Looks like a masterpiece
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This generation of young adult gamers are so self-centered they don't take into account the younger gamers.
The director is Mark Cerny, the one who worked on Crash Bandicoot trilogy, so I expect it to be a bit more fun. The game is linear, and simple just like Crash, but the fun just isn't there. The story took itself a bit too serious, and the action is slow and boring.a fun little game but not $60 material. Dunno what people are expecting from it though
Knack has been the butt of everyone's jokes since E3. Watching this demo, it appears to be exactly what I thought it would be: a simple kid friendly game. Â This looks like what my nephew would enjoy, since he plays games like Kung Fu Panda. Â It's obviously not for you and me. And I most certainly wouldn't be surprised if it actually sells alot.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1BDG9JZgX4
This game looks beneath what the PS4 is supposed to be. The levels look linear, the combat seems dull and repetitive, and look at that death animation. What decade am I in again? Back to dead bodies being unaffected by gravity and physics.
I know the game's not out yet, but I just don't see Knack being on the level of Ratchet & Clank or Jak & Daxter. I predict that a few years from now, we'll look back at the PS4's launch and laugh at this sad attempt to establish a mascot.Sooshy
Consider the following, Knack is not aimed at you, Kids are going to want a ps4 or an xbox one , not all parents will allow young kids to play COD and would get them a game like knack. TBH i think there are not enough kid friendly games about, I won't play them but when i was a kid i liked kid games, i wanted to play mario, crash bandicoot and spyro. not Medal of honor, syphon filter and resident evil. kids don't care about physics and particle effects they want a fun game with a fun basis. I won't be interested in knack, but my nephew would love it.dvalo9
Spot on.
Consider the following, Knack is not aimed at you, Kids are going to want a ps4 or an xbox one , not all parents will allow young kids to play COD and would get them a game like knack. TBH i think there are not enough kid friendly games about, I won't play them but when i was a kid i liked kid games, i wanted to play mario, crash bandicoot and spyro. not Medal of honor, syphon filter and resident evil. kids don't care about physics and particle effects they want a fun game with a fun basis. I won't be interested in knack, but my nephew would love it.dvalo9
lol that game looked like shit the first time they showed it. IDK why people were getting boners for it. I guess cows have extremely low standards. mems_1224
You mean like lems do over Ryse?
God of war for kids
That's exactly what it looks like to me. However Cerny says there are difficulty options to adjust the game for a more grown up audience. He's intending this game for as large an audience as he can.
It's for kids, get over it
would you buy your kid that game
Just because it's a kid's game doesn't excuse it for looking like crap and uninteresting gameplay.
Say the "GAMER" who is playing Crackdownthe first crackdown was fun and still is the second one was not so much[QUOTE="mems_1224"]lol that game looked like shit the first time they showed it. IDK why people were getting boners for it. I guess cows have extremely low standards. soapman72
PS4 fans better be glad theres multiplats because that launch line up is horrible, knack average at best, drive club might get.delayed, killzone is about the best looking one out.the bunch but thats gonna get swallowed by the cod and battlefield, indie and f2p games. There will be no AAA exclusive from sony for about a year.
Sorry it's a fact, cows need simplistic games, and Knack is the perfect game for themDavekeeh
Say the "GAMER" who is playing Crackdown Bet you I still play more games than you :lol:[QUOTE="mems_1224"]lol that game looked like shit the first time they showed it. IDK why people were getting boners for it. I guess cows have extremely low standards. soapman72
Interesting characters, interesting stories, child orientated, action packed, colourful....fun.
Talk about uninspired.
dat butthurt :lol:[QUOTE="mems_1224"][QUOTE="Davekeeh"]
It's for kids, get over it
[QUOTE="Davekeeh"][QUOTE="mems_1224"] dat butthurt :lol:WeepsForFools
Kinect is made for non gamers.
Says the guy that bashes every Kinect title ever. Hypocrite much?[QUOTE="WeepsForFools"][QUOTE="Davekeeh"]
Sorry it's a fact, kids need simplistic games, and Knack is the perfect game for themNathanDrakeSwag
Kinect is made for non gamers.
I'm done talking to fools.[QUOTE="Davekeeh"][QUOTE="mems_1224"] dat butthurt :lol:WeepsForFools
Knack should be a required play before children can fire a gun in COD or drive a warthog in Halo.
You gotta play with your building blocks before you can interract with the middle schoolers.
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