This topic is locked from further discussion. , none of them look better than KZ2 , nice try though , nothing on consoles comes close to it YET.And btw it's not fanboy talking otherwise I'd say only U2 looks better and I don't even like KZ2 that much , I just ain't blind .
Gears 2 and Far Cry Not by a long shot. The other 3 aren't out so it's pointless to compare.Floppy_Jim
Oh thank God someone with sense in their words - QFT - the rest is fanboy BS .
I'm not going to get into a second fight but there is no source outside of this about the AA ni killzone 2.Deferred Shading does not allow for traditional AA. it only allows for blurring. Spout the stuff you have been doing for the last 3 pages to the actually developers and they would laugh you out of the building. It made me laugh. People like nhh18 WORSHIP Killzone 2. It's very hard to show them something, MANY games can't support AA, most (if not all) UE3 games can't support AA. This is not about hating on KZ2, this is about the facts and how the bovine population just ignores all of them to worship at the alter of KZ2.nhh18
The only thing graphical in nature that is superior about Gears 2 vs KZ2, is Gears2 has better character models. Everything else KZ2 easily bests Gears 2 in. I know this, and I'm a Gears fan.
all the other titles you listed aren't even out yet.... so they don't count. No game counts until its gone gold. Simply because there could be downgrades made to make framerate better, b4 release.
I'm not going to get into a second fight but there is no source outside of this about the AA ni killzone 2.
2x MSAA Anyways
Better than KZ2?
RE5: No
FarCry 2: No
Alan Wake: (getting better but...) No (only because of lighting)
Uncharted 1: The lighting/physics isn't as impressive...Still frame yes, in motion, No
Gears 2: No, normal mapping is what gives that game detail. Without that, its just a whole lot of sprites, muddy textures, and low polys, also, no wind tech makes it less immersive. (also, "glossy shaders
Lost Planet 2: Haven't seen enough to judge, so idk. I don't judge games on downsampled videos I watched, but rather what I have played, so keep waiting for this one.
First of all:
Lost planet 2 and alan wake arent even out and screen shots can be maximized for picture.
If you think gears of war 2 has better graphics then you are an uneducated gamer. Killzone's partical effects and textures are the best far. Uncharted 2 will change that, and God of war 3 will beat uncharted 2. Farcry 2 has GREAT graphics, but still not quite Killzone 2 material
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