[QUOTE="GUNpoint_"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"] Its the most over-rated RPG this gen.. Its dumbed down every way possible to let the user think very little in any decision making..
Character deveolpment? None you can have all skills at the get go and it doesn't matter if they are major or minor they all can be maxed out.. So what you have is a thief-Mage-Fighter every time.. Infact the only way to be the best is gimp yoru self by picking major skills you never use..
Dialogue and decision making? None dialogue has no real decision making that makes a difference basically its alittle as possible for your character go from A to B.. There is NO CONSQUENCES WHAT SO EVER... You can be a evil bad ass at the same time as being the leader of the goodly fighters guild.. Top that off this game is more of a weak sauce action adventure game where you cheese swings while capitalizing on the dumb combat AI..
It gets even better when EVERYTHING IS LEVELED TO YOU.. Meaning in the end it tries to be a action adventure game where people who don't wnat to think can enjoy.. I have noticed that the majority of people who love Oblivion don't play other great rpgs much, go figure right? Lets move on to items, they are pointless they level up with you and they break immersion completely ... In the end this is the main example of what a game SHOULD NOT DO, it has been dumbed down in every perspective to what makes a good rpg.
huh? i've been playing RPG's ever since i got my hands on FF7 & Chrono Cross way back in the PS days. and no, Oblivion isn't trying to be an action/adventure game. thats what sets Oblivion apart from other RPG's. you can make it whatever you want to be. a stealth game, action game, a little of both, or whatever else you want. YOU CAN DO THIS WITH JUST ABOUT EVEYR GREAT RPG GAME.. THE DIFFERENCE IS YOU CAN DO THIS AT ANY MOMENT POSSIBLE.. Making it a weak sauce action game.. I didn't realize the mage thats scrawny due to study so hard with spell craft can come around and split a giant orc in two witha 20 lb battle axe.
and what are you talking about items level up with you? you mean that Umbra's strength is 33 by the time you reach 100 in strength & longblade skill? ok? how is that bad?
BECAUSE THAT IS THE DEFINITION OFA ACTION ADVENTURE GAME.. LOL.. Very few thigns get harder they just change alitle bit more subjtle fo rhte most part most of them are the exact same difficulty as they were at level 1.. Didn't know youc an complete 99% of the game including the main quest at level 2..
sweet, so basically, this is what you wanted. all items & weapons never increase in damage, & remain as is from beginning to end. ok, so lets say i make a new character, and get Umbra. level 33 blade being used by a level 1 character. ok, i'd basically kill everything with one shot. sounds like fun.
Your genious or lack thereof ceases to amaze me.. Because ina static enviroemnt you wouldn't be capable of getting the item at a very long time because Umbra would be a very high levle tough customer.. Also i would like to point ou that Umbra is really the only HAND PLACEDITEM IN THE ENTIRE GAME..
and since when do action adventure games have enemies that level up with you?
LOL if they all level up with you as you level up.. There is no difference in gameplay it would be just as if you never had a leveling system and theya ll stayed the same..
since when do you even level up in action games? i'm pretty sure that in God of War, that cyclops i killed in the beginning was just as strong as the other cyclops i killed near the end of the game.
LOL just like the majority of creatures in Oblivion.. Make matters worse everything is elveled including gear with no handplaced stuff.. Meaning? There is NO POINT IN EXPLORING.. Because teh first dungeon that you come to will have the exact same things to offer as every other in the game.. You ahve far less meaningful decision making then the majority of rpgs I have ever played.
as for dialogue, sorry, we can't all be KOTOR or Mas Effect.
What a pitiful excuse when your trying to argue abou ta game where your able to do everything with tons of choices.. If this is true where is the choices in dialogue? There are noen, this game was aweful and required very little thought to compelte.. Did your ealize you could beat the entire game at level 2?
you've never played Oblivion. go into an Oblivion gate and try to shut it with a level 2 character. unless you have 500 strong health potions, it won't happen. and i can't change your tastes in games, and i could even make fun of your grammar, but i won't. this thread wasn't meant to be a flame war. i just wanted to hear peoples thought on the matter.
and yes, you do need to explore in Oblivion to get good gear. finding a full armor set of Daedric armor is pretty tough. and Oblivion does have tons of choices, but not much when it comes to dialogue decision making. imo, KOTOR was the best game for that.
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