Didn't see this posted so I'm going for it!
I didn't think this day would ever come the man who tried to ban the likes of GTA4 as well as other M rated games, has, while not single handedly, gotten a game canceled. That game, School Shooter: North American Tour. Or something like that. Now, all we need to do to judge this game is the title and some locations, like Virginia Tech and Columbine, to really make a persuesive argument about why this this should never see the light of day. While I think we, system warriors, can all agree the guy is still an all around dick, I think this game being canceled is something system wars can also agree on.
Seriously, a game, where you shoot people, in a high school or college, based on real events. Can you think of a more politically incorrect, obscene, tasteless piece of trash. I didn't think so.
Edit: LOL! I forgot the link!
It happened :P
And sorry about the n4g link, can't link to google translate.
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