Well Nintendo keeps Wii priced higher than 360, and you can argue 360 has as good if not better games than PS3 ( i own all 3)
i think though if the PS3 gets close to the Wii's price, thats what NSMB Wii and Wii Fit Plus are for this fall, that will sell to casuals, then S&P2, SMG2, metroid, Pikmin 3, Zelda next year along with NMH2, DQ10 and nintendo PUBLISHING MONSTER hunter 3 (yea when nintendo wants to make IPs about catching monsters popular outside of Japan, THEY DO IT!) Wii's software for next year in 2010 is looking better if not at least on par with the other consoles (even if Zelda slips to 2011)
but a $250 or $300 PS3 would push Japanese consumers to buy that, nintendo doesn't want that, so as soon as a $300 PS3 ccaught a few weeks of steam in japan, i'd expect a $150-$180 Wii. or honestly, a Wii HD in 2011
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