Sorry it's a fact, kids need simplistic games, and Knack is the perfect game for themmoistsandwich
Stereo-type. kids play anything. I don't remember playing simple sh!t as a kid.
On topic. Looks like a PS3 game. Are they just using it to fill the lauch line up of the PS4?
You're confused, a game can be simple yet challenging... for example: Geometry Wars, Super Meat Boy... two extremely challenging games, and probably 2 of the simplest games I can think of.
Your definition of simple is incorrect.
Games on the NES were often simple yet challenging.
"Kids need simplistic games"
I was responding to the above. I'm not confused, and I wasn't talking about challenege. I'm well aware simple does not mean easy and hard does not mean complex.
I was also playing more complex games as a kid. The idea that kids don't play complex games is nonsense.
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