[QUOTE="DerpyMcDerp"]Yea I was too. Over sensitive people on this planet FTL not sure if serious. if so, the families of the victims would like to have a word with you.Bullcrap, I was looking forward to playing that game :evil:
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[QUOTE="DerpyMcDerp"]Yea I was too. Over sensitive people on this planet FTL not sure if serious. if so, the families of the victims would like to have a word with you.Bullcrap, I was looking forward to playing that game :evil:
[QUOTE="millerlight89"][QUOTE="DerpyMcDerp"]Yea I was too. Over sensitive people on this planet FTL not sure if serious. if so, the families of the victims would like to have a word with you. Then let them. It's a game, nothing more. I'll be waiting on that "word." :roll:Bullcrap, I was looking forward to playing that game :evil:
Well it seems fairly logical to conclude, that if a movie can cause an act of violence, then so can a game, in which you are from a psychological perspective at least equally immersed in, possibly more even. I want to make it clear however, that in general I don't believe violent video games cause acts of real life violence. I often argue against those who say they do, but an extremely specific and real situation could have an adverse affect on an already troubled and mentally ill individual.
You could even look at it this way, what if a sick individual who was going to commit a school shooting regardless of whether there was a game about it or not, just so happens to play the game. Then, the game immediately becomes linked to the shooting, thereby causing a scourge from the media against all video games which contain violence, even if they are most certainly not going to cause real life violence. Also just for future reference, citing yourself as one example isn't going to provide much merit to anyone in the scientific or medical community.
This about Video game Violence not movie violence..Show me a link between those two...Cause your talking like you know so much right now...
I could link you numerous studies and websites citing a correlation between video game violence and real life violence, however I myself hardly believe any of them, so what use would that be? As for the relation between video game and movie violence, it isn't that hard to see where I'm coming from. They're both visual entertainment mediums that cater to a level of immersion. Btw, perhaps if you read my previous post a little closer you would find that I am by and large agreeing with your assesment that video games do not actually cause real life violence.:?
Just so you know...People kill People...Video games,and movies don't...
okay. logic time. put yourself in the shoes of a parent who has lost her precious child in columbine. all of the sudden, a game is coming out where you shoot up the kids in the same massacre your child died in. if i was in that situation, heads would be rolling.taterfrickintot
While admitidly I don't know all the logistics of the game, I doubt the game takes place in Columbine or Virginia tech. On that point it's Logic time once again. Put yourself in the shoes of a father whos child became a prostitute and was beaten to death in the streets of New York, along comes grand theft auto that you can emulate that crime.
You could propose this to almost any unfortunate violence in video games, hell even Heavy Rain could be taken down due to this type of arguement. What if I lost my kid in a mall and he got hit by a car? Or kidnapped by a serial killer and murdered?
While all terrible situations for those individuals to be in, I don't see how that should effect my abillity to convey this in a game format. I'm not saying this game was in good taste at all, personally I doubt I would ever buy/play it at all. But I will defend peoples right to create content such as this, I put my vote of disaprooval of content on with my wallet. Of course this was a mod that wouldn't garner sales anyways, I still see no reason to not allow people to download and play it.
[QUOTE="millerlight89"]Then let them. It's a game, nothing more. I'll be waiting on that "word." :roll:taterfrickintotokay. logic time. put yourself in the shoes of a parent who has lost her precious child in columbine. all of the sudden, a game is coming out where you shoot up the kids in the same massacre your child died in.if i was in that situation, heads would be rolling.There's no logic in that situation just emotions.
This about Video game Violence not movie violence..Show me a link between those two...Cause your talking like you know so much right now...
I could link you numerous studies and websites citing a correlation between video game violence and real life violence, however I myself hardly believe any of them, so what use would that be? As for the relation between video game and movie violence, it isn't that hard to see where I'm coming from. They're both visual entertainment mediums that cater to a level of immersion. Btw, perhaps if you read my previous post a little closer you would find that I am by and large agreeing with your assesment that video games do not actually cause real life violence.:?
Just so you know...People kill People...Video games,and movies don't...
Just so you know...I've already acknowledged that. Are you that stubborn that you can't see that for the most part I am agreeing with in that video games don't cause violence?
okay. logic time. put yourself in the shoes of a parent who has lost her precious child in columbine. all of the sudden, a game is coming out where you shoot up the kids in the same massacre your child died in.if i was in that situation, heads would be rolling.There's no logic in that situation just emotions.[QUOTE="taterfrickintot"][QUOTE="millerlight89"]Then let them. It's a game, nothing more. I'll be waiting on that "word." :roll:Rockman999
yeah and, if i was in that situation, i'd ignore it.
[QUOTE="millerlight89"][QUOTE="DerpyMcDerp"]Yea I was too. Over sensitive people on this planet FTL not sure if serious. if so, the families of the victims would like to have a word with you.Bullcrap, I was looking forward to playing that game :evil:
the victims of what? the game? lol!
I'm clad that this MOD got canceled. Games are getting bad press enough already. This MOD wasn't helping at all and was just giving more ammunition for game haters. +1 for mr. Thompson.
The westminister baptist churches rallies are just as much in bad taste and disgust me, although courts have ruled its freedom baby, censorship is evil not the games people want to make. Allowing anyone to have control over what gets released is a slippery slope which will lead to mothers grousp banning mortal combat and Halo. Dont want it? dont buy it....
[QUOTE="millerlight89"][QUOTE="DerpyMcDerp"]Yea I was too. Over sensitive people on this planet FTL not sure if serious. if so, the families of the victims would like to have a word with you.Bullcrap, I was looking forward to playing that game :evil:
Would the families of anyone who has ever been shot like to have a talk with every person whos ever played a shooter game...Your argument has no validity
[QUOTE="TacticalDesire"][QUOTE="BedBugMan"] :lol: You aint kidding. Every TV show I watch like Law and Order depicts video games in such a horrible light... heck and some movies do too. They always depict the average gamer as being some overweight, bearded, fat guy with glasses, possibly in his mother's basement, but he's always delusional.millerlight89
Exactly, it certainly wouldn't help the industry to have a game like this.
I hate to break it to you, but as long as we have games with killing in it, it will always be viewed the same.And movies just get to skip it? no no no, Movies and video games are one in the same in terms entertainment in this subjects regard. Any thinking otherwise is delusional, and theres obviously alot of delusion going around because people keep wanting to seperate the two and treat video game content more harshly by censering. Video games came out when I was young, and they targeted my generation, as I grew up so did the games. At 31 years old I AM THE VIDEOGAME GENERATION! The problem is the next few generations of kids also latched onto gaming as there hobby, love, pastime and they are younger, but still want to play the games that are targeted to me (aka all the kiddies playing COD). Somehow the old people/parents today that did not have video games when they were young seem to have this idea that gaming is and always should be considered for kids and did not watch with interest as my generation (og gamers) and games grew up together. Public perception needs to change.
[QUOTE="millerlight89"][QUOTE="DerpyMcDerp"]Yea I was too. Over sensitive people on this planet FTL not sure if serious. if so, the families of the victims would like to have a word with you. Honestly dont care what they think about it. they dont have to play it.Bullcrap, I was looking forward to playing that game :evil:
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