[sigh] Look under the surface.
--Microsoft's worldwide 360 sales in fiscal 2009 (April 1, 2009 - March 31, 2010): 8.8 million
[40.2 million sold as of March 31, 2010 - 31.4 million sold as of March 31, 2009] - link
--Sony's worldwide PS3 sales in fiscal 2009 (April 1, 2009 - March 31, 2010): 13 million - link
By March 31, 2010, 360 sales stood at 40.2 million and PS3 at 35.7. If sales remain even relatively constant the PS3 will be ahead of the 360 next year in worldwide sales. Period.
Have sales remained relatively constant? Let's see:
== NPD comparison, May 2009 vs. May 2010 ==
360 - May 2009: 175,000; May 2010: 194,600 (Up 19,600 units)
PS3 - May 2009: 131,000; May 2010: 154,500 (Up 23,500 units)
The answer, so far, is yes. Sony's year-over-year increases continue to be higher than the 360's. Assuming similar results worldwide, that would mean the PS3 is actually ahead of track to outselling the 360 next year.
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