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Boo fricking hoo hoo hoo. Cry us a river you whining casuals, at least Nintendo is trying to do something different instead of giving us all the same recycled garbage like the next half assed FPS, amediocre platformer or some pathetic sanbox game that only white kids from the suburbs who think they are gangster play. Nintendo isn't retarded though ya know, they are still making hardcore games, they would be stupid not to and 3rd parties are backing them up with all sorts of games, instead of the 50th installment of Call of Duty or another horrid Jak and Daxter game.DSgamer64
Something different? Like Twilight Princess feelling dated? Or Metroid Prime 3 not really being all that innovative? DS ports? Having games look and feel like gamecube titles but with newly added controls that aren't good enough to make up for the lack of specs?
lol. Oh yeah. Nintendo are innovating their way out of the video game business and into selling excercise machines on the home shopping network.
[QUOTE="DSgamer64"]Boo fricking hoo hoo hoo. Cry us a river you whining casuals, at least Nintendo is trying to do something different instead of giving us all the same recycled garbage like the next half assed FPS, amediocre platformer or some pathetic sanbox game that only white kids from the suburbs who think they are gangster play. Nintendo isn't retarded though ya know, they are still making hardcore games, they would be stupid not to and 3rd parties are backing them up with all sorts of games, instead of the 50th installment of Call of Duty or another horrid Jak and Daxter game.Bread_or_Decide
Something different? Like Twilight Princess feelling dated? Or Metroid Prime 3 not really being all that innovative? DS ports? Having games look and feel like gamecube titles but with newly added controls that aren't good enough to make up for the lack of specs?
lol. Oh yeah. Nintendo are innovating their way out of the video game business and into selling excercise machines on the home shopping network.
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"][QUOTE="DSgamer64"]Boo fricking hoo hoo hoo. Cry us a river you whining casuals, at least Nintendo is trying to do something different instead of giving us all the same recycled garbage like the next half assed FPS, amediocre platformer or some pathetic sanbox game that only white kids from the suburbs who think they are gangster play. Nintendo isn't retarded though ya know, they are still making hardcore games, they would be stupid not to and 3rd parties are backing them up with all sorts of games, instead of the 50th installment of Call of Duty or another horrid Jak and Daxter game.DSgamer64
Something different? Like Twilight Princess feelling dated? Or Metroid Prime 3 not really being all that innovative? DS ports? Having games look and feel like gamecube titles but with newly added controls that aren't good enough to make up for the lack of specs?
lol. Oh yeah. Nintendo are innovating their way out of the video game business and into selling excercise machines on the home shopping network.
At least the Wii has games, something PS3 owners do not have. Enjoy your flops like Lair and Heavenly Sword, I can't believe that I though those games were actually going to be good. Anyone who has played Metroid will tell you that the control mechanics obliterate any console FPS in existance for smooth playing, I should know cause I already bought the freaking game. I am sure Metroid Prime 3 or Smash Bros Brawl could be done on the GC :roll:
Do not cry, poor cow/lemming, when your consoles stop getting games and 3rd parties devote their time to making good Wii games, maybe then you will get your head out of your ass and realise just how fun of a console it is. Enjoy your l33t graphics and watered down PC ports, at least I can be happy knowing I will be getting fun and innovative games.
The PS3 currently has zero games for purchase? Is that what you're saying?
Thats strange. Thats not what gamespot shows on the PS3 section. sure are hostile. I guess I'll just go play my dumb ol' 9.0 Bioshock. Poor me.
Oh and I never said the Wii wasn't fun. I said Metroid Prime 3 flopped. Which it did. Please leave the hyperbole for the fanboys.
Ummm, we've got Prime 3, Galaxy, SSBB, and 3rd party games like No More Heroes, RE: UC, Dewey and more. The hardcore is not being left out.BuddaX
Nintendo fanboys are not being left out.
The rest of us, yes, yes we are.
[QUOTE="BuddaX"]Ummm, we've got Prime 3, Galaxy, SSBB, and 3rd party games like No More Heroes, RE: UC, Dewey and more. The hardcore is not being left out.Bread_or_Decide
Nintendo fanboys are not being left out.
The rest of us, yes, yes we are.
no you just want to be like that, you awalays hated nintendo nice try :|
[QUOTE="Zhengi"][QUOTE="limpbizkit818"]:lol: Why would ANYONE want to play this?
It looks cool. I'm seriously considering getting it. It'll really complement my work out routine. :)
DDR should be on every gamers workout routine. That game rocks and the music is best. Who needs WiiFit.
older ppl don't like DDR as much because of the frantic pace. yoga is a completely different type of exercise.
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"][QUOTE="BuddaX"]Ummm, we've got Prime 3, Galaxy, SSBB, and 3rd party games like No More Heroes, RE: UC, Dewey and more. The hardcore is not being left out.wavebrid
Nintendo fanboys are not being left out.
The rest of us, yes, yes we are.
no you just want to be like that, you awalays hated nintendo nice try :|
Always? Not always. I owned every nintendo console except for the gamecube. Plus I played the Wii this weekend and enjoyed it quite a bit. I will own all three, it doesn't mean I have to like the Wii the most.
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"][QUOTE="BuddaX"]Ummm, we've got Prime 3, Galaxy, SSBB, and 3rd party games like No More Heroes, RE: UC, Dewey and more. The hardcore is not being left out.wavebrid
Nintendo fanboys are not being left out.
The rest of us, yes, yes we are.
no you just want to be like that, you awalays hated nintendo nice try :|
Exactly. He just wants to join the newly forming (and very snobbish) "hardcore" gamer. Hardcore gamers play everything. Everything. Not some elitist group who are too good for some games.[QUOTE="wavebrid"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"][QUOTE="BuddaX"]Ummm, we've got Prime 3, Galaxy, SSBB, and 3rd party games like No More Heroes, RE: UC, Dewey and more. The hardcore is not being left out.Bread_or_Decide
Nintendo fanboys are not being left out.
The rest of us, yes, yes we are.
no you just want to be like that, you awalays hated nintendo nice try :|
Always? Not always. I owned every nintendo console except for the gamecube. Plus I played the Wii this weekend and enjoyed it quite a bit. I will own all three, it doesn't mean I have to like the Wii the most.
that dosent mean you dont hate Nintendo :| go play ps3 and stop trolling
[QUOTE="wavebrid"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"][QUOTE="BuddaX"]Ummm, we've got Prime 3, Galaxy, SSBB, and 3rd party games like No More Heroes, RE: UC, Dewey and more. The hardcore is not being left out.BuddaX
Nintendo fanboys are not being left out.
The rest of us, yes, yes we are.
no you just want to be like that, you awalays hated nintendo nice try :|
Exactly. He just wants to join the newly forming (and very snobbish) "hardcore" gamer. Hardcore gamers play everything. Everything. Not some elitist group who are too good for some games.well his history proves my point :P
Nintendo themselves have been doing this since the DS. yet the DS still rocks because it is the dominant handheld and gets good 3rd party now as well. I see the wii becoming the same thing. well see most of the core gamer type games from 3rd party later.Ontain
but but its handheld it dosent count :P the psp has taking some of nintendo market :P
your right, But there no logic in ssytem wars :(
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"][QUOTE="wavebrid"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"][QUOTE="BuddaX"]Ummm, we've got Prime 3, Galaxy, SSBB, and 3rd party games like No More Heroes, RE: UC, Dewey and more. The hardcore is not being left out.wavebrid
Nintendo fanboys are not being left out.
The rest of us, yes, yes we are.
no you just want to be like that, you awalays hated nintendo nice try :|
Always? Not always. I owned every nintendo console except for the gamecube. Plus I played the Wii this weekend and enjoyed it quite a bit. I will own all three, it doesn't mean I have to like the Wii the most.
that dosent mean you dont hate Nintendo :| go play ps3 and stop trolling
Trolling? don't like my opinion so its the automatic troll labeling.
Heck I admitted that I enjoyed the Wii and will get one. But I won't lick its boot as gods gift to gaming.
Plus trolling is entering a thread and being contrary for flame bait purposes. I do believe this thread is about Nintendo abandoning gamers. Which is what I am discussing. Trolling would be going into the Wii Forum and saying what I'm saying. You want 100% Nintendo love? Thats what the Wii forum is for.
Oh and right now I prefer my 360, so I'll go play that.
Nintendo themselves have been doing this since the DS. yet the DS still rocks because it is the dominant handheld and gets good 3rd party now as well. I see the wii becoming the same thing. well see most of the core gamer type games from 3rd party later.Ontain
People love the DS. They just don't want to a console version of it.
Poor hardcores, casuals get Wii Fit, Endless Ocean.... and uh....
But all hardcores get are MP3, Super Mario Galaxy, SSBB, BW2, Fire Emblem, and Mario Kart from Nintendo!
If you think Sony is pathetic, well, just look at Nintendo's new direction.
By the way. EIGHT POINT FIVE. Pwnd.
Poor hardcores, casuals get Wii Fit, Endless Ocean.... and uh....
But all hardcores get are MP3, Super Mario Galaxy, SSBB, BW2, Fire Emblem, and Mario Kart from Nintendo!
Those games are for Nintendo fanboys. Ya know..the same crap nobody wanted a gamecube to play.
[QUOTE="metroidfood"]Poor hardcores, casuals get Wii Fit, Endless Ocean.... and uh....
But all hardcores get are MP3, Super Mario Galaxy, SSBB, BW2, Fire Emblem, and Mario Kart from Nintendo!
Those games are for Nintendo fanboys. Ya know..the same crap nobody wanted a gamecube to play.
Maybe YOU didn't want to play them, but a lot of us did. Stop being such a gaming snob, these will be good games(just look at the scores sites are giving Prime 3). Nintendo still makes great products for the "hardcore".[QUOTE="Ontain"]Nintendo themselves have been doing this since the DS. yet the DS still rocks because it is the dominant handheld and gets good 3rd party now as well. I see the wii becoming the same thing. well see most of the core gamer type games from 3rd party later.Bread_or_Decide
People love the DS. They just don't want to a console version of it.
nice theory. got proof? wii is outselling the ps3 and 360 every month for over half a year with now signs of stopping. it's game sales are also very high for a system what isn't a year old. seems like ppl love the wii also.
I'm a shooter buff, so I can't support the Wii. After Mario, and the Smash game come out, what does that leave for Nintendo except the mini-games? ZERO.ChiefFreeman
Um. Mario Kart Wii? Also the Zelda game that's being built from the ground up on the Wii.
Anyway, I must admit this article really got me down. However, it's still too early to throw in the title and state that Nintendo has completely abandoned the hardcore gamer. We've known for a while that they were going to focus on the casuals, their booth at Leipzig really shouldn't be too big of a surprise.
If Nintendo does completely abandon hardcore gamers, I'll be the first to lament. It's just too early.
Who cares how "hardcore" Nintendo is. I game on the 360 and PC and I'm not hardcore. Gaming isn't even my primary hobby. I play guitar, spend time with my girlfriend, watch movies, play games. If I like the games, graphics, and price of a console, maybe I'll get it. Is being a "hardcore" gamer something to be proud of? More power to Nintendo. Remember the NES?NES stood for Nintendo Entertainment System. The Wii seems to be entertaining people, casually or not.
[QUOTE="Ontain"]Nintendo themselves have been doing this since the DS. yet the DS still rocks because it is the dominant handheld and gets good 3rd party now as well. I see the wii becoming the same thing. well see most of the core gamer type games from 3rd party later.Bread_or_Decide
People love the DS. They just don't want to a console version of it.
Why wouldn't people want a console ds? Its one of the better systems in this generation...
no you just want to be like that, you awalays hated nintendo nice try :|
Always? Not always. I owned every nintendo console except for the gamecube. Plus I played the Wii this weekend and enjoyed it quite a bit. I will own all three, it doesn't mean I have to like the Wii the most.
that dosent mean you dont hate Nintendo :| go play ps3 and stop trolling
Trolling? don't like my opinion so its the automatic troll labeling.
Heck I admitted that I enjoyed the Wii and will get one. But I won't lick its boot as gods gift to gaming.
Plus trolling is entering a thread and being contrary for flame bait purposes. I do believe this thread is about Nintendo abandoning gamers. Which is what I am discussing. Trolling would be going into the Wii Forum and saying what I'm saying. You want 100% Nintendo love? Thats what the Wii forum is for.
Oh and right now I prefer my 360, so I'll go play that.
:roll: calling the wii a fad prove my point.
:roll: calling the wii a fad prove my point.
I honestly don't care what you think about me. Enjoy your floptastic Metroid Prime 3. Where's Nintendo hiding all that innovation sheep were bragging about?
[QUOTE="wavebrid"]:roll: calling the wii a fad prove my point.
I honestly don't care what you think about me. Enjoy your floptastic Metroid Prime 3. Where's Nintendo hiding all that innovation sheep were bragging about?
I know this wasn't directed at me, but I can't help it, I must respond...
I will enjoy my 'great' game. ;)
[QUOTE="wavebrid"]:roll: calling the wii a fad prove my point.
I honestly don't care what you think about me. Enjoy your floptastic Metroid Prime 3. Where's Nintendo hiding all that innovation sheep were bragging about?
Jeez, Bread, I remember when you were nice. Ever since the Wii came out, you've been all, "lol, casuals". Are you that shallow as to scoff at games that are not targeted to you in the first place, or even out at the moment. I thought hardcores play games, of any series, not complain about them to people who don't care. Metriod did flop, but it is a great game regardless, Gamespot even said so.
That said, I think you should be worrying about your own console first. Warhawk and Heavenly Sword seem to be in trouble at the moment.
:lol: Why would ANYONE want to play this?
and why would cows play 50 cent bullent proof? :roll:
A bit out of the blue, don't you think :?If Nintendo still cares about the hardcore, why have they been pushing this rhetoric at every single media event ever? E3 is a 'casual' event? Leipzig is a 'casual' event? If that's the case, what isn't a casual event?
Nintendo is showing journalists Brain Training and Wii Fit and telling them, "This is what we see as the future of gaming." How much clearer could they possibly be about their intentions?
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"][QUOTE="wavebrid"]:roll: calling the wii a fad prove my point.
I honestly don't care what you think about me. Enjoy your floptastic Metroid Prime 3. Where's Nintendo hiding all that innovation sheep were bragging about?
Jeez, Bread, I remember when you were nice. Ever since the Wii came out, you've been all, "lol, casuals". Are you that shallow as to scoff at games that are not targeted to you in the first place, or even out at the moment. I thought hardcores play games, of any series, not complain about them to people who don't care. Metriod did flop, but it is a great game regardless, Gamespot even said so.
That said, I think you should be worrying about your own console first. Warhawk and Heavenly Sword seem to be in trouble at the moment.
I spent last weekend having a blast with the 7.5 mario strikers charged on my friends Wii. I'm not anti-Wii. I am against pushing the industry away from games like that and toward wii fit and such nonsense.
I don't worry about my consoles. Their just machines. Good games will come. Some games will flop. Of course a flop doesn't mean a game is bad, but it does indeed mean its been over hyped by the fans. Everyone does it, and the sheep will have their turn when Heavenly Sword scores AA, after being hyped AAA.
As for my other console...Bioshock did just fine.
I think it's sad how Nintendo fanboys are protecting Wii and Nintendo despite the fact that Nintendo could care less for them. azad_champ
And you think Microsoft and Sony do care?
If Nintendo still cares about the hardcore, why have they been pushing this rhetoric at every single media event ever? E3 is a 'casual' event? Leipzig is a 'casual' event? If that's the case, what isn't a casual event?
Nintendo is showing journalists Brain Training and Wii Fit and telling them, "This is what we see as the future of gaming." How much clearer could they possibly be about their intentions?
The evidence is there, and has been there for a while, when it comes to Nintendo shifting their primary focus over to casual games. However, I have yet to see evidence that they are completely abandoning hardcore gamers, meaning they will never make another hardcore game again. The key word there being completely.
We won't know that until someone at Nintendo states,"We are no longer making any hardcore games...", or until later this generation when their output completely lacks hardcore games.
[QUOTE="azad_champ"]I think it's sad how Nintendo fanboys are protecting Wii and Nintendo despite the fact that Nintendo could care less for them. sexy_chimp
And you think Microsoft and Sony do care?
i am just taking a break of bioshock on my 360 andit is so intense its wonderfull so what did you say ?[QUOTE="sexy_chimp"][QUOTE="azad_champ"]I think it's sad how Nintendo fanboys are protecting Wii and Nintendo despite the fact that Nintendo could care less for them. legol1
And you think Microsoft and Sony do care?
i am just taking a break of bioshock on my 360 andit is so intense its wonderfull so what did you say ?Bioshock isn't a Sony or Microsoft game....
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