Well you sure didn't read very well, because I have no clue what your reason is for bringing up budgets and moving sequels to handhelds. Also not sure where 'several' is coming from, because I know of no cancelled sequels and one game moving to the PSP (VC).
I said sales don't matter directly to gamers unless they either own stock in a company or they're so low that support for a console could be in danger, which isn't the case for any current gen console. If that's what you're disagreeing with I'm not sure why, but I can guess... I guess it's because you have difficulties with any situation where someone else is right. Well I have some bad news for you, you'll encounter more of those as you grow up..
You said sales don't matter to gamers, I told you they do (because of sequels). Then you told me to look for another post where you supposedly answered the same thing I just mentioned (which isn't true, you were talking about consoles there, not sequels).
1- The several comes from: Valkyrie Profile, DQ, Chrono games (SE's VP specifically said it was because of the sales), Valkyria chronicles, Megaten and a big etc.
Then there are the games that get ports instead of sequels to see how the game does nowadays.
2- Sales matter to gamers because several of our beloved franchises are being either, discontinued or "watered down" because of them (It works the other way around, too). I don't see why this is so hard to understand. Ask the millions of chrono trigger fans what they felt when they read this:
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