There's quite a lot that could be said about those blind SONY lovers who condem him, especially with quotes like : He should be imprisoned for life!!! He's scum!!! OMG, GO SONY!!!
He's not to blame for piracy, he not to blame for all the hackers on games like COD. He can't control other people, information on the other should be free. Should we condem Wikipedia for the VAST amount of potentially dangerous information it shares?
He doesn't have control over them no. The same way you don't have control over a pack of rabid dogs. If you open the cage & those dogs go off & attack stuff, you should be responsible.
Except that's not even similar to what he's done.
What he's done is made public a way to do what you wish with the PS3. People will do illegal things, no doubt, some will use it for more noble, or less harmful things.
Should the fella who discovered Alcohol be held accountable for the COUNTLESS deaths a year, due to abusing it? Of course not, nor shoudl geo be held accountable for the countless people who will abuse his method.
Perhaps if devs focused less on people pirating their titles, and actually making them worth purchasing new, less people would pirate them. After playing GOW3 I almost sympathise with pirates (4 hours of garbage for £40? No thanks)
Should information not be free?
Creating something with value that can have dangerous applications is definitely a moral gray area that isn't distinctly "wrong." But Geohotz didn't "create" when he hacked the system and released the numbers to the public. There are definitely moral gray areas with hacking systems and the like. And maybe this is one of those moral gray areas. But, increasingly, it seems to me to be a reckless action done primarily for the sake of notoriety, with downsides that outweight he functionality that will come from this. Previously, people made claims that he did "not support piracy" and "resorted to the codes to bring back what Sony removed" and these claims made it seem like more of a dubious gray area to me. However, they turned out to be false.
You mentioned previously that PS2 sold amazing, but sometimes the games did not. Quite a few of them were just making by and are small miracles for ever being released. The later installments of the highly regarded Fatal Frame series, for example.
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