At first
MGS4 is nothing like i expected it to be (= garbage)
MGS2 is the BEST !!!! (= not garbage)
I see a contadiction here ? Maybe he just made a mistake, and does not want it to affect sales of his unfinished, nothing like he expected to be game ?
No, its just as he says. Americans brag to much, and read things on the fly.
What he meant is that his creation was not what he wanted it to be. As he said in his car example, when you are making something, you picture the result in your head, and you think of something wonderful, and as you accomplish each step, you realise you can add something, and you do so. All this time, you have a misplaced image in your mind of how the final product will end. For example, Kojima wanted an exapansive world, with super realistic graphics. But as he advanced, he was getting stopped, because what he wanted was still not possible due to current technology. Ask an astronaut, and they will tell you that they joined to go to Marth, or farther, but in reality, there is a 90% possibility they wont go.
Kojima just wanted to create something amazing, and he did. But, he is Japanese, and should you know their culture, thing that you dont obviously, you would have known that they are very strict with themselves, and extremely hard working (main reason they have such a big suicide number in their adolescent age). He saw what he made, and it wasnt what he was imagining. So he was dissapointed that he couldnt reach his "goal". He wasnt disapointed at either the PS3 or the game.
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