Come on... Even the original Eyetoy had 640x480 resolution! I understand that this pertains to the infrared camera on the unit, but even so that's a pretty crappy downgrade. It's bad enough that they took out Kinect's dedicated processor to save money, but now they've cut the IR camera's resolution in half. I can't help but wonder what else Microsoft has ended up downgrading in order to keep the cost down.
This folks, is why Sony decided to pass on it. Yeah, the tech could be pretty keen if customers were willing to spend $400 on it, but the fact of the matter is that you're stuck with what's basically a glorified Eyetoy, and even in its most dumbed down state it still costs $120 more than the original Eyetoy. When Microsoft considers buying stuff in the future, I think they need to ask themselves "why didn't our competitors want this?" before they commit.
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