This statement blankets all possible systems, and is a hinderence to well thought out shooters.
For instance, and BF3 game that you play, you can tell the players going for K/D ratio rather than going for an actual win. When the attacking team on BF3 rush loads up half snipes, you can see half the team wanting to relax in relative safety and get some kills. However, what happens, is that team loses hard.
In COD and Halos, or other typical twitch shooters, k/d is what is played for. However, in some games, this just messes up the team balance. ( BF3 k/d is right next to 1, so I'm not the best nor worst player). I am mentioning this to see if people agree. I find team battles SO much more enjoyable when the team is working together as it should. When squads stick together and help each other out, the game is so much more nuanced and less frustrating. The people going for sheer k/d ratio in effect ruin team games such as BF3. I play BF3 with my wife, and it frustrates us both to see people with a high k/d ratio, but very few points. In BF3, when a game is over, the leaderboard is put up. Guess what gets higheston the list? Points! I wish k/d would not even be tracked so players wouldn't have to care and could play the objectives...wins>k/d in my opinion. a side note...what gives with the HUGE amount of 90+ assists (quite a few 100 assists!) BF3 has? Its ridiculous and frustrating that those don't show as you killing people! I'd like to see some kind of modified "k/d" ratio that takes into account suppresive fire, assists, kills, deaths, and maybe other factors to create a "skill" rating that you could easily see, disect, and understand, keeping people from playing mere k/d ratio and rather having them be rewarded for playing how the game was meant to be played.
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