[QUOTE="njean777"]well im gonna say when i look at the title Gran Turismo 5 Prologue i say to myself well this must be a game before the real game releases. Prologue is a introduction to the real deal or story in the case of most books. Now when i see this and they are only charging 40 dollars for it i dont mind because since it says prologue then that already means just by having PROLOGUE in the title it is not the real GT5 so it wont be the real full price of 60$. Now lets put it into simpler terms: Yes GT5P is a full game.
Because you get everything that the title promises its a prologue it is the Introduction to the full game which is what GT5p is suppose to be.
Now about Banjo and VP2. I love VP i have 2 and i think its great would i have paid 60$ for iy probably not. Its doesnt have to much more content and is not worth 60$. Banjo on the other hand i am suprised i dont think rare is really to sure about this game IMO. They have seemed to make a lot of people mad with what they did to the formula. So they just said make it 40$. Thats my opinion anyways.
What's with cows you're still here well then I guess I have to address you.
1. in bold what does what you say in your 1st paragraph have to do with the topic title? and your analogy to aprologue in a book, so would you pay 66% of waht the book costs for the prologue, huh?
But in simpler terms for you let's see what game spot say about GT5P
"Gran Turismo 5 Prologue's price tag goes some way toward addressing the fact that this isn't nearly as comprehensive an offering as a full Gran Turismo release, but paying 25 pounds (or US$40) for what is essentially an extended demo of an upcoming game still doesn't represent good value for the money. If you're willing to overlook the dearth of content, the lack of damage modelling, and the problems with online play then by all means get behind the wheel. Otherwise, you're probably better off waiting for Gran Turismo 5 proper"
the topic by the way was about MS offering full games to unfinished games for the same price..no one debated that but instaed tried to damage control about there demo.. since I set that staright and no one can really debate the thread topic /thread
hmmm ... you know the meaning of PROLOGUE? look it up, thank you... who says its an extended demo? and plus, even the DEVELOPERs say that it's not a full game... maybe you have a point, but heck this threads failing dude...
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