Carried over from other thread.
Let's set aside the ultra petty whining about "Waaah he insulted the PS3 Waaah!" and whatever and actually take a good look at what he has actually been saying about RAGE.
What i think is that Carmack is missed the boat. If we look at quake 4 today it fankly looks like ass, this is becuase his design philosophy is one which always attempts to push the bounderies of graphical prowess but always ends up somehow looking out-dated. Case in point Doom 3, again big on the tech side of things especilly the Textures BUT it's lighting methods (just like that of Quake 4) leave much to be desired, Especially when you consider this came out the same year as Half Life 2. His engines are always feature packed but always lack a sense of realism, i find this is the case with Rage.
Right back to the interveiw. He comments on how the lighting is infact mostly static in Rage, there is no day and night in this world and he is scripting the game almost entirely. I also think he misses the bout here too, Doom 3 again gives us a clue about his lacking of immersion in the visuals, sure it was pretty but it was never really living, this is my main concern about rage; It could actually be a modern carmack game i.e. pretty but dumb.
I've been trying to pin down my problem with the graphical side and i think it comes down mainly to how plastic things always look in hid post 2000 games. It's even more pronouced than in the UE3 which is ctiticised often for that waxy look, thinks have texture but never quite look realisic., it's very pronouced when you look at the game. Also the Sky, it just looks dead.
His design philosophy seems to be stuck in the past; his comments on the modding community is just wrong he obviously mised the indie game boat and hasn't heard of all those source based games like Zeno Calsh. His ideas about dynamic lighting being a liability i can kind of understand but the games i have plaed this gen that have immered me most (The STALKER Gmaes) have the utter polar opposite aprouch with it's full cycle, weather and A-Life. Honestly his comments on the PS3 are a side note, i find im almost totally irrelevant to modern gaming.
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