This is from Kojima's latest blog. It seems people misenterpreted what Kojima meant when he said he wasn't satisfied with MGS4, or whatever it was. There is an interesting reason behind that, in it puts whoever downplayed MGS4 to some shame, it's pretty sad. (translated, so it might not be 100% correct)
I hate to say this myself, but i am a Japanese man, so i try to be modest, or even more. i dont wish to brag about it to say "OH I AM THE MGS4 GUY (it's true, he doesn't)" or to say "THIS IS THE BEST ONE", just like how AMERICANS brag stuff like this [i was a bit mad on this part...but then again, it is true...right?] i do enjoy myself, but in my mind i still think insufficient of myself. that's why i interview in Japanese, and SAI (translator) translates my side of the inteviews very well in English. Because the WEST does not heavily carry the idea of MODESTY, i am getting criticized in the magazines/blogs. in conclusion, on my recent comment about my disappointment with MGS4, the comments derived from "MGS4, inside the biggest PS3 Game" to "Hideo disappointed with MGS4" it was translated compeltely translated wrong due to cultural differences. There are several comments that is like the disappointment articles, like the one that says "Hideo think PS3 can't not handle the GAME" or "the 50GB Blu-ray is simply not enough." it's funny how others think "did Hideo really say that?" then ask me, and my answer is obviously "NO" but then...i guess i am responsible for all of the articles...from now one, i will say what i plan to say
for example, let's say this dveloper is making a new kind of a car. he claims that this can FLY. now there is no stop when you say "there is a car that can fly." When you claim that it can fly, the speculation grows from "oh so it can FLY?!!!" and the developer would set his goals higher. the specualtion is that if the car flies, then it should reach a MACH speed...but it doesnt stop'd go beyond the specualtion of then "it sholuld go into space!" with all the excitement around, the developer would go deeply into making the car going into space...however, he'll come up to the public and say the car reaches the MACH speed, but it fails to go into the space. but he shouldnt give up, because for a car to even reach a mach speed and go into air is revolutionary. i wished to trasnfer my thoughts like such, but i guess it didnt work very well
the next time i interview in America, i will just say "MGS4 is the BEST, THE END" it is shameful for a japanese man to speak so blatantly, but if i dont, things like this [above] can happen...MGS4 isnt exactly MY proerty, so i dont have a TOTAL control over it and sometimes i get confused with it. some may be disappointed the way i say things, but i do release the game with confidence. in fact that what i have been doing, not just this ps3 game, but my previous ps2 titles. i always reached for the higher goal and i try to go for it. even in my company, im learning a lot about media training, but i wanted to do more than just that and here i am with the interview. but this [like the incidents above] wont stop me from doing moer interviews, i mean its not like interviews have ratings. i wont QUIT!Kojima
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