is a typical Rockstar character who stumbles n bumbles around as he moves, there is butters landing lag on that dive move he normally had, a gimped weapon wheel, cover shooting, the whole 9 yards. Added bonus Rockstar made sure the overall pace of that game is a really shitty movie disguised as a video game.
**** topping Max Payne 3 after the fact, Vanquish was dunking on that shitty game 2 years prior. And I've had more satisfying combat encounters in PUBG before they added FP mode (because after that why play TPS mode?) than I ever do with the one n done affair that is Max Payne 3.
the gunplay in max payne 3 blow any third person game out of water.
Max is not typical rockstar character. he is one of the most well written gaming character ever. and also the most depressing character who lost everything but still badass. he is perfect example of anti hero.
Vanquish is lame fast gears of war clone with terrible shooting plus story and levels are design only for sliding. waste of time.
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